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"NOO! LERA DONT LEAVE ME!" carly screamed, clinging to lera with all their strength.

"get off me shortass, my flight isnt gonna wait for me," she chuckled.

"watch your language," lera's mother warned.

"sorry," she muttered.

"flight BA333 is now boarding."

"bye carly!" lera yelled as she ran after her family.

"ELIZA MY LOVE, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME," carly screamed. people waiting for their flights gave her an irritated look as they broke into song. her rendition of the world was wide enough increased in volume the farther lera was from carly.

lera settled on the plane and opened her laptop.

"can i have your phone?" byron asked.

"no," she stated simply.

"why?" he whined.

"first off, i dont want your crusty ass ipad kid fingers to get on my phone. secondly, i dont trust you with my phone."

"language," their mom said from the row behind them.

"whats the worst i could do?" he asked, determined to get her phone.

"i dont know, throw it out the fucking window?" she said.

drop new chapter ideas here >

"that was one time, and it wasnt really my fault. i was six," he defended himself.

"you were nine, cowshed," she corrected him.

"why do you still call me that? its not like i decided my name should mean cowshed," he complained.

"not my fault either," she replied.

"please just give me your phone," he persisted.

"why do you even want it?" she asked.

"i wanna watch tommy's new vlog," he explained.

"who the hell is tommy?" she questioned.

"language," their mom repeated.

"tommyinnit. you know, the child that swears a lot. he's blonde and calls everyone big man," byron answered.


"huh?" lera said, clearly more confused after his explanation.

"the guy with 10 million subscribers. he's in the dream smp," he continued.

"oh, that guy! he's the tall enderman guy, right?"

"no, thats ranboo. tommy is the one that swears," he reiterated.

"oh, yeah! that guy. he wears that one red and white baseball tee a lot, right?" she asked.

"yeah, that's him," he replied.

"now that we've gotten that out of the way, im gonna sleep. try asking johanna for her phone, she'll probably give it to you," she suggested.

"why didnt i ask her in the first place," he grumbled.

lera shrugged and got comfortable in her chair, determined to sleep all seven hours of her flight.

a/n: bum badada !!!! this is the first chapter from the reworked version i started last year. first of all, yes, lera is y/n, byron is your little brother and johanna is your older brother. second, this takes place right before the very first chapter. f you guys would be interested in a rewrite of this book i'd be willing to do it. anytoodles, drink water, eat some food, and touch grass stinky

ily guys !!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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