Chapter 33

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"I need Draco" I trembled shock suddenly overwhelming me.

Severus held my shoulders studying my face "Don't go back there tonight not while he's like that stay in the castle" he pleaded and I nodded my head taking a leave of his office and rushing down the moving stairs to the dungeons.

I ignored the whispers around me pushing myself to get to Draco even though my legs felt as if they were about to give way from underneath me any minute.

I stumbled through the portrait hole my face dripping with sweat as my arm burned over and over, I heard my name being shouted when I dropped to the floor shaking uncontrollably.

I felt strong arms pick me up from the ground and carry me up the stairs. I heard my name over and over but I kept my head bowed unable to catch my breath, unable to focus on anything around me as my arms and legs twitched without consent.

I closed my eyes as arms enclosed around me I sobbed as Draco's familiar smell filled my senses. Taking deep breathes as he rubbed my back looking up at him as his mouth parted in shock at the sight of my face.

His face screwed up in fury "Did he fucking do that to you?" He seethed and I nodded my head as my lips trembled. He ran a hand over his face trying to control his rage "I'll fucking kill him" he hissed as Blaise agreed behind me.

Draco held his hands on my arms noticing the involuntary twitching and trembling his eyes widened "Did he fucking Crucio you?" He shouted and I nodded again not trusting my voice. He gasped biting down on his knuckle and blowing out a puff of frustrated air.

"You aren't going back, you are staying here end of" he fumed and I shook my head "I c-can't Draco please don't argue with me I came because I needed you just hold me please" I cried.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close shushing my cries. I don't remember falling asleep but I woke in Draco's arms as he stared at me eyes filled with worry. "What happened?" He whispered and I flopped my head back "Potter was at the manor I helped them get some of Bella's hair to get in her vault. They escaped and he was torturing Bella I touched his arm to try and explain that they must have planned it otherwise they wouldn't have got away so easily. He backhanded me and Crucio'ed me, I told him that was the last time he would hurt me and apparated away he's been calling me back since" I held my arm up.

He shook his head "Bellatrix can handle herself please don't get involved Elara" he said softly and I shook my head "I wasn't thinking I just didn't want him to turn on your parents" I whispered.

He gently traced his hand over my face "I love you" he kissed my lips softly and I closed my eyes as tears trailed my cheeks.

I rolled off the bed and into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. My eye and my cheek was black and blue and my eye bloodshot red, I bowed my head and closed my eyes.

A quick glance at my watch had me panicking, I rushed back into the bedroom "It's nearly 1pm Draco" I paced the room and he nodded "You slept like a brick I couldn't wake you" he said and I turned to him biting the corner of my mouth "I need to leave".

He leapt off the bed "Please don't, just stay here El" he pleaded and I shook my head "You don't understand it's happening any day now, if not already in motion" I panted in panic.

He cupped my face pressing his forehead against mine gently, careful of my injuries "I can't do this El I can't say goodbye with the possibility it will be the last time, come with me" he sobbed and I gripped his hands "You promised me Draco please don't do this, I can't run with you he'll find us. He'll know I'm here right now but at least I can say I was with Severus. We both knew it could come to this it was worth it for me even the limited time we had it was worth the pain" I cried kissing him over and over.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu