Chapter 14

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I avoided Draco and Asher as much as I could
for the first few days after the drama. I woke up on the Thursday and curled my hair and applied my make up, putting on a skin tight green check skirt, a tight white shirt with my tie and over the knee socks with heeled boots.

I turned to Pansy whistling at me as she tied her tie and shook my arse making her laugh. "Ready for potions" I asked holding out my hand she took it and we walked to class together.

We took a table at the back of the classroom and Blaise and Draco took the empty seats next to us. I rolled my eyes at Pansy avoiding Draco staring at me and kept my eyes to front on Snape the whole lesson.

When he dismissed class he called for me to stay behind, I stood and walked to the front catching Potter glancing at me. I smirked sarcastically at him making him blush.

"How are you? You haven't had any trouble with Mr Malfoy have you?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"No I've been steering clear of him there was a bit of drama with him and Asher on Sunday but they're both over it now I think" I smiled at him.

"Very well if you have any issues at all be sure to come to me and I'll sort it for you. And you should be wearing your robe Elara".

"Thank you Severus and I never did thank you for letting me leave when it all happened so thank you" I hugged him and for once he actually hugged me back tighter than I expected. "It was very disturbing to see you like that you're like a daughter to me and I'm always here for you" He said slowly.

"Love you Sev" I said as I walked out of the class. I immediately saw Draco leaned over a Ravenclaw girl in the hallway he looked over at me smugly I shot him a filthy look and went to walk past.

"Elara" I heard Potter call my name, he must have been waiting outside next to the doors. I turned to him and slowly walked towards him "Potter?" I tilted my head to the side at him.

"I heard you're having a party Saturday" he said. "Yes are you coming? Weasley too" I smiled at him.

"Yeah okay great yeah we'll be there" he smiled. "Great see you on Saturday then Potter" he raked his eyes over my legs and I bit my bottom lip as I turned to walk away. This will be fun.

Draco didn't take his eyes off me as I walked towards him making my stomach flip. I shot a look between him and the girl with my eyebrows raised "I know you have trouble sticking to one girl Draco but at least look at her and not me when she's speaking to you" I smiled sarcastically and walked past them towards the common room.


I watched her talking to Potter, watched his eyes scan her sexy fucking body making my blood boil. I completely forgot I was with another girl to try get a reaction from El until she walked towards us.

"I know you have trouble sticking to one girl Draco but at least look at her and not me when she's speaking to you" she smiled at me.

I scoffed and pushed away from the girl to watch her walk away from me. Merlin I love that fiery little mouth of hers.

I walked away from the girl I had no idea of her name she wasn't important I just wanted a rise out of El. I know I shouldn't but I'd rather hear her cussing me out than ignoring me completely and she didn't disappoint.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora