008; college essay

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"WHY THE FUCK IS MY STREAM QUALITY SO HORRIBLE?!" Tommy screamed for the eleventh time. I groaned and mumbled under my breath, "I swear to god if that kid screams about his stream quality one more-" "OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY STREAM?!"

I had enough of his screaming. On any other day I wouldn't have cared, but today was different. Today I was writing an essay for school. I usually didn't give a shit about homework, but s/n insisted this was "important." Important my ass.

I got up from my desk and went downstairs. I put on some sandals and walked out the front door, heading towards Tommy's house. It was snowing, and I was wearing a tank top and shorts. I was usually way too insecure to wear shorts- or a tank top for that matter- in public, but right now I barely even noticed. That son of a bitch wasn't going to get me grounded because of his fucking stream quality.

I walked through his front door, not even bothering to knock. I went up to his room and burst through the door. "YOU LITTLE ARSEHOLE WONT STOP BITCHING ABOUT YOUR STREAM QUALITY FOR A SECOND. I'M TRYING TO GET THINGS DONE, BUT NO, SIRINNIT IS SO SUPERIOR HE JUST HAS TO-" I started to scream at him. "Please tell me somebody clipped 'SirInnit is so superior,'" he whispered into his mic.

"FINE YOU SON OF A BITCH," I started, getting a plan. "IF YOUR STREAM QUALITY IS SO HORRIBLE YOU JUST HAVE TO COMPLAIN, I'LL FIX IT. JUST PRESS ALT+F4" I screamed at him. "Oh, okay," he replied contently. "Thank- WHAT THE FUCK N/N?!" he yelled. (if you cant thing of a nickname just add a y to the end of your name. if it already has a y or an ie change it to an s) "Baby rag- N/N?! DID YOU JUST FUCKING CALL ME N/N?!" I screamed at him. "FUCK YOU WILBUR. FUCK. YOU," he screamed at himself. "WHAT THE FUCK DOES WILBUR HAVE TO DO WITH THIS YOU DICKHEAD?!" I screamed at him, annoyed by his stupidity. "I'M GONNA STREAM AGAIN, FUCK YOU," he screamed, sitting down in his chair.

I started to go back down the stairs when I felt something thrown at me. "What the-" I started. "Take the hoodie dumbass. It's cold," Tommy called from the top of the stairs. I nodded my head at him in thanks and put in on. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard his mum on the phone with someone who was probably my mum. "Yes, she's here... Yes, she's fine... I'll ask her... Alright... Buh-bye."

She hung up the phone and smiled at me. She saw the confused expression on my face and explained, "You probably could tell that was your mom. She was calling to see if you had came here and said you could stay for dinner if you'd like." I smiled and replied, "Sure!" Her eyes lit up, probably because she would have me to help her understand her son's stupidity, and said, "You can wait in Tommy's room until dinner's ready. He's streaming right now, but you already know that." I hummed in agreeance and went back into his room. Before he could ask why I was back I said, "I'm staying for dinner. Oh, and do you mind if steal this?" He nodded and went back to his stream.

"You've written a novel? I don't even write essays," he said. Suddenly, he gasped and started panicking. "I have my college essay due tomorrow. I have my college essay due tomorrow. What time is it?" He checked the time and ended his stream. I giggled at his forgetfulness. "I've already started working on mine, but I can finish later. Want some help?" I asked him. "I uh- sure," he agreed, probably surprised I was offering to help.

.-time skip brought to you by minx stabbing her whiteclaw-.

"Annnnd, done!" he said. I smiled and gave him a quick hug. If I'm being honest, I was quite proud of the little dumbass. He started over 3 times, but he had finished and it was better then what I had so far. We chatted for a little while and then went downstairs for dinner.

.-another time skip brought to you by my friends thinking arson is morally okay-.

I thanked Tommy's mum for the food and went back home to finish my essay. Just as I was about to close my front door I saw Tommy hugging a brunette and screaming,


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