Chapter 76:- The Dream-Part 2

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"Nah you're wrong," sighed the blonde, "I bet this war will be finished in a few years or so, I mean, there are only 26 unowns, after all, I bet we'll all find them and store them away for the good of all humanity."

The man sitting next to her sighed, "I don't know, Ally, it's been going on for... Hundreds of years... sure, we're all pretty good but so are they. Worst of all, they keep recruiting people."

"Well so do we, Sammy."

"We don't, though, we're a legacy and they..." the man named Sammy sighed as he navigated his way above the stretched Ocean.

"It'll get better," the blonde woman named Ally smiled, "we'll defeat them, there is you, me, Lark, and Delia. Also those Xaviers."

"We'll fight till the end, we won't give up."

Ailsa nodded, "And when it's over, then... you can follow your true passion, Pokemon study."

Sammy took her hand in his, "And you can peruse yours, we can have a family—"

"—on a big ranch!"

"With lots and lots of Pokemon!"

"And deep dense forest with cliffs and creeks! Like Lark's home in Pallet."

"But where?" Said Sammy, "there is always your home in Hoenn."

The blonde sighed, an ominous smile spread on her face. "That will go to Van, you know, I'm a girl, we don't succeed legacies."

"It's alright..." Sammy smiled, his lush brown hair swept just the right way, "we can live in Pallet, there is a large clearing, it's beautiful and very—"

Suddenly a large explosion raked behind them, throwing them off their way. The jet spiraled out of control, Ally was thrown out of her seat and into the back where there was a small leak. As the cabin pressured dropped, the alarms went berserk.

"What the—" said Sammy in awe as tried to control the spiraling jet, "are you okay?!"

"Yeah," Ally struggled to get up, "who attacked us? There was nothing on the radar!"

Samuel grunted his teeth as he read the current coordinates, "It didn't have to," he cursed, "we're nearing the Kalosian Border! It must've been those Van Blacks!"

"But they promised not to interfere!"

"You can never trust the Van Blacks!" Sammy said,  piloting the jet through the smoke and the darkness ahead.

"But we barely touched the sea, Samuel!"

"I told you," said Samuel, "you can never trust the Van Blacks! Those mad scientists are insane! This is what they do!"

The terrible turbulence went on for quite some time as the explosions raked behind them all in a row.

"Oh no," Samuel's eyes landed on the GPS, "Ailsa look!"

The blonde diverted her gaze to where he was pointing, blood drained out of her face as she managed to say, "We're heading to Citadark?" She wheezed, "but we were locked for Metsys!"

Samuel slammed his hands on the control center, "Those damn Van Blacks hit us with Micro-robots! The mainframe is jammed! I cannot change the coordinates, we're going to Citadark! That's why they do!"

"But they are Barbarians!" Cried Ailsa, "Sammy did you try deleting it?"

"Of course I did, I can't do anything! I'm locked out!"

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