Chapter 24

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I apparated to Tom a week later in a bad mood he raised his brow at me when I walked in "What is wrong with you!?" He asked.

I pursed my lips "I'm in a mood" I sulked sinking into the chair next to him and he folded his arms. "And what are you in a mood about may I ask?".

"I want to go on holiday I go on holiday every summer with my friends or family, I have all of my life and now I'm having withdrawals so just let me sulk" I huffed. He furrowed his brows at me "Go on holiday then you spoilt brat".

I sat upright looking suspiciously at him "Really? Are you going to come with me?" I asked. He shook his head "No. I can't leave to go on holiday you know how busy I am" he said sipping from his cup.

"I can take my friends then? you can do without us for a week?" I smiled at him. "Yes believe it or not I can survive without you and your friends" he smirked.

I jumped up and down excitedly and hugged him making him snort "My suntan and new wardrobe will be worth it. See you in a week don't miss me too much" I kissed his cheek apparated home and packed a case.

I apparated to Pansy's house smiling widely when I walked in to her bedroom "Pack a case were going away" I squealed she sat bolt upright "Away where?" She smiled.

"Anywhere but the Miami manor I don't want him to just turn up thinking I'll be there, we'll get a luxurious hotel somewhere hot. Hurry we need to get the others" I jumped on her excitedly and she quickly packed a case and we apparated on to Daphne's.

When we had gathered Daphne and Blaise we got to Malfoy Manor ringing on the bell playfully. Draco pulled the door open with a scowl which dropped when he saw us "What's going on?" He asked.

"Pack a bag mate we're going away getting a luxury hotel somewhere hot" Blaise grabbed his shoulders and directed him upstairs, he looked over his shoulder at me and I winked at him.

We all flooed to Spain's ministry of magic and left through the main doors once we'd given our magical identification. It was boiling hot and I was glad I had on a white crop top and denim shorts.

"I want to rent a car with no roof" I beamed at them Blaise and Draco frowned "Why?" They groaned in unison.

"Shut up and wait here" I scolded them strutting to the car rental up the road. I rented a convertible putting the roof down instantly, I waved my wand at the dash to play all our favourite songs full volume and sped to a stop in front of them waiting for me.

I stood shaking my arse over the windscreen as they all laughed at me "Get in bitches" I shouted as they climbed in to the back seats, Draco sitting next to me in the front. I sped off on to the main road the wind blowing my hair around me, I beamed at Draco beside me who was trying his hardest not to smile at me.

We all sang along to the music as we drove along a long open road with the sea stretching out beside us. We ended up at a huge five star hotel on the beach I parked the car and we went in to the reception "We need four adjoining rooms please, best ones you have" I smiled at the man on reception handing over my credit card.

He nodded and escorted us to our rooms that led right out on to the beach from the balconies. It was early evening so we decided to eat and go out out, I put on a rust orange silk backless mini dress. I straightened my hair and did my make up before walking out of my balcony on to the beach watching the waves crash in and out.

I held my shoes in my hand as I walked back towards my room and saw Draco sat on his balcony next to my room watching me. I smiled down at my feet walking to his balcony, I shouted across the others to hurry up.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now