Chapter 27

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TW - Bold drug use and suicidal ideation/ attempt.



I woke up in a bed in the hospital wing, I winced as my head pounded rubbing at my temple. "Elara" Severus rushed over to me clutching at his chest "Thank merlin you've been out just over 24 hours I was so worried" he whispered noticing my head pain.

"What happened" I croaked my voice sore as I looked around for water and he rushed to pour me a glass with a straw and held it to my mouth.

"I'm not quite sure, you didn't look very well in class and then you passed out. Madam Pomfrey says it's stress induced, what were you so distressed about?" He enquired worryingly. I leaned back on to my pillow and closed my eyes "I can't tell you" I whispered and he tutted shaking his head.

I squinted my eyes it was starting to get dark outside "You haven't told my parents have you?" I panicked knowing it would get to Tom.

"No I haven't and I won't don't worry" he assured me taking a seat next to my bed and holding on to my hand. I sighed in relief "Good you are more of a father to me anyway" I slumped back in to my pillow smiling lightly at him.

The corner of his mouth twitched and he squeezed my hand " I'd like to think so too" he whispered "Madam Pomfrey wants you to stay in tonight I'll come and check on you in the morning" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Good night Severus" I whispered as I drifted back off to sleep.

I woke sometime in the middle of the night to someone stroking my face, I turned my head to Draco sat next to my bed "Draco" I whispered.

"Merlin El what the fuck happened? You scared me and I couldn't even help you, I couldn't run to you like I wanted to, this is killing me" he cried softly in to his hands and I felt my heart physically crack as I sat myself up in bed releasing a sob.

I'm being so selfish holding on to him, I can see it as I look in to his eyes how much it's affecting him having to pretend. I can feel it myself the stress of everything pressing down on my shoulders like a Boulder ready to combust.

"I don't want to hurt you Draco that's the last thing I want to do. I love you with every fibre of my body, I would kill for you and I would die for you" I whispered the last part cupping his cheek.

He looked up at me through his wet lashes "We can't do this anymore can we" he whispered and I covered my mouth to drown out the sobs threatening to come and never cease.

"One day, it'll be me and you I promise. I was your best friend before I loved you Draco it will always be you for me but we can't keep going round in circles" I cried and he nodded his head slowly "I love you Elara" he whispered as he stood to leave.

I nodded my head Potter suspects you, be careful please I said inside of his head as he walked away from me. Turning away as my body shook violently and I laid against my pillow covering my mouth.

This needs to happen, it's the best thing for both of us. He needs to be safe and I can't be selfish with him, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.


A week later on the Monday I walked the corridors to Potions when Potter walked in step beside me "Elara are you feeling better? You gave us all quite a fright the other day" he smiled at me and I fake smiled back "I haven't been eating properly my own fault" I shrugged my shoulders.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now