Chapter 21

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After a couple of hours of listening to them drone about war tactics I was approached by Narcissa after the meeting "Elara what's happened?" She whispered.

"The Dark Lord wants me, so that's it not much I can do but oblige is there" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Draco?" She looked around the room as she whispered it. "It's done Narcissa I won't put him in danger please advise him to accept that" I looked at her in the eyes and she nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry Elara I'm heartbroken for the both of you" she sniffled. "Don't worry about me Cissy I turned off my emotions, worry about Draco" I said as I turned to walked away she gently grabbed my arm "Turn them back on Elara it's dangerous, please" she whispered and I turned to where Tom was signalling for me.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek smiling evilly at everyone around us. "You make a staggering pair I can feel the power radiating from you both" some snivelling brown nose announced.

I locked eyes with Severus who looked about ready to combust I shook my head inconspicuously at him. He strolled over to us holding his nose up in the air "I expect you'll be back at the castle by this evening Miss Gaunt can't have you falling behind now can we" he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes professor you'll have your essay for Monday don't worry" I smiled at him. I excused myself to the bathroom and went back to his bedroom sitting on his bed.

"I thought you may have run away" Tom said leaning on the door frame.

"That meeting was awfully boring my backside hurts from sitting so long" I smiled at him.

"Noted. I'll only make you come to the important ones then" he walked slowly towards me he cupped my chin and wet his lips "You really are beautiful" he whispered.

I looked up at him "So are you" I replied. He smiled and looked away "Did I just make the dark Lord blush? I don't think I've ever felt so powerful" I beamed at him flicking my hair over my shoulder.

He scoffed "Don't let it go to your head".

I checked my watch 6pm I could sneak back while everyone is at dinner. "I'm going to head back everyone will be at dinner I can avoid the interrogation" I stood and put my coat on.

He gripped my chin running his thumb across my bottom lip and kissed me passionately. "You're mine Elara" he said sternly.

"Yours" I said pecking his lips and walking to the fireplace. I flooed to Snapes office to find him behind his desk he stood sharply "What have you done" he fumed slowly.

"Me? Well Severus I turned off my emotions because I couldn't keep myself together lying to my friends and then they figured it out anyway, I stupidly suggested the dark Lord get his original body back beauty is power and all that, he's now decided I am going to be his queen and I returned to the party last night to find another girl on Draco's lap so I attempted to shag Potter, didn't work was awkward as shit and then I found myself with the dark Lord" I informed him sighing loudly "I know you must be so proud of me but please don't try and make me turn my emotions on I won't do it. It's pretty fucking good not feeling anything especially when the person I love consistently hurts me and my new admirer is a raging psychopath" I crossed my arms at him.

He buried his face in his hands "You must turn them back on Elara the longer you keep them off the worse it'll be when you reverse it" he pleaded with me.

I shook my head and opened the door "I'm not ready to yet Severus I'm sorry".

Back in my room I locked it, I turned my music up and cast a one way transparency on my door so I could see who was knocking. I lit a joint and laid with head hanging off the edge of the bed while I smoked and listened to music.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ