Chapter 19

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Elara has been avoiding all of us apart from Asher for the last two weeks not even turning up to meal times but getting Asher to take her stuff. I collared him at breakfast to get answers "What's wrong with her?" I hissed and he stopped picking up the pastries.

"I don't know but she needs someone that's obvious I don't push her to answer if she doesn't want to" he answered smugly. I scoffed "That's bullshit how the fuck are we meant to help if she won't tell us".

"Maybe she doesn't want help being there to support her is enough I shouldn't have to explain that to you" he snapped.

I ran my hands through my hair snatched the plate from him and marched to her room letting myself in. She came out of the bathroom in tight leather trousers and a matching jacket she froze when she saw it was me "I brought you breakfast or is only Salvatore allowed to do that?" I said.

She huffed and threw her towel in to her basket "If you've come here to argue you can leave I have somewhere to be".

"How am I supposed to help when you won't tell me what's wrong? You can't just ignore all of us what the fuck El?" I raised my voice slightly but lowered it to a whisper at the last part.

She shook her head "I cant do this right now Draco please" she sighed looking at her watch.

"No I'm not fucking leaving until you tell me" I shouted and watched as her eyes teared up I took a step towards her but she held her hand up and stalked towards her bedside table, pulled out a book and cast some kind of charm over herself.

Her body language and facial features changed instantly and she let out a breath and walked out of the room. I stood there dumbfounded and snatched up the book reading the page she'd left open. An emotions concealment charm, what the fuck? And it can only be reversed by her.

My heart began to race as the realisation that she'd just completely shut off her emotions sank in. Fuck this is bad. I raced to find Salvatore and the others to tell them, I found them in the common room "What's going on Draco, El just walked straight past us with the bitchiest face on her?" Pansy shouted.

"I held the book up and read out the paragraph" they stared at me in shock "She turned her fucking emotions off, she said she had to be somewhere kept checking her watch" I panted.

"Shit you don't think it's him do you?" Blaise exclaimed.

"Who? What the fucks going on?" Salvatore shouted.

"The Dark Lord" Daphne whispered. I rushed out of the common room towards Snapes office and found it empty. I pulled at my hair in stress and chucked a glass jar at the wall.


I held Severus' arm as we walked towards a room in a dark house. My parents stood to the right of the room half smiling at me, I felt nothing no fear, no sadness and no anger. It was bliss I wish I knew of this charm sooner.

"Miss Gaunt welcome, welcome come over here" Voldemort summoned me. I walked towards him and he narrowed his eyes at me "You're not scared?" He questioned comically.

"No my Lord" I smiled. "You're very physically attractive too interesting" he smiled weirdly.

"Thank you, you used to be quite the looker yourself, back in the day" I smiled and he raised his non existent eyebrows.

"I like you" he smiled evilly "Do you pledge your loyalty to me Elara?" He asked.

"Yes my Lord" I held out my arm for him. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and dug his wand in to my forearm. I watched as his mark etched on to my skin it burned but I didn't flinch I suppose I didn't care.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now