019; alton towers

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"i saw a news article on this place and it sounded cool so dominic drove me here to check it out," i lied blatantly.

"alright then," tommy replied, clearly not believing it.

"what about you? why are you here?" i asked.

"vlogging with wilbur and phil. wanna join us?"

"yea, sure!" i smiled.

time skip brought to you by my broke ass

"phil, are you sure you dont wanna go on the blade?" i asked as wilbur teased tommy about being a pussy.

"im not really a theme park person," he responded. meeting phil was a little awkward at first, but we managed to get along.

"y/n! tell will im not a pussy," tommy demanded.

"tommy, that would be lying. i only lie for people over the age of eight."

"fuck you," he muttered.

"children, how do you feel?" wilbur asked as we sat down on the blade.

"first off, suck my dick you fucking whore i am not a child. secondly, pretty good," i replied.

"what about you big man?" he continued.

tommy did his iconic shaky breath and said, "i am going to die."

"if it makes you feel better, you wont be the first person to die on the blade," wilbur teased.

"i hate you," tommy grumbled.

"do you like how they dont have any safety things here?" wilbur asked.

"why would you say that?!" tommy whined.

"will you laugh at me if i piss myself?" wilbur questioned.

"oh hell yes," i responded.

"so, isn't there meant to be a big pig?" tommy asked as the ride began.

tommy began to scream words of reassurance to himself.


tommy didnt respond, and instead decided to cry out for phil.

"YOU CHOSE THIS!" phil yelled.

tommy continued screaming obnoxiously while wilbur reassured him the "girl" was worth it. they had explained that they thought it would be funny if tommy was going on all these rides to impress a girl so they got wilbur's editor, elodie, to pretend to be a girl from tommy's college.

"NOW THAT INTERSTATE IS PAVED WITH MEMORIES," tommy and wilbur began to scream like their lives depended on it. although, in tommy's mind that probably was the case.

as the ride slowed down tommy began to ask for subscribers.


as we got off the ride a little kid exclaimed, "OH I LOVED IT!"

"are we cowards?" wilbur asked on behalf of him and tommy, who were trying not to piss themselves the entire ride.

"definitely," i responded.

time skip brought to you by me speedrunning this chapter so i can update more

"tommy please just let me call elodie," i asked.

"this is the fourth time you've asked in the last ten minutes, the answers still no," tommy said.

"tommy i will let you tweet anything on my account as long as it wont get me cancelled," i bargained.

"fine," he said.

boy next door // a tommyinnit x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now