Chapter 2: Kings and Queens

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Author: How's holiday to all of you? Enjoy!

No one POV

Minutes after the sweating session between you and Akali for the first time, and not to mention your band mates and Akali's friend also finding it out. You were sitting with Akali, both blushing in embarassment.

Just after they barged in the break room, your friends and Akali's group mates kept teasing about your first time with Akali. All you need to worry about is your mother overreacting of her lovely son learning about how to make out.

Ahri: *teasing tone* Sooo~~~ Akali~ How's first time with Y/N~?

Akali: *blushing mess* I-it's so good~

Evelynn: Oh my~ *smirks to Akali* I wish I was there earlier so we could have threesome~!

Kai'sa: *blushing too* W-who suggested to do your first time?

Akali: *still blushing* I-I did.

Evelynn: *smiles and leans to Akali* I'm so proud of you Rogue~

Meanwhile with your band mates, you put your right hand on your forehead, enduring the teasing from your band mates.

Lucas: *giggidly* Damn Y/N my dude! Your the man!

Jason: *chuckles* The fact we are busy answering interviews earlier while you were busy f*cking Akali, made this night the best for me.

Y/N: *still slightly blushing* Can you please stop talking about my first time?

Elias: *raises hand* I have a question Y/N.

Y/N: I swear to god if your gonna talk about the threesome again I will throw a shuriken at you.

Elias: *shakes head* No not that. Who's the dominant one?

Y/N: Me. *shrugs* And some time, Akali is persistent. She's sometime the dominant one, but most of the time, I am the dominant one.

Elias: Good. *smirks* Now I know what I can do for the threesome later.

You throw a shuriken to Elias, who dodged it easily as the rest of everyone else laugh at the bickering.

Y/N: *sighs* Oh shut up Elias.

Elias: *chuckles* Love you too buddy. No homo.

You shook your head while chuckling. Needless to say that this is your best day ever. Why?

You just performed in front of 750,000 people on your band's biggest concert so far, and that same day is you banged Akali after concert.

Seriously how lucky you are?

Your thoughts were interrupted when your band's manager Luke and K/DA's manager Taric entered the break room.

Luke: *wiping his sweat* How's everyone?

Ahri: *giggling* We're fine. *then smirks* Well~ A couple here have some "fun" time for each other earlier~

Akali: *blushes* AHRI!

Taric: *laughs* Good to see Akali is bonding with Mister L/N, just always remember to pull out young man.

Y/N: *puffs steam* SIR TARIC!

Luke: *chuckling* Now now, stop teasing my boy here.

You sighed and you shook your head. Man your gonna endure one hell of teasings after going home.

You seriously need a bowl of noodles after this.

*Time skip brought to you by this meme*:

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