Chapter 4

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The rest of year went by quickly and uneventful par a few flirty exchanges between me and Draco nothing had progressed past just being best friends which is a good thing I suppose. The Gryffindor v Slytherin quidditch match was today Me, Daphne, Pansy and Blaise sat in the stands excited to cheer on Draco.

We watched as the Gryffindor team walked on to the pitch and the whole of the Slytherin stands booed and laughed. As the Slytherin team came we stood and screamed for Draco.

Merlin he looked bloody hot in his quidditch uniform he looked up to us and smirked before mounting his broom and taking off. I watched as he gracefully flew around on his broom looking for the snitch studying the concentration on his face and the way his jaw tensed when he got frustrated and the smirk he produced when he spotted it had me smiling to myself.

I was interrupted by Pansy pinching my arm "Just tell him already I've been watching you, watching him you've got it bad haven't you?" She whispered in my ear. I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I just shook my head at her. "Friends don't look at friends that way El" she stated making my heart race. She was right.

Slytherin lost and Draco was fuming as he was so close but Potters broom was just that little bit faster. At least I know what to get him for his birthday.

"Fucking Potter I cant wait for the day he gets knocked down a peg or two and it'll be me knocking him down. Fucking twat thinks he's Merlin's gift" he shouted in the common room I smiled at the last part he wasn't wrong Potter is indeed a twat.


Draco has dragged us down towards Hagrid's hut to watch him get punished over the bird incident but what he hadn't told me was that the bird was being executed. "I'm not watching this Draco this is out of order" I scolded him as I turned to walk away, he was about to reply when the trio emerged storming towards us.

"Ahh come to see the show" Draco jestered at them. Granger came full force at him "You foul loathsome evil little cockroach" she screamed as she held her wand to Draco's throat I grabbed mine to hex her when Ron shouted "Hermione no, he's not worth it".

She turned to walk away and Draco and Crabbe laughed I rolled my eyes at their stupidity locking eyes with Potter before Granger swung round and punched him square in the nose.

I saw red as I yanked her down by her hair and kneed her in the face before shoving her towards the other two twats as Potter raised his wand to me I cast "Expelliarmus" sending his wand flying. "Keep your filthy mudblood hands to yourself next time, you three think you can waltz around doing whatever you fucking want I think not" I spat before grabbing Draco's arm and pulling him away and taking him to my dorm to fix his nose and clean him up.

I shoved him on my bed and grabbed our first aid kit out of the bathroom "El, I cant believe you just done that for me" he whispered as I pointed my wand to his nose "Episkey" making him wince as his nose snapped back in to place.

I sighed loudly as I poured the cleaning liquid on to a small towel "Of course I did that I wasn't going to let that bitch get away with punching you, but you were being a dick too Draco more so because of the bloody chicken" I stated as I gently cleaned the blood away from his face.

His hand came up and held my wrist as I finished cleaning, he was looking right through my soul with his piercing grey eyes making me nervous. His eyes briefly flickered over my lips as they parted and he leant forward and softly pressed his lips to mine, he cupped my cheek and my hands unconsciously laced around the back of his head as he deepened the kiss.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now