Chapter 18

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December came around quickly its a week before break and I'd been spending a lot of time with Snape practicing advanced dark arts at his insistence. I blocked each spell he sent my way non verbally and shot three non verbal Expelliarmus after the other making him stumble and his wand flew to my hand.

His mouth twitched at the sides "Brilliant Elara you've a natural talent for this" he praised.

"Why are we doing this again Severus?" I groaned.

"You need to be prepared dark things are coming and I need to know you can protect yourself" he sighed as he started shooting offensive spells at me which I blocked with ease.

"It's him isn't it The Dark Lord?" I whispered catching him off guard and sending a jelly legs jinx at him and making him drop to the floor.

"He's going to start recruiting you all soon and I can't do anything to shield you from him" he gasped pushing his hair viciously out of his face.

"I'm not scared Severus it's okay I knew this would be coming as long as I've got you on my side I'll be fine. And besides I think I've proved I can kick some serious arse" I half smiled.

"I wish I could hide you away and keep you from all of this but I'm afraid it's your parents decision and they're adamant you'll make a brilliant death eater. If I can't stop it I'll teach you to be the strongest you can be" he whispered slowly. He handed me a personal book of his with dark arts spells, hexes and jinxes. "I want you to study this word for word, I've charmed it so that no one else can read what's inside apart from you" He put his hand over mine.

I smiled up at him "Thank you. will you be there with me when the time comes?" I asked.

"Of course" he nodded.

I nodded my head draped my robe over my arm heading out of the room. I spotted Draco coming towards me as I came close to the portrait hole. We haven't slept together since his birthday I've been so busy with Snape I've been getting back to my room late.

"Where have you been? It's nearly 12am" he asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we entered the common room.

"With Snape" I whispered. He furrowed his brows "Why's he working you like a madman?" He questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders "He said I need to be prepared for what's to come" I looked at him knowingly. He nodded his head knowing exactly what I meant.

"I can work with you show you what he's taught me if you want?" I suggested.

"Really? Yeah that'd be good" He smiled at me.

"I'm training with him most evenings but he said I've perfected nearly everything so maybe we can start after Christmas break?" I said.

"Yeah whenever you've got time. About Christmas.. will you be coming to the ball?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Maybe I'll see what my parents are doing" I said stifling a yawn. He kissed my cheek rubbing his thumb over my other cheekbone and pushed me towards the stairs "Night El". I blushed and went up to my room.

When Christmas break came around I flooed home from Snape's office to be greeted by my parents the other side. "Hi sweetheart how have things been?" My mother asked hugging me close.

"Fine, did you know Asher transferred to Hogwarts?" I told them.

My father raised his eyebrows "His parents let him transfer to Hogwarts? That doesn't sound like them he must have given a very convincing speech" he said suggestively.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя