By Viola_girl

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"DUDE?!? What the heckkkk!!! Where the hell were you looking?! Are you blind?! broke it" "Sorry"... More

Mochi Hyung
Beyond Expectations
The Unexpected Guest
The Egocentric Brat
What an awful day!
Arch Nemesis
The messed up evening
Errand boy
Jin Hyung's Birthday and the sunshine
The Nose Bleed
The Truth Untold
The Sass
Something I want to keep
Letting it all out
The Confession
The unfortunate
Hold you tight
Together Pt.1
Together Pt. 2
Love at first sight
Tell me
The Devil
The Weekend
Taking Care Of You
Uh Oh!!
No Touchie
The Sweet Nightmare


538 45 215
By Viola_girl


The last photo for the morning session photoshoot was clicked.
All the staff members at the studio started to disperse when the manager said "Okay, Lets take a break", since it was lunch time.
Jungkook turned off the Camera and drank some water from the bottle the staff gave him earlier. Jungkook sat on the chair to rest as he waited for Jimin to change into his normal outfits. After sometime, Jimin came out of the dressing room,
"Kookie......", Jungkook turned around when he heard Jimin call him.
"Kookie lets go. Jin hyung and Joon hyung must be waiting at the cafe.", Jimin said as he was standing there waiting for Jungkook. As Jungkook stood up, he saw Youngjae walking towards Jimin.

"Jimin-ah!! Can you come with me for a bit? There is a meeting for our company models right now. So, lets go.", Youngjae said.
"Ohhh....Kookie. You go ahead then. I'll have something from the break room after the meeting.", Jimin informed.
"No...its ok, hyung. I brought some Kimbap that I made. I'll eat that.", Jungkook said and he earned a nod from the Mochi.

Jungkook turned back to fetch his jacket from the chair he was sitting on earlier.
As he turned, he was surprised turning right into Jihwan's face, as he stood so close behind Jungkook, almost bumping into him. (But they didn't.)
"Ohh....You... were here? What are you doing standing right behind me?", Jungkook asked with a blank face, without giving away that he was surprised.
"Ahhh....Yes. I was just waiting for you.", Jihwan replied.
"Me? Why?", Jungkook asked without any expression.

"I thought maybe we could go out and have lunch together, Jungkookie.", Jihwan said as he didn't take his eyes off of Jungkook.
"Um...No thanks. I brought my own. Now, If you will please excuse me..Jihwan-ssi.", Jungkook said as he walked past Jihwan fetched his Jacket from the chair and went out of the studio as Jihwan stood there and watched.
"What a jerk. He isn't upto something good. "
Jungkook mumbled as he was in the hallway, on his way to his workspace.


Jungkook ate his homemade special kimbap as he sat on his chair in his small workspace.
Jungkook enjoyed his alone time along with the Kimbap. He felt calm and relaxed. Jungkook hummed one of his favourite songs, 'Winter bear'.
~"I wonder what Taehyung hyung is doing right now? The irony.."~
Jungkook got curious as he got reminded of the older, since it was Taehyung's song. He continued to hummed along with the song like a duet with his sweet voice.

"Ohh..Jungkookie..You have a sweet voice.", Jungkook opened his eyes and whipped his head to the direction where the sound came from.
Jihwan stood there at the door and smiled at Jungkook. The younger was so embarassed that the model got to hear his singing voice.
" got kimbap. Let me have one bite. Oh..Mmm....Its so good. Did you make it?", Jihwan came inside and took a piece of kimbap from the food container as he sat in front of Jungkook on the work desk.
"Um...yes.", Jungkook replied.
"Can you please sit on the chair over there, Jihwan-ssi? I'm not comfortable with sitting so close to someone.", Jungkook continued as he clearly felt annoyed by the new stranger.
"Are you claustrophobic?", Jihwan asked.
"Okay. Lets just go with that.", Jungkook replied without any interest.

"You don't like to talk much, do you?", Jihwan asked seeing Jungkook's expression, still sitting on the desk near Jungkook.

"No. I don't.", Jungkook gave a clear reply as he slowly rolled his chair, backing off a little seeing that the model ain't gonna budge from the place.

"Thats okay. I'll keep you company since Jimin isn't here right now. You and Jimin...are besties right?", Jihwan asked curiously.
"Yes. What else should we be?", Jungkook asked stating the obvious.
"Well...I just asked. You two seemed like very close. You two are such great friends...,"
Jihwan kept asking questions to Jungkook, who just sat there, sometimes answering Jihwan's questions and sometimes being quiet...clearly bored and annoyed as hell.



Jihwan and Jimin were currently in the middle of photoshoot as they posed elegantly for the simple and cozy themes.
Jungkook clicked a number of photos for the pose. The photography director checked the photos that appeared on the monitor after each click and said,
"You guys are doing a great job. And Jungkook. As always...great click. Lets change the pose and take one last close-up shot. Then lets wrap it up."
They nodded and the models did another pose. Jungkook looked through the viewfinder and focused the lens. As he focused, he noticed Jihwan winking at him. Jungkook furrowed his brows as he looked up to see a smirking Jihwan.
"Whats wrong, Jungkook?", The director asked as he saw that Jungkook didn't click the photos.
"Oh...nothing. it was not focusing well. Its okay now. Sorry, Sir.", Jungkook replied and clicked the photo as he found the correct frame.
"Okay!! Its a wrap. Lets get ready for the next outfits tomorrow. Thats it for today. Good job everyone.", The director said as he stood up and left.

Jungkook turned off the Camera and lights. He put those in its respective bags.
"Kookie, did you miss me earlier?",Jimin asked as he approached Jungkook.
"Yeah..You wish, hyung.", Jungkook replied sarcastically.
"Hey Jungkookie. Great job. You really are talented. Your clicks are amazing.", Jihwan said as he walked towards the boys.
"I know, Hwanie..My Jungkookie is so talented.", Jimin chirped out of excitement.
"Hyunggg!! Stop it. Or I'll call you PARK JIMIN.", Jungkook said clearly angry.
"Yeeeshh!! Fine. I won't. Okay. I'll get changed and lets go to the cafe together.", Jimin said as he walked past Jungkook and got inside the Dressing room. Jihwan looked at Jungkook like he was enjoying every second of it.
"So....Whats your plan tonigh-", Jihwan was gonna ask.
But Jimin interrupted,
"Hwanieee....One of the dressing room is free. Go and change. Stylist noona is waiting."

"Okay...I'm coming.", Jihwan replied to Jimin, as he walked past looking at Jungkook who had an "I DON'T CARE" expression. Jungkook kept doing his job just like that.



Jungkook walked out of the studio as he was clearly annoyed by the new model's behavior towards him.
"Kookie.....Where are you going without me?", Jimin asked as he ran behind Jungkook and caught up with him.
Jungkook kept quiet as he walked faster.
"Kookie...its him, Right? Is he annoying you?", Jimin asked with his soft voice.
Jungkook slowed down when he heard what Jimin asked.
"Hyung...I-..How did you know?", Jungkook asked looking at Jimin.
"Well....I'm not your best friend for nothing. Even if you don't tell me anything, I would always know it.", Jimin replied, to which Jungkook smiled.
"Yeah..It is a bit annoying. And I don't like it. He is asking weird questions. I mean..why does he wanna know what I am doing tonight?", Jungkook complained.
"Aigoooo....My kookie is so innocent. I know, Kookie...Thats why I called him to get changed. I knew you were getting pissed.", Jimin said as they walked together.
They reached in front of the elevator and pushed the down button waiting for the elevator to come.
Suddenly, Jimin got a message from Youngjae.

Jimin, Urgent Meeting at conference room no: 7.

"Ohh....I have a meeting now. I have to go. Kookie.. you are going to the cafe right? I'll come there when it ends. If I am getting late. You just go home. okay?", Jimin said, to which Jungkook nodded as he rushed back since the conference room was on the same floor.

Jungkook got in the elevator since he was going back to his workspace to get his things. He felt at ease that he is alone right now as he stood inside the elevator.


Jungkook packed his bag as he got ready to get out of work. He put his bag down on his desk. He couldn't find his phone anywhere so he sat down on the chair and started searching for it in his bag.
"Ohhh you are going home?", Jungkook looked up and saw Jihwan standing there at the door.
~"oh my god!! Are you kidding me?"~
Jungkook thought as he was CLEARLY ANNOYED by now.

Jungkook didn't say anything and just stood there still searching for his phone.

"Look Jungkookie....I know you don't like to talk much and all. And that just speaks to me. I just like your personality. I like the fact that You don't expect too much from anyone and its just like... I don't know. I really like it. I just wanna be around someone like you all the time. You are like a perfect companion for me.", Jihwan said as he walked inside and sat on the desk again.
"You get what I mean..right?", Jihwan asked as he looked at a confused bunny boy.
"Umm...I'm sorry Jihwan-ssi. I was searching for something.", Jungkook said as he was still thinking about where his phone was.

Suddenly, he remembered that he forgot his Phone and Jacket upstairs in the studio.
"Ohh..its upstairs.", Jungkook said as he remembered.
Jihwan seemed a bit pissed that the younger didnt hear what he said.
As Jungkook was about to get up,
"There is something on your cheeks right here...", Jihwan said as he came in close proximity with Jungkook's face and cupped his cheek with one hand. Then he started to stroking Jungkook's cheeks with the pad of his thumb. Then suddenly his hand came down and started to stroke Jungkook's lips. Jungkook felt very VERY uncomfortable and asked,
"Um...Can you please take your hands off of me? I'm not comfortable with that-", Jungkook said very pissed as he tried to push the older away.
"Shhh....its almost gone. Hold still..", but Jihwan interrupted Jungkook not moving an inch.

Jungkook felt his blood boil as the older was not even considering letting go of his face. Jungkook was ready to force punch the older anytime now.


Jungkook and Jihwan looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

There stood Taehyung, at the door with a dark aura looking at Jihwan like he wanted to rip his guts out.
Jungkook felt an unknown kind of warmth and he felt so happy to see Taehyung.

"Ohhh....Taehyungie hyung!!! When did you come?" Jungkook asked smiling as he stood up from the chair and went to Taehyung. Totally leaving a pissed Jihwan there.
For the first time in his life, he was feeling so happy to see Taehyung.
"Ohh...Jungkookie..I came to take care of something. I had some paperworks.", Taehyung said as he suddenly shifted his expression from his dark self to a calm and soft one when he looked at Jungkook.
"Are you going home? I'm on my way too. Since your apartment is on the way. I'll drop you then. I'm done anyway.", Taehyung told Jungkook.
"Ohh!! Really?! Okay. Just wait. I'll go fetch my Jacket and phone from the studio upstairs. Just wait for me in this floor's hallway.", Jungkook said as he took his bag from the desk and rushed out.

Taehyung said "okay". Then he turned to Jihwan as his aura switched to the dark one again and greeted.


Jihwan greeted back with the same tone.


🙊Annyeonghaseyo, YEOROBUN!!🙊

Sooooooooo..........??!!!!!!! How are you feeling?

Sorijilleoooooo....if you liked it...😁😁😁
I feel a bit relieved as I wrote this chapter.
I was so stressed at first thinking what to write. I nearly made Jihwan kiss Kookie. But...I couldn't!! KOOKIE IS TAE'S!! AND THATS FINAL!!

I hope you all will enjoy this chapter as much as I did. The relief I felt when Tae came was unfathomable. I am sure you guys will be so happy too. ☺️☺️☺️

Anyways...Enjoy!! Thank you so much for the reads, follows, votes and comments you guys!! BORAHAEYO!!💜☺️💜
973_dany This chapter is for you!! 💜😍🥰😘

And my top commenters(You guys.... you don't know how much happy you make me by your comments..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!😘🥰)


Thats the only thing I need.. knowing that you guys are happy and safe..💜😘🥰

~VIO author-nim~

May have spelling and grammatical errors. Will edit soon.


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