Soldiers and Serpents //Scorb...

By Lucifurteeth

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Scorpius Malfoy thought he'd ride out the rest of his schooling at Hogwarts easily. That was until Albus Pott... More

Author's Note
1 Missy
2 Confrontation
3 A Long Day
4 Inebriated
5 Social Food Chain
6 Corruption
7 Time Out
8 Secrets
9 Bloodletting
10 Friends
11 Illness
12 The Test
13 Surprise
14 Just Words
15 Teeth
16 Twins
17 Outcast ⚠️
18 Formal
19 Family Ties
20 Saunder
21 Resolve
22 Chaos
23 In a Day's Work
24 Settlement
25 Desperation ⚠️
26 Casual Deatheater
27 Soft Touches
28 Truth or Dare
29 Tension
30 Can You Hear Me?
31 Potions
32 Birthday
33 Faster
34 Albus
35 Inquiries
36 History
37 Sixteen
38 Terror
39 The Flood
40 Into the Fire
41 Empty
42 It's Nothing ⚠️
43 Breathe
44 Deceit
45 London
46 Hook
47 Quidditch
48 Labyrinth
49 Black
Character Log
50 Ancestry
51 Unity
52 Subservient
53 Drift
54 Confidence
55 Scorn
56 He Who Wears The Crown
57 Casualties
58 Vengeance
59 Distraction
60 Pity
61 Forgiveness ⚠️
62 Encounter
63 Obscene ⚠️
65 Stranger
66 Switch
67 Beginning
68 The Dead
69 Imperio
70 Thank You
71 Anticipation
72 Mania
73 Darkness
74 Albus
75 Raven
76 Salazar

64 Hunter ⚠️

153 5 2
By Lucifurteeth

As the group walked out of the house, the rain fell on them. It was too dark to see anything in front of them- even with the lights from their wands. Scorpius closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and focused on the air around them. The darkness that penetrated it, blacker than night. Like it was empty space. He could feel the magic after a while. It was tethered in anger. Daniel. He could feel the emotion that fueled his instinctual magic, in the darkness. It felt like fire. Angry and almost defensive.

It was so different than Scorpius's, that was rooted in that flood of power. His felt like ice, cold water. Like the rain.

Scorpius imagined how his instinctual magic could snuff out that darkness. How it could put out that rage, the fire. The cold chasing out the heat. It worked, because soon Scorpius only could feel the slightest twinge of fire in the air. The magic was lifting. And when he opened his eyes again, the darkness had disappeared. All that was left was those dark rain clouds that poured down on them.

And ahead of them, on the street, was Selwyn and Abraxas Malfoy. The man who assisted Selwyn in sneaking into the Malfoy's family via poly juice potion. Scorpius didn't even have to wonder why he'd pick Selwyn's side. Abraxas and his son Julian never liked Lucius and the fact he held the title of the manor. That's all this was about.

Selwyn only had to promise them honor- to bring back the Malfoy name after Lucius and his offspring destroyed it. Destroyed their legacy. After the war, Lucius turned in other deatheaters to the ministry so that he and his family wouldn't go to Azkaban. But those choices have followed the family since then. Malfoy's weren't thought of as just wealthy purebloods anymore, but also as cowards.

Scorpius still was pissed that any part of his family would choose Selwyn. Regardless of if he could understand why they would.

"Salazar. Nice of you to join us." Argulus greets, all manners considering he was a psychopath. Daniel wasn't there, and Scorpius was relieved that all his family was at his side. No one was unaccounted for. Selwyn's eyes flicked to Michael's arm, carrying the matching scar. A certain level of mischief shone in his eyes at the realization.

It was unavoidable. Michael and Scorpius both wore tee shirts, and in the darkness they'd been to distracted to remember to hide this from the Zealots.

Scorpius walked to the sidewalk, keeping himself between the two men and the group behind him. "Come for me?" He taunted, sounding fearless despite the terror spiking his veins with adrenaline. His heart pounded so hard, Raven could definitely hear it from his side.

Selwyn looked at Narcissa. "I've come for her actually." Scorpius could feel his grandmother tense behind him. "I should've seen through your lies Narcissa." He tsked his tongue. "No matter. Either way, you carry secrets I can't possibly allow to roam about."

"You mean about how you killed Lucius Malfoy?" Scorpius wondered, grabbing the man's attention again. He used the power building up in him, the rain streaming down his face seemed to invigorate his next move. "Avada Kedavra!" Selwyn saw it coming, and merely stepped out of the way like it was weak.

"Predictable, Salazar." The sharp nosed man turns to Abraxas and gave him a nod, some sort of signal because the white haired elder took action. Narcissa met his magic with her own charm, faster than Scorpius ever thought she'd be able to manage in her age. That's his fault for underestimating people. Scorpius was going to strike at Selwyn, but the rain turned to hail suddenly. And his breath came out in a plume of vapor in front of him.

It was like a wave of depression came like a blanket across the street. Raven gave a startled gasp, and they watched in shock as dementors came in ragged black robes from the clouds. There was no way Selwyn could control dark creatures. But Voldemort could.

Therefore... Daniel.

Selwyn gave a laugh at their expressions. Scorpius had to shake himself from his frozen reaction, and looked towards the dementors. Raven raised her wand beside him, and they spoke together. "Expecto Patronum!" Scorpius felt his mind strain under the instinctual magic as well as focus on the Patronus. It felt suffocating. Focus. Bright protective light spilled from their wands, the magic warding the dark beings away from them.

"I got it." Raven told her brother, not moving her eyes from the creatures. Scorpius could see the concentration in her eyes, so he broke his to deal with Selwyn.

"Stay with her." He didn't specify if he was talking to Michael or Orion, and looked back to where Selwyn was about to join Abraxas in battling Narcissa. Scorpius left the others to deal with the dementors, hoping for all their sakes that it wasn't the wrong choice.

"Crucio!" Scorpius's intention was to slow Selwyn down, but it backfired because the torturing curse reflected back onto him. Pain struck him and he felt the scream from his mouth before he could hear it.

"Foolish boy." Selwyn walked over to him, and it seemed like the curse strengthened as he neared. Scorpius wondered if his kneecaps shattered as they hit the cement. Pain so sharp was cutting open his insides. It seemed like every time he forgot about the kind of pain this curse inflicted until he was hit with it again. Selwyn looked over at someone else, and Scorpius realized that Michael was in a similar state that he was. On the ground, curled inwards. "A soul bond." Selwyn breathes, fascinated.

"Y-you," Scorpius could hardly form words. Selwyn looked down at him with cold, unsympathetic eyes. "will n-never win."

"Don't you see? I already have." The man tells him. "Abraxas. Bring me the boy. Leave Narcissa." He gives the order. Scorpius could hardly bring himself to focus on anything other than the crippling pain. Selwyn crouched down to him. Scorpius tried to see where Abraxas was going, but he couldn't, because another awful wave of pain crashed over his body. He was soaked through with rain, and the cruciatus curse seemed to make that rain a conduit for magic. Like electricity.

"Next time you so arrogantly think about putting your nose where it doesn't belong, remember I have the other piece of your soul." The man sneered at Scorpius. He was taking Michael. Scorpius swiveled on his side, trying to find his cousin through the rain. But all he saw was Raven and Orion, warding off the dementors- and struggling. He was already gone. Selwyn lifted the curse, and Scorpius sucked in air, trying to recover and grasp reality outside of pain. "You'll get him back when you decide to join me." The man stood back up, and disapparated.

Scorpius didn't move from where he was on the ground until Narcissa walked over to him, and kneeled over. "I'm okay." He lied, feeling like his mind was starting to cave. It was too much magic, and too much pain. Wizards can go mad from undergoing the Cruciatus curse. Maybe that's what's happened to him. They were all soaked through with rain, but it had stopped. The storm clouds were cleared, and the dementors retreated.

"Scorpius!" Raven's panic was evident as she saw him laying there. Pull it together. Scorpius sat up slowly, shaking terribly. "I thought you-" She pulls him into a hug on the street.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere." He tells her. "He took Michael." Scorpius struggled to his feet. He was thankful his sister helped. "He doesn't know that we know where they'll be."

"You don't think Aries told him-"

"No. He came here for grandmother." Scorpius looked at Narcissa then. "But when he realized he could use Michael as leverage, it was too sweet of an opportunity to pass up." He felt guilty. Like somehow he should've acted differently and prevented Michael from being snatched so easily. How did this go wrong? They were so unprepared. Even after everything, Selwyn had the upper hand, again.

He was always a step ahead.

"I can't apparate. I feel drained." Scorpius looked between them, rubbing his head. A headache was forming. It was in part from his racing thoughts as well as the events that had taken place. "Actually, where we're going isn't that far."

"Where are we going?" Orion wondered. "Why can't we stay here exactly?"

"Selwyn will send someone to watch the house. He knows I'm meddling in his plans." Scorpius figured that somehow Julian's incident came to light, and that's how Selwyn knew. Otherwise only Aries could've said something; and Scorpius didn't think she'd break what little trust he was willing to offer her. Especially now.

Even if Aries knew from Raven's mind that they were at Grimmauld place, it wasn't likely she'd say anything. At least Scorpius hoped it wasn't her.

And as much as he wanted to chase after Michael right now, he knew that if something happened, he'd feel it right away through his bond. Selwyn wouldn't kill Michael- he still hoped Scorpius was going to join him. And torturing him wouldn't convince Scorpius to join him either.

He needed to sort his priorities. Right now, it was to get Raven, Narcissa, and Orion to a place no one would ever look for them at. He knew just the place. Narcissa was going to be so pissed.

After that, he had to find the resurrection stone. Selwyn is expecting Scorpius to back off now that he has Michael. That was so obvious by the way he spoke leaning over the boy. Cocky, and arrogant. Like he'd won. He even said as much.

This was the exact time to get ahead. And getting that stone was how he could do that. Raven would help him find the stone in the forest, and they'd figure out where to go from there.

Michael could survive until tonight. Scorpius would use the invisibility cloak and go in after dark, getting him from the castle.

This was going to be another very long day.

Oliver looked shocked when he opened the door to his uncle's place to find witches and wizards on his doorstep. They were all still wet from the rain, and it seemed to confuse the muggle further. "Olly!" Raven is the first to greet him, engulfing the tall boy into a hug. He hugged her back, looking over her shoulder at the rest of them. Narcissa turned her nose up in disgust at Raven's display of affection.

"What are you-"

"Is your uncle home?" Scorpius asks, cutting off his words. Oliver shook his head no. "Can we come in?" Oliver opened the door wider, and stepped aside so they could enter. Scorpius entered last, and when the front door shut, didn't even care about his audience. He hugged the muggle, his damp clothes definitely getting Oliver's wet.

Oliver gave the best hugs, engulfing Scorpius's head into his shoulder and holding him close. He could tell something was wrong just from this. Scorpius didn't really hug people- especially in the presence of others. "What happened?" Olly asked as Scorpius pulled away, wiping his eyes in hopes he wouldn't start crying right now.

"We need a place to crash." Scorpius said softly. "I didn't call ahead." It was his way of apologizing. Oliver looked at Orion, Narcissa, and Raven. They were meandering the living room. Narcissa looked like if she touched a surface she'd get the plague. Even though the house was picked up and clean. There were toys here and there, reminding Scorpius that Oliver had a little cousin somewhere.

"You know I wouldn't turn you away." Oliver beams, a happy reassuring look that reminded Scorpius of a puppy. "Who's she?" He lowered his voice, gesturing to Narcissa.

"She's my grandmother, Narcissa Malfoy." Scorpius explains softly. Narcissa hadn't ever met Oliver. "Address her as Mrs. Malfoy, or she'll probably snap at you."

"Isn't she the one who-"

"Doesn't like muggles." Scorpius finished, cringing and nodding. Orion watched the two of them from a distance away, more curious than anything else. "What will your uncle say?" He asks.

"I'll come up with something." Oliver balls the ends of his sleeves into his palms, bouncing slightly from one leg to another. "Why are you talking to me like you're leaving right away?" Concern shone in his eyes that looked a lot more green than hazel because of the green shirt he wore.

"Not right away. But soon. I'll explain everything to you. But it's too much right now." Scorpius pulls his damp tee shirt away from his skin. "Do you think you'd have clothes for us?"

"I'll see what I can find, S." Oliver gives him the warmest smile, and goes up the stairs to the second story. Scorpius turns to his family.

"Really, here?" Narcissa hissed at him.

"No one would look for you here. If you'd rather be with Selwyn, say the word." Scorpius retorts. Narcissa recoils like he slapped her. He took a breath, realizing she didn't deserve this kind of treatment. But at the same time, he couldn't feel bad. She was being rude about Oliver and his Uncle's house. They'd be lucky if they could stay there, even temporarily.

"I think it's cozy. Plus, look at this family." Orion had grabbed a photo frame, with who is presumably Oliver's younger cousin captured within with the uncle. Scorpius wondered if the Gryffindor missed his younger adopted sisters. He shook his head from the thoughts.

"Can I talk to you?" Raven looked at Scorpius specifically. He nodded, and they walked a bit down the hallway, giving their conversation privacy from the others. "You need to get the resurrection stone."

"We need to." Scorpius corrects.

"My mind isn't safe. You told me Aries couldn't get into your head. But she can get in mine."

"I don't think Aries-"

"It doesn't matter." Raven's voice was hard. "I can't know where the stone is. No one can. No one's mind is safe." She digs the Marauders map and cloak out of her bag, handing it to him. Scorpius takes the items, and meet her blue eyes. He didn't want to leave her here.

"How am I suppose to find the stone in the Forbidden Forest alone?" Scorpius was desperately trying to get her to agree. She was right, as she usually is. And her mind was made up; there was no dissuading her. Raven took his wrist, a touch of comfort.

"Brother, you are the most resourceful person I know. If you can't find that stone, no one can."

"If that's true, maybe it's better to leave it lost."

"And risk Selwyn finding it?"

"You just said no one could find it." Scorpius argued. Raven rolls her eyes.

"I don't think they could. But if there's a possibility, you need to get it first." She explains. Scorpius really didn't want to leave her behind. He didn't want to be separated from her at all. Because this was it. She was his tether to good, and if she was gone- he might as well die. His eyes burned with tears.

"No. I'm not leaving you." He choked on the words. That normal pressure at the base of his throat that suggested he was going to cry bothered him. Lately all he did was cry. Raven pulled him into a hug. "Please come with me." He pleads, hugging her back. He was begging.

When she pulled back she shook her head. "I can't. I have to be here. Oliver doesn't know Orion or Narcissa. He knows me." It didn't matter how many reasons she gave, Scorpius didn't want to leave her. His entire body told him to stay, and the thought of being so far away made him sick to his stomach. "And we need to get Michael back." She adds.

Focus. Scorpius needed to get a grip. He had to choke down that anxiety and just get through it. Narcissa just fought Abraxas and won. Orion and Raven fought Aries together at the manor. If something happened, they could defend themselves. He was just overthinking and over worrying. In his defense, he could drop dead at any moment because Michael is killed.

So perhaps his hypervigilance is justifiable.

"I'll get Michael." Scorpius took a deep breath. "I'll get the stone and Michael."

"If you get the stone, don't tell me. And don't tell anyone else." She demands. "I can go with you to get Michael." Scorpius shook his head no.

"Your mind isn't safe, you said so yourself. Aries will definitely find me at the castle, but she can't get into my head. She'll be able to get in yours." He clenched the cloak tighter in his hands to prevent them from shaking. It was hard, his entire body was weak from the Cruciatus curse. This time it had felt worse. And the cold water that clung to his clothes didn't help.

Scorpius wished he could just curl up in bed and never come out.

"Oliver has clothes." Raven looks at where he was handing some clothes to Orion. They talked like they were friends. It was so natural. To socialize. Scorpius always felt like he strained to do so. "Change and then leave."

"Don't tell them I'm leaving for the stone." Scorpius requests.

"What should I say?" Both the twins watched from the hallway as Narcissa said something rude to Oliver. Probably something like I'd never wear muggle clothes. Oliver deflated at the words- whatever they were- and Orion said something quickly to lighten the mood. Forever the ice breaker.

Scorpius considered it. What would Narcissa and Orion not push for more details? "Tell them I'm looking for somewhere else to stay. Grandmother will be relieved. Orion will be able to tell you're lying, but he won't press the matter in front of her."

"You think he'll be able to tell?" Raven was caught off guard. Scorpius watched Orion from across the room, how he interacted with the muggle so calmly.

"Yeah. He knows I wouldn't leave for something as dumb as that." Scorpius looked back at her. Raven raised an eyebrow. "Make sure grandmother doesn't curse Olly, will you?"

"I'll keep an eye out." She promises. "Don't die, okay?"

"I promise I won't die today, Raven Malfoy." He rolls his eyes.

Scorpius had thought about it thoroughly. So after he changed into Oliver's clothes, a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, he knew where he was going. There was no way he could possibly find the stone in the forest by himself. And he wasn't going to waste all day trying. He'd backtrack. Research.

The Deathly Hallows was said to be tied to the Peverell family. And now that Aries had told them about the stone, all the pieces were starting to fit together. It was a very complicated puzzle. Julian had been in Godric's Hollow to convince Irene Peverell to join Selwyn. But what if it wasn't just because she was a pureblood? What if it was because Selwyn hoped she could be able to find the resurrection stone?

It was a long shot, but the fact Irene told Julian to kiss her ass- in a manner of speaking- it was a good sign. It gave Scorpius hope that she'd at least hear him out. He didn't see how he could convince a shut in like her to go all the way to the Forbidden forest to find the stone, but it was the best lead he had.

It would've been easier to bounce ideas back and forth with Raven, but seeing how adamant she was about keeping this to himself... Scorpius knew this burden he had to carry alone.

He was strong enough to shoulder it, but he was terrorized to leave her here. The anxiety of it turned his insides to rot.

Narcissa had finally changed into dry clothes, but she looked miserable as Scorpius came downstairs. She was sitting at the small dining table, and looking out the window. She hadn't spoken another word. Raven was sitting with her, quietly. Orion and Oliver were on the couch, chatting it up. Immediately hitting it off. Just like they had on FaceTime.

Scorpius expected a flare of jealousy- but it didn't come. The boys looked up as he walked in, and headed to the front door.

"Hey." Orion got to his feet, walking over. "Where are you going?"

"Ask Raven." Scorpius tells him, making sure to keep decent distance between them considering they were in front of people. Orion narrows his eyes.

"No threats to not flirt with Oliver while you're gone?" He teased lightly. Scorpius smiled, unable to help himself.

He lowered his voice when he responded. "Surprisingly, I don't think you have an interest in flirting with him anymore." Scorpius held his gaze. Orion licked his lips, but didn't make any move between them. "You could distract yourself with Christine or kisses from Xavier." He recalled the drinking games at Hogwarts. "But now that you've had a taste of what you want..." Scorpius let's out a slow breath. "Nothing else is going to excite you."

"You're a terrible tease, Salazar Black." Orion's tongue seemed to twist in an accent on Scorpius's given name, and it was thrilling. Like molten honey dripping off his lips. Scorpius could feel his cheeks redden. This boy really had a way of distracting him. Before he could think of something witty to respond with, Olly walked up.

"You're leaving." He acknowledges. Orion gives Scorpius a half-wink, and leaves the two of them hovering at the door.

Scorpius faces Olly. "Thank you." He tells him. Olly's eyebrows disappeared into his hair, waiting for an elaboration. "For everything."

"No, no, no. Don't say that like you're about to die or something." Olly looked as worried as he did when Scorpius hugged him earlier.

"I mean it." Scorpius paused. He could die at any moment. Michael was surrounded by enemies. It really changes your perspective on things. The thought death is lurking at the edge. "You've put up with way more than you've ever needed to."

"S... you've dealt with me too." Oliver stepped closer. "With everything." He looked down guiltily. He was considering all the times Scorpius had been his shoulder to cry on. All the times he'd come over to clean up Oliver's latest cuts on his arms. The panic attacks. Everything.

But Scorpius had never been a good friend. Not the one Olly deserved. And as much as he knew that, and hated himself for it, Scorpius never seemed to be able to change. Maybe now he could. "You deserve better Olly."

"Stop. You'll make me cry." The muggle orders, but laughs a little at the end.

"I'll be back later." Scorpius promises, looking to his sister. She catches his gaze and gave him a nod. She wouldn't tell him bye. Because in her mind, that meant he had no choice but to come back.


Scorpius apparated in Godric's Hollow, and bundled the invisibility cloak under his arm as he knocked on Irene Peverell's door. Oliver's zip up hoodie hung off him oversized. Oliver was taller than Scorpius, and he slouched and bought big clothes to make him seem smaller. But on Scorpius it made him look like a drug addict.

He was disheveled. His hair was messy from the rain. At least he was dry.

"Scorpius." Irene recognized him as she opened the door. She took in the cloak under his arm and the wand in his other hand. Scorpius had forgotten his phone in his wet pair of jeans, and wondered if it still worked considering the soaking it got from the rain. If something went wrong, he'd have no way to call anyone. Here's hoping nothing went wrong. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm so sorry to bother you." Scorpius tells her. The lady was short, and had red hair and freckled cheeks. He remembered how she spoke to Julian, the hatred in her voice. "I'm hoping you might help me with something." Irene looked around, like she was checking that he was alone. Once satisfied, she let him inside.

The house smelled like herbs, it was like walking into the kitchens at Hogwarts. A mix of herbs and spices. It was warm inside, and inviting. Even though it was summer, a fireplace crackled.

"What can I help you with?" She asks, gesturing for him to sit anywhere. He sat in the couch in front of the fireplace, not knowing where else to go, but not wanting to be rude and stand around. Scorpius decided to word it carefully, in case Selwyn came poking around here again.

"I have a project I'm working on." Scorpius lies. "It's an art project, but I needed to do some background research. It's about the Deathly Hallows." Irene walked into the kitchen, getting a tea pot and a couple cups. Scorpius made a note not to drink anything out of it. The aroma of the house was indicative enough that the witch was good with potions. He wasn't going to trust her.

"Ah, and you came here because the Peverell's are rumored to be traced back to them." She smiles, seeming to be relieved that Scorpius was here for such a casual reason. If only she knew.

"I know that a summoning charm wouldn't work on them." Scorpius begins, spinning a carefully articulated lie. "So I became curious about what could summon them." Irene pours him tea, watching him closely. But she couldn't tell that Scorpius was up to anything.

"You're here for a curiosity." She sounded amused. "I remember you as a curious boy. Always wanting to know about things." Scorpius should be relieved that his childhood was so obsessed with books and learning. Only so that he would be able to show up his classmates when he finally got to Hogwarts. And show them up, he did. "Truth is, I know very little about the Deathly Hallows. But you can't summon them with anything, I know that for sure."

Scorpius nodded, pretending to drink his tea so that he didn't seem to eager to ask another question. "What makes them different than other magical objects?"

"Very little." Irene drinks her tea. "I imagine anyone who can hear magical objects would be able to detect them." She explains. Scorpius tilted his head at her in confusion. Hear magical objects? He'd never learned of anyone being able to hear magical objects. Other than learning about Harry detecting horcruxes because he was one, Scorpius had no idea something like that was possible. Irene detects the pondering look on his face, and goes on. "It's a rare gift. But they can sense them. Goblins are all naturally good at it. Cygnus Black was able to hear these objects. Rumors say it drove him mad."

"Cygnus Black." Scorpius recalls the family tree. That was Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda's father. But he died forever ago, and therefore, wouldn't be any help. "Does this gift run in bloodlines?"

"Sometimes. The tricky thing is that it doesn't skip generations. Many talents like this are fickle, random." Her words crushed Scorpius's hope. Narcissa would've said if she could do something like that, and he'd never heard of Andromeda having that talent. Not that he spoke to Andromeda much at all. And Bellatrix was dead- there was no way to ask her. "But hearing magical objects wasn't always simple." Irene brushes it off.

"What do you mean?"

"Well the senses could be fooled. Sometimes the Goblins at Gringotts Bank mistake a replica of a magical object as the original. It gets them into financial trouble, at times. Investing in replicas." She says. Scorpius's eyebrows furrow. What about that felt so familiar to him? Something about Goblins and replicas? Had he read that somewhere?

Did Narcissa have trouble like that? He tried to remember, but it was hard. He was emotionally exhausted. His body tired.

He tried to focus on that side of the Black family tree. If Andromeda didn't have that gift, then there's no way Orion could have it. Irene said it didn't skip generations when it was in a bloodline. That didn't mean it skipped siblings.

Scorpius focused on Bellatrix. Did she have this gift? And if she did, how could that possibly help him, today?

Scorpius politely thanked Irene for the tea and chat, and left on foot in Godric's hollow. He needed to focus. What did Narcissa ever say about Bellatrix? Was there any indication she could've had this gift? She loved Lord Voldemort- and he used that devotion to his advantage. But how? Other than the horcruxes, what objects would she have to hear?

Scorpius considered wands. Technically they were magical objects. He grumbled miserably. If he had that stupid resurrection stone he could just ask Bellatrix himself.

Goblins. Replicas. What about that sounded familiar?

Other than the horcruxes, what would Voldemort trust Bellatrix with? Scorpius put himself into the Dark Lord's shoes. If he was trying to protect all pieces of his soul, what object would-

The Sword of Gryffindor.

"Godric Gryffindor's sword." He spoke out loud, looking around Godric's Hollow like it had solved his problems. Bellatrix had that sword in her vault at Gringotts until it was replaced with a replica. But what did that prove? Narcissa had told Scorpius that Bellatrix was so sure that sword was the right one. Just because she believed it, didn't make it so.

Irene was so specific. The senses could be fooled, she said. Bellatrix was a nutcase, this was hardly reliable. And there was no way to fact check any of it. This was all speculation. Because Bellatrix didn't have children.

Scorpius stopped walking as a lightbulb went off in his head. She did have one child. The child Rodolphus Lestrange raised- the daughter to Voldemort. And half-sister to Cypress Black.



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