Chapter 22

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I stood in the Hall of Prophecies alongside Lucius in front of Harry Potter and his friends. I sighed in exasperation when they took off their masks revealing themselves, I kept mine firmly in place. As spells started flying everywhere and they started running I shot a hex at Granger making her trip and chuckling.

"You have a problem with the mudblood do you? I knew I liked you for a reason" Bellatrix cackled.

I apparated in a veil of black smoke in to the death chamber, I grabbed Granger with my wand to her neck as Lucius and Potter bickered over the prophecy. When the order of the phoenix arrived I kept a firm grip on Granger and watched as Lucius fought Potter and Sirius, I saw Bellatrix shooting a killing spell at Sirius out of the corner of my eye and instinctively cast a silent wandless Protego shield.

Granger gasped as she realised I'd just protected their side from a death. I shoved her forward to the floor watching as Potter and Sirius chased after Bellatrix, I ran to Lucius and apparated us back to the house to meet up with whoever else got away.

I ripped my mask off and chucked it across the room "Do you realise what you've done? They all saw your fucking faces you're done for" I screamed mainly at Lucius widening my eyes at him "Go, go and warn Narcissa get away if you have to" I shouted as Bellatrix shot through the floo. "You need to hide they'll be coming for you" I shouted at her and she nodded and apparated away.

I paced the drawing room wondering why the fuck Tom was taking so long, a few minutes later he appeared in front of me. "You're injured what happened?" I rushed over to him.

"I had a duel with Dumbledore and Harry Potter, the ministry saw me it's confirmed I'm back" he ran his hands through his hair. I gripped his shoulders and pulled him in to me "Fuck, fucking shit the others took their masks off they were seen they're going to be after them now" I fumed.

He grabbed my face "You didn't take your mask off did you?". I shook my head "I'm not as bloody stupid as them fucking idiots" I sighed.

"As long as you're safe I could care less about those incompetent failures. We'll just have to recruit more" he cupped my face and kissed me passionately. He lifted me on to the table ripping at my clothes desperately and undoing his trousers lining up with my entrance and thrusting in to me.

I leaned on one hand behind my back, the other in his hair as he devoured my neck and mouth, thrusting inside me fast and deep. I cried out as he hit my spot over and over powerfully "Fuck I'm c-" I screamed and tilted my head back as black and white spots blurred my vision and he filled me with his cum.

He panted in to my neck and pulled out zipping his trousers, he is not a cuddler after sex I've come to realise the past few months. He checked his watch and looked up at me "I'm going to Malfoy Manor I'll be back as soon as possible".

I grabbed his arm "Be careful". He smiled at me "Nice to know you care love" he pecked my lips and apparated away.

I showered and dried my hair putting on cycling shorts and a matching crop top. When I walked back in to the bedroom he was sat on the bed not looking up at me. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

He looked up at me, he was angry. "You don't have your emotions on? You've not had them this whole time is that right?" He hissed. I widened my eyes at him "So?" I held my hands out.

"Do you realise how dangerous that is? When you turn them back on it'll be fucking torture you stupid girl. Is any of this even real" he shouted gesturing between us.

I crossed my arms defiantly "It doesn't effect happiness or attraction it stops the pain, the sadness and fear. I've had a lot of that to last a life time and I didn't want to fucking feel it anymore. I wasn't scared of coming to you and getting my mark I couldn't stand the fucking tears anymore so I turned it off " I shouted.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now