003; streamers and socials

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"Yea?" the boy on the bed replied instinctively. I was confused as fuck. How did my brother already know our neighbour? I was about to ask when b/n squealed, "YOU SHOULD STREAM WITH Y/N SOMETIME! SHE'S REALLY GOOD AT PVP!" I stood up straight at my name. I replayed what b/n said in my head a few times before it hit me. "You're a streamer?" I asked the boy on the bed. He gave me a blank stare for a moment then replied, "Mhm. How many followers do you have?" "Probably less then you," I said. I knew that if my brother was going to scream about him, he must have quite a few followers. He smirked and said, "Unless you have over 2 million, then yeah, you have less. You should follow me." I scoffed, "Yea, no thanks."

S/n came in from upstairs as I finished saying that and asked, "Tommy, where's your bathroom? I need to speak with y/n for a moment." Tommy showed us the bathroom and went back into his room. S/n shut the door and started giggling. "Did you drag me in here to watch you laugh or do you need something?" I asked her, annoyed. She cleared her throat and said, "Well, your getting older now, and I just wanted to tell you that if you ever need to talk to me about boyfriend's and stuff-" "WHAT THE HELL S/N?!" I screamed at her and ran back into Tommy's room. I slammed the door behind me and sat against it.

"What the fuck?" Tommy asked. I groaned. "I'd rather not talk about it," I mumbled, placing my head up the door and closing my eyes. After about a minute, I opened my eyes to see Tommy on my phone. "Fuck," Tommy mumbled under his breath, expecting me to dive for my phone. I stared at him for a minute and sighed. "I don't give a shit, just don't do anything stupid," I said and put my head against to door again. My brother gaped. "WHY DOES A STRANGER GET TO STEAL YOUR PHONE BUT WHENEVER I DO YOU THREATEN TO TELL EVERYONE AT SCHOOL ABOUT THE INCIDENT?!" he screamed at me. "What incident?" Tommy asked skeptically.

My brother started to throw a fit, "Y/N NO. PLEASE NO. I'M BEGGING YOU DO NOT-" "A few weeks ago he came into my room and asked me what cum was and if you could simp for it," I stated. Tommy laughed so hard he started crying, and my brother just went downstairs in embarrassment. I plopped down on the bed next to Tommy. "What are you even doing on my phone?" I asked him. Tommy replied, "Just following me and adding my number." I noticed his phone on the floor. I grabbed it and turned it on. "What's your passcode?" I asked him. He grabbed his phone from me, put in the passcode, and handed it back. I followed myself on all my socials and gave his phone back. My sister walked into the door smirking. "Dinner's ready children. Wash up and come downstairs." She was about to walk out of the room when she turned around and added, "Oh, and Tommy?" He picked his head up, startled by his name. "Yea?"

"Let me know if y/n calls you an arsehole again."

boy next door // a tommyinnit x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now