A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

Av Jhutch4321_

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Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... Mer

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter thirty-two

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Av Jhutch4321_

"You agreed to it John, I don't get exactly why you are upset. I even remember saying I didn't agree with it." I said. Freddie gave me a look. "What? He's my boyfriend, I like his name the way it is." 

"Yeah, it makes you sound more interesting." Roger grinned turning to John, who was leaning against the control panel in the studio. He was frustrated.

"Oh yeah like your names are something special," I responded crossing my arms.  Roger whipped his head around to face me. 

"What's that suppose to mean?" Roger replied offended. 

"Brian May, Roger Taylor? Snoozefest. If anything I think Roger's should have been the one to have changed. He has two first names!" I yelled.

Queen was working on their second album. John had decided to bring up his discomfort with how his name had been printed on their previous album. 

I remember he didn't really seem to care when Freddie first proposed the idea. But now that the album was actually out, and his new name was officially Deacon John, he didn't like it.

"TWO FIRST NAMES-" Roger yelled. 

"You do-" Freddie laughed. "And so does Brian."

Brian and Roger exchanged looks.

"No, no she's got a point," Brian said.

"Which is why I put my middle name in as well! Does no one remember that?!" Roger exclaimed.

"Yeah, that made it look like you were trying too hard," I responded.

"Anyway!" John interrupted. "On the next album, I want my normal name back. Okay?! I don't want people coming up to me on the street saying hi Deacon John!"

Freddie was on the floor laughing.

"Who would ever come up to you on the street? You are really stretching here Deaks." Roger said before taking a sip of his coffee.

Freddie really lost it at that point.

"NO MORE DEACON JOHN, END OF DISCUSSION," John yelled and stormed out the room. I then fell on the floor next to Freddie. I had been keeping my laughs in. I was letting them fly now.

"Dave and Stacey's wedding is next week." I sighed sitting down my plate at the kitchen table. 

"Are you wanting me to go? Cause I honestly don't know if I can."

"Why not?"

"Because my mum and dad are having some big family reunion that weekend. I can try to get out of it though."

"No, I couldn't ask you to do that," I responded shaking my head. I took a bite of my food. "Maybe it's time."

"What do you mean?"

"Time I expose John to my family. All I want to do is protect him. I know what they are going to do to him. But..." I sighed. "I can't hide him from them forever, and I can't hide them from him."

"Maybe Mary could go with you."

"Oh gosh no I couldn't bother Mary with this, she's got enough on her plate. I mean John and I have been dating for two years..."

"I think it may be time," Maggie said and I nodded.

"I think it just may be."

I sat John down on my couch.

"So I want you to come with me to my brother's wedding."

"You do?" He asked surprised. "What about-"

"My parents, my family in general, yeah. I know I've told you over and over I don't want you going near them. That's just because I know what they will do. But I realized I can't hide you from them forever, as much I want to protect you. I'm proud of you, and I don't care what they say."

He smiled and hugged me.

"But-" I said pulling away from him. "If you do feel uncomfortable, at any point, we need a code word."

"A code word?" He laughed.

"Yes, something that could easily fit into a conversation. Hmmm but what?"

After talking for a while we settled for trees. It was the best we both could come up with, sadly. With two very creative people, it was a sad code word.

"Another thing, you've met two of my brothers, not Tom. He is the one I'm most worried about how he will react to you. Well out of my siblings anyway. I will protect you the best I can from my family but I don't know what will happen."

"It's like we are going into a war zone." He chuckled.

 "Well get used to it. There's always some drama going on with the Jackson family, and if there isn't, they will make something."

I took his hand in mine. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I've wanted to keep you away from my family for so long. It's not that I'm hiding you from them because I'm ashamed of you. Gosh no. They just don't deserve to meet you."

He smiled softly and leaned forward to kiss me. I gladly accepted it. It was a gentle, slow, soft kiss. I felt like I was melting by the time he broke us apart.

"I will be there whenever you need me, no matter what, you shouldn't have to deal with this alone."

I smiled again.

"I love you," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." 

I leaned up to kiss him again, soon it felt as if we were the only ones in the world. I always loved when he made it feel like that.

John and I took Friday off the next week, off school, our jobs everything. The wedding was happening in the city where my brother currently lived. It was a decent sized city, so there should be stuff for John and I to do. 

 Every second closer we got to seeing my parents my nerves got worse. I was sitting there in the passenger seat, bouncing my leg like a crazy person.

"Nina are you all right?" He asked turning away from the road to look at me for a second.

"Honestly... no."

He sighed.

"What can I do to make it better? You want a Deaky hug?" 

I nodded and he chuckled. He pulled over on the side of the road and we got out of the car. I ran into his arms and held on tightly.

"It's going to be all right. I promise." 

I nodded into his chest. I held on to him for a little bit. But finally I decided we had to get back in the car at some point, so we did just that.

I could see the city coming into view. It wasn't as big as London, not by a long shot, but it still was a decent size. 

"So where are we going first? The hotel?"

"Yeah, it's the hotel the wedding is happening at, so my parents are staying there too." I sighed. "But I had to stay there because that's where most of the braidsmaids are staying."

"So where do I go?"

I gave him directions and soon we had pulled up to it. We got out of the car. We took our bags and headed inside.

We checked into the hotel and went up to our room.

"So now we have to head over to my brother's, then after that we head back here for the rehearsal dinner."

He nodded.

"Do we have some time? I mean this our first time sharing a hotel room..." John mumbled. 

"Oh, Deacon you make a brillant point," I responded. I looked at my watch. "We don't have to be at my brother's until two and it's oh wow, one thirty, how convient," I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Convenient indeed." He smirked. "Shall we?"

"Oh, we definitely shall."

I knocked on my brother's door.  After no response, I knocked again. Still nothing. I knocked again.

"Oh he's going to get it," I muttered which caused John to laugh. I knocked harder on the door. "DAVID JAMES JACKSON IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW-"

The door opened.

"I'm sorry Nina, I couldn't hear you over the loud music," He paused, his gaze moved to John. I could tell he was surprised to see him. "John, how nice to see you again." My brother said reaching his hand out. They shook hands. "Come on in guys."

The house was crowded with people.

"Whose all here?" I asked Dave.

"Well the bridal party, and their dates, Tom is running late so he isn't here yet. Harry is around here somewhere, Sam and Hunter are here."

"Nina!!" I turned to see Stacey coming towards me. I hugged her tightly.

"Oh, I've missed you!" She said excitedly.

"I've missed you too!"

"Is this?" She asked pointed towards John.

"Oh yes, Stacey this is my boyfriend John Deacon, John this is Stacey Atkinson, soon to be Stacey Jackson, the girl my brother is marrying and one of my good friends."

"Pleasure," John said shaking her hand.

"Wait don't you mean Deacon John?"

I could tell he wasn't happy about it, but he smiled and nodded.

"I loved to album John, it was amazing, I'll have to ask you and Nina to sign my copy." She told him which I could tell took him off guard.

"Thank you." Was all he managed to say. 

She took John and I around the room introducing us to everyone. I turned to see my sister and Hunter, in the corner of the room, talking to another couple. 

"Sam?!" I asked. She looked up. I was taken back. Her appearance, the light in her eyes, was almost gone. A smile filled her face. Hunter looked up but quickly looked away. She got up from her seat, to meet me in the middle of the room. She hugged me so hard I almost got knocked off my feet. 

"I missed you so much." She said into my shoulder.

"Me too," I said.

"Hey." I heard John say. Sam broke apart to see John smiling from behind me.

"Oh my gosh, John!" She exclaimed shocked. She ran into his arms and he accepted her hug. "I didn't know you were going to be here! This is such a lovely surprise!" 

He grinned.

"Well, it's lovely to see you as well. How are you?"

"Who cares about me, you have an album out!" She responded grabbing his arm. 

"I do," He chuckled.

"I love it so much, Deacon John."

John turned to me and saw me trying to hold in my laughs.

"I won't be Deacon John on the next album, I've already made that very clear." He said still looking at me.

Hunter approached us. He put his hand on Sam's shoulder which caused her to flinch. I watched him scan John, a face I didn't like filled his face. 

"Who are you?" He asked plainly. I scowled at him which caused him to look away.

"I'm John Deacon, Nina's boyfriend."

Hunter raised his eyebrow and chuckled.

"I didn't know Nina was dating anyone."

"I didn't really think it was your business," I said. I knew he got I was referring to the phone call we had.

"Well how long have you been dating? A few months?" He questioned.

"Two years actually," I said smirking. His mouth fell open. I saw Sam smile a bit. 

There was a moment of silence.

"So what are you a hippie?"

Here we go.

But John just chuckled.

"John's in Queen, the band Nina painted the album cover for," Sam said looking up at her husband.

"Oh, you mean the one you keep playing on repeat?" He asked and she nodded. "I see, so he's a rock and roller."

I was getting angry and about to say something when Stacey clinked her glass.

"I'm so happy to have everyone here, for our pre-celebration."

I saw my brother Harry come in from the kitchen. We made eye contact. He smiled when he saw me. As soon as Stacey was done talking I ran over to give him a hug. John followed behind. 

"Oh I've missed you, Harry, where's Kathy?"

"She's back at the hotel, she got bad food poisoning."

"Oh no, well I hope she feels better."

"Thank you, but Nina, I'm so sorry I haven't had a chance to ring, your art on the Queen album, it was so amazing!"

"You really think so?"

"Yes, Sam showed it to me, I just couldn't believe my little sister painted an album cover and is mentioned in it! And you!" He said turning to John. "You and your band are beyond talented mate. I really enjoyed it." 

My brother shook his hand, a grin filled John's face.

"Thanks, man I really appreciate that."

Harry grinned.

"So Tom is running late I hear?"

"Oh yes, mum and dad have been here since yesterday, so have I. Sam and Hunter rolled in this morning and because of work Tom had to leave later today. He really hopes to be here for the dinner."

Soon everyone headed back to the hotel to get ready. I put on my red dress. John wasn't coming. I mean it really was just people in the bridal party and close relatives. 

"What are you going to do for the time I'm gone?"

"Wait for you to get back." He frowned. I giggled.

"Oh shut up," I said sitting on his lap. I lifted his chin up to look at me. "What are you going to do?"

"Probably order up room service and watch the telly. Might ring Roger and tell him how he has two first names."

I laughed again.  

"Well, I'm gonna be gone for a few hours."

"That's fine, this weekend isn't about  me, it's about you. I'm just here for support."

"Awww," I replied before kissing him. "I love you so much, and I'm gonna show you how much tonight."

"Is that so?" He smirked. "I look forward to it. Is there a certain time I should be expecting you to come back?"

"I wish I knew. I don't know how long this is gonna run or what."

He nodded.

I rested my head on his chest.

"I don't think I can say I love you any more to you, but I just want to keep saying it," I mumbled.

He kissed the top of my head.

"I've been having that same problem with you lately too."

We practiced the wedding and then went straight to dinner in the next event room. The hotel we were staying at was pretty fancy. So I had no problem understanding why they picked it. Along with the fact, Stacey's parents met in this very hotel.

I was in the buffet line, getting my chicken when my brother jumped in front of me. Scaring the literal shit out of me.

"Thomas what the hell!"

"There's my little sister!" He exclaimed happily before hugging me the best he could. It was hard considering I had almost a full plate of food in one of my hands.

"Next time greet your little sister with a bit less scare," I replied as he let go of me. I moved up in the line.

"I'm sorry, I saw an opportunity and I took it." He shrugged.

"Just like you always do," I responded getting my napkin at the end of the line. "Did you just make it here? You weren't at the wedding rehearsal, Dave is worried you aren't gonna be able to walk down the aisle tomorrow. I mean, I think he's right. You didn't practice."

Tom rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I just rolled in about twenty minutes ago. Did Dave really say that? I'm gonna kick his arse."

I smiled, I did miss having my brothers around.

"Yes, he did. Sam heard it too."

My brother scanned the room and shook his head.

"He's gonna get it." He groaned. "How is my little sis? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well, it has been a year, the last time we saw each other was Sam's wedding."

Tom frowned.

"Oh yes, that."

"What do you not like Hunter?" I teased as we sat down at a table.

"Like him? Nina, you know for a fact I can't stand him, we all can't. He's like talking to someone who's trying to be dad."

"Figures," I replied before taking a bite of my food. "I rang to talk to Sam and he never lets me talk to her, says she's busy, and when I ask what she's doing, he had the audcity, the audcity Thomas, to tell me it was none of my bussiness."

"Yes! He does that for me too! When I ring and when I show up in person! He acts like he's better than me, Dave and Harry. I really wanna teach him a lesson, but if I did you know I'd never hear the end of it from mum and dad. They won't shut up about him. I haven't worked for dad in almost five years and yet dad compares me to Hunter all the time. I was never a good enough worker for him apparently." Tom told me annoyed. 

There was a moment of silence.

"Tom I think Sam is in danger, this behavior doesn't seem right. I mean I'm not there, have you seen anything?"

Tom sighed.

"Besides the, she's always busy, when they are over at our house, together, Sam doesn't seem herself. She always seems on edge."

"I experienced that first hand at the party earlier."'

"Yeah and-"

"Hey, guys!" Sam greeted coming over to our table. Hunter and her sat down. I wondered why he was here. I smiled at my sister.

Soon Harry sat down. I guess Kathy was still suffering from food poisoning. 

"Are you as excited for tomorrow as I am?" Sam asked smiling. 

"Yeah, maybe they would be if you stopped talking about how exicted you are? That's all I've heard all day." Hunter groaned before taking a bite of his food.

I looked frustratedly at Harry and then at Tom. Tom just shook his head and looked down at his food. I knew he was telling me with that look that this was a regular thing, and he definitely had tried before to stop it.

"Sorry, dear." My sister mumbled. She didn't look him directly in the eye. She looked down at her food.

"Here's a thought," I said dropping my fork hard onto my plate. "How about you talk to my sister with some respect?" 

"How about you mind your own bussiness Nina?"

"Maybe I would if you weren't up in my business? My sister is my business." I said standing up. 

"Nina..." Tom warned. But I chose to ignore him.

"Maybe you will finally understand when you have a husband. I doubt you're gonna get one from that long-haired hippie you call a boyfriend up in your hotel room." 

"Wait John's here?" Tom asked. Again I ingored him.

"Do you want to get your arse kicked? Because I'm getting pretty close to it."

"Wifes must listen and obey their husbands, that's simply how it works," Hunter explained before eating more food. "No wonder your parents have problems with you. You're a girl who doesn't know her place."

"Uh oh," Harry said putting his hand on his forehead.

"My place? My bloody place? What is this 1912? Where did Sam ever find someone like you? God, it's like our hometown is a breeding ground for sexist pigs! It's astounding that my brothers turned out to be such kind, women respecting men. I honestly don't know how it happened. And you have the audacity to tell me what my place is. HA! You are a tiny scrawny little man," I yelled before placing my hands on the table. "I could squash you like a bug." I spit.

Hunter got up from the table, dragging Sam with him. They took their plates over to where my parents were sitting.

I blew a piece of my hair up.

"I love her," Tom said to Harry.

"Agreed," Harry replied. 

But I couldn't even remotely appreciate their completment. Not when I saw my sister looking so unhappy at the next table. Hunter was pointing at me and I knew all three of us would be getting a talking to. But especially me. 

And I was right because the minute my parents finished their meal they marched right on over.

"We aren't doing this here, we would like to invite you up to our hotel room, to talk." My father said. My mum nodded.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood for one of your rants today dad," I told him before taking a sip of my drink. 

"I don't care if you are not in the mood." My father responded angrily. His face was so puffed up I was afraid it was going to explode.

"I'm an adult-"

"I don't care if you are twenty-two or forty-five, you are my daughter and I'm going to correct you if you are wrong."

It was useless trying to argue. We all got up and followed my parents. I caught Sam's gaze on me as I was walking out of the room. Soon Hunter caught her staring at me and physically moved her head so that she looked at him. 

No, I didn't regret what I did.

After a very awkward elevator ride we all went into our parent's hotel room.

"Why do you guys always find a way to make drama wherever we go?!" My mother exclaimed as the three of us sat down on the bed. "Especially you Nina."

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe if Sam's husband wasn't a complete twat." I responded.

"You will not speak about your brother and law like that! Come on Nina. It's like everything we taught you went right out your head!" My father yelled.

"You embarrassed our family in front of Hunter tonight. I want you to go and apologize to him." My mum said. 

I laughed.

"Yeah, no. Never happening." I said. I crossed my arms and crossed my legs. I raised an eyebrow.

"Young lady-"

"No, I don't have to sit here and take this, just like the last time we saw each other. I learned I don't have to sit here and take this." I responded. I got up and left. Slamming the door shut. 

I made my way back to my hotel room, only to realize I had left my key in my parent's room. On the bed. 

There was no way I was going back up to that hell. I knocked on the door.

"John it's me! I left my key in m parent's room!"

He opened the door.

"What happened love?" 

"My family happened."

"Give me it," I said to John as soon as I got in the room. He handed me his cigarette packet and lighter. I lit it and took a drag. We were standing outside the hotel, watching people pass by. The hotel was right in the city center. 

"I'm so glad you told that shithead off," John said lighting his own cigarette. "I could never imagine being so controlling that I think I own my girlfriend or wife. We are equal for bloody sake."

I shook my head and blew more smoke from my lips.

"This is why I didn't want you around this." I sighed. "And it's only gonna get worse.... gosh I needed this cigarette."

John chuckled slighting and pulled me close.

"It's going to be all right, we are gonna get through this weekend. I promise."

"You do?" I asked looking up at him.

"Of course love."

"All right if you say so. I trust you."

Eventually, I fell asleep, but soon nightmares of my parents hurting and bullying John filled my mind. 

I woke up the next morning with dry tears on my face. I rolled over to find John fast asleep. I sat up and brushed the hair from his face. He always looked so cute when he slept. I looked at the clock and realized I had woken up before my alarm.

I continued to caress his hair. A smile filled his sleeping face.

"Hey, there love," I whispered into his ear. 

The smile grew bigger. His eyes started to flutter. Soon he revealed his stunning eyes to me.

"Hey, there love," I said again. 

"Hi, good morning." He smiled.

"Good morning." I smiled back. I leaned down to kiss him. 

"What time do you have to leave?" He asked. 

"Well, I have to go get my hair and makeup done at nine."

"Well, it's only seven, do you mind if I just hold you for a while?" He asked before reaching up to move a strand of hair from my face.

"I would love nothing more."

There was a knock at the door. 

"Ugh, what now!" I exclaimed. I got out of bed and realized I was naked. I smiled at the thought of last night. Then my face turned back into a scowl because someone was interrupting my cuddle time with my boyfriend. "Who is it?!" I yelled trying to find a robe in my suitcase. I put one on and I opened the door.

I found Stacey and Sam behind the door.

"Oh my gosh, Nina is this a bad time?!" Stacey exclaimed. Her gaze moved between me and the shirtless John in bed. My face got red. I saw Sam smirk.

"Oh no, I was just about to get in the shower, what can I help you with?"

"Well I just realized we didn't tell you the new plan. We are taking one of the hotel cars to the beauty place, so meet us down in the lobby at around eight forty."

"Oh, I can't wait," I responded. Stacey smiled.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for Dave and I and the wedding and..."

"Oh please, Stacey you were there for me when I needed you. You're a great friend and this is the least I could do." I told her putting my hand on her arm. She smiled and hugged me tightly. Then she started crying. 

"I guess I'm just a little emotional because of the wedding and all." She said pulling a tissue from her purse. Sam put her arm around her. "I'm just so happy you are here, and John, hi John!" She waved while wiping her tears.

John smiled and waved.

"Hi, Stacey."

"I'll see you down in the lobby, all right? Today's gonna be great!" I told her and she nodded. They then left. I closed the door.

A few minutes after I got out of the shower another knock was at the door. My hair was in a towel and I had to find my robe again. I opened the bathroom door and opened the hotel door to find  Harry behind it. He was holding my hotel key up.

"Forget something?"

"Oh thank God you found it. I was worried mum and dad would find it and try to return it."

"So why didn't you just come back up and get it." He laughed handing me the key.

I sighed.

"I was too emotionally drained to go back up there again to just get yelled at once more."

"I mean I don't blame you, things got worse after you left."

"How so?" I questioned.

"Well, dad lectured us about how we need to not be encouraging you, not to side with you."

"Figures." I chuckled shaking my head. "I gotta grab some breakfast, you wanna come? I just gotta blow dry my hair and get dressed. John!" I yelled. "We are going for breakfast in twenty."

"All right!" He replied from where he was laying on the bed.

"I'd love to Nina, Kathy is still sickish, even the sight of food makes her wanna throw up. I was just about to head down and eat by myself." He chuckled.

"Well, where's Tom? I'm sure he would eat with you." I asked inviting him inside. I shut the door behind him.

"He already was down eating earlier. Dave had him out looking for something at the store. Some wedding emergency."

"I see," I responded going back into the bathroom. "Just sit down until I'm ready. I'm sure John won't mind, he's just watching Twenty Questions."

"And I'm doing well too!" John replied which caused me to laugh.

"Never better than me love! You are just lucky I'm not watching." I yelled back.

After I was ready we all headed down to the breakfast area. There across the seating area were my parents. My dad reading the paper and my mum drinking her coffee.

"You say we just grab the food and go up to the hotel room?" Harry asked quickly looking away from them.

"Man we must be related because you just read my mind,"  I replied. We nodded at each other. But I didn't drop John's hand. I brought him here for a reason. 

We went through the food line and we left, without even being noticed by my parents. We ate quickly and then I had to race back down to the lobby to meet the girls. 

My parents were still in the eating area when I walked past. I was greeted by Sam's embrace.

We got to the beauty place. Stacey's parents were paying for the wedding, our hair, and our makeup. I had to remember to thank them for the free makeover.

"So what do we want sweetie?" The hairdresser asked as I sat down in the chair. All the bridesmaids were here, all sitting side by side. 

"Whatever you think will be best," I responded. I honestly wasn't good at knowing what would look good on me.

She grinned.

"I have an idea."

She curled my hair and put a tiny little bun in the back. I loved it. It looked incredible. I then was moved over to the makeup station and soon I was staring at myself in the mirror stunned. 

I got back to the hotel to find John sitting on the bed watching the telly. I covered my face and took my bridesmaid's dress from where it was hanging.

"Is something wrong love?" He asked as I ran into the bathroom.

"Nothing, I just want you to see it all put together!"

"All right." He chuckled.

It was a yellow, fallish color dress. It had a collar and long sleeves. There was a yellow ribbon that was added to my hair to match it, everyone got one. 

I put the dress on and the silver shoes that went along with it. I opened the door and walked out. John turned his head and his mouth fell open.

"Nina oh my gosh... you look stunning."

I blushed.

"Thank you, love."

"No seriously my God, you are gorgeous."

I came over and sat on his lap. I leaned up to kiss him. We leaned back onto the bed, not breaking the kiss. But eventually, I had to break it up.

"As much as I would love to continue this. I've got to get up to Stacey's room, and you've got to get ready. But trust me this will continue tonight."

John smirked as I sat up.

"I can't wait to get into those fancy pants of yours tonight," I said.

John laughed.

"And I can't wait to get up that dress."

I laughed back and kissed him quick.

"I will see you later," I said kissing his lips quickly. "I'm gonna introduce you to my parents I think during the reception when there will be witnesses." 

He laughed.

I was walking down the hallway when I heard a door open.


I turned around to see my mother walking towards me. She stopped to look at me for a moment.

"Oh, darling you look beautiful."

"Aww thank you, mum." I smiled. She smiled back and put her hand up to adjust one of my curls. 

We just stared at each other for a moment. 

"Yellow really does suit you."

"Thank you, mum, you look beautiful too," I responded. My mother was wearing a light blue color dress with a silver necklace and earrings to match. Her brown hair was up in a loose bun.

My mother was still staring at me, but soon a grin found its way to her lips.

"Why thank you dear, that's quite kind of you to say." She said surprised.

"You're welcome, I've gotta run, Stacey's having some lunch up in her suite, was there something you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

She was quiet for a moment. She went to say something then stopped.

"You know what? I've forgotten it, I'm sure it will come to me later. Now go on." She told me before motioning me towards the elevator.

"All right..." I started. "I'll see you at the ceremony.

My mum nodded and went back into her hotel room. I got into the elevator stunned. 

"What the hell was that." I said as the doors closed. My mother was acting weird. She hasn't acted like that towards me in a long time.

I could see my reflection in the elevator. My expression showed how confused I was. My mother always was way nicer to me when my dad wasn't around, that was true. But she hadn't been that nice to me in a while.

I didn't have that much time to process it, because someone soon got in the elevator, an older woman. I quickly had to change my confused face to a smile.

"Going somewhere?" She chuckled. "You look very pretty dear." She grinned.

"Aww, why thank you," I responded flattered. "My brother is getting married."

Soon we were all waiting outside the room for the ceremony to start. I was being led down the aisle by my brother's long time best friend Greg. They'd been best friends since primary school. I've known him my whole life. 

"I better be next to get married." Greg chuckled. Greg had bright red hair and lots of freckles on his face. I remember Dave and Greg were always very protective of me when guys hit on me. I really appreciated it. They were always good to me.

I had to give it to Dave, he always picked good friends. Out of all the sexist dumbareses in our hometown he could pick from, he always managed to find the good ones.   

"I'm sure it will, if not I don't know what's wrong with girls."

He laughed.

"You got anyone in your life right now? I haven't seen you since you left for London."

"My boyfriend of two years is actually here..." I responded peering out into the event hall. "I've never introduced him to my parents and I'm so nervous about it."

"Really? Well of course I would never want to introduce anyone to your parents."

"He's sitting in there right now, I think he's sitting away from my family. I'm planning on introducing them at the reception, where there are people around."

We were told the wedding was starting and we all got in our places. I took Greg's arm and waited. Sam was behind me. I turned around to look at her. She was looking down at her shoes, But soon she caught me staring. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I turned around and sighed.

I entered the room, I saw John sitting in the back next to people I didn't even recognize. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I could see my parents at the front, looking straight at me. My mom was smiling but my dad wasn't, he just stared coldly at me. I looked away and took my place at the front.

By the end of it, I had to take a tissue from Sam because I got emotional seeing my brother and Stacey so happy. 

They kissed and we all clapped. I shouted and whistled. My brother looked at me and saw the makeup running down my face.

We took wedding pictures in front of the hotel and in the street. I thought the pictures were going to turn out really well. 

By the time I made it back up to my hotel room I was exhausted. I found John sitting on the bed, again, watching the telly.

"My feet are killing me!" I exclaimed throwing my shoes on the floor. 

"You looked so stunning." He told me as I sat down next to him. He began rubbing my back. I let out a sigh.

"Ahhh thank you but not when I started crying anyway." I laughed.

"I thought it was sweet." He responded.

There was a moment of silence.

"Something strange happened with my mother before it."

"Like what?" He questioned. I told him what had occured, how strange she acted.

"Maybe tonight won't be as bad as you think."

"I appreciate the optimism love but I still doubt it will go smoothly." 

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