Chapter 56:- The Ride with Charlus

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"You do know that right now you look like an old wife?"

Serena hit his arm, "What do you mean old?"

Ash laughed as he wrapped his hands around her body, squeezing into a tight hug. "I thought you were going to have a problem with the word 'wife'."

"Well," she went into deep thought, "you did mean metaphorically right?"

Ash stared into her navy blue eyes for a moment. Sure, the notion of marrying Serena was more than he could ask for. He was sure that this much happiness and sweetness in his life would surely give him diabetes. Even so, he couldn't help but picture the perfect day. A small ceremony near the creek below the towering mountains as the Oak Ranch so that all of his Pokemon could attend.

The floral decorations, his Pokemon in tuxedos, maybe bayleef in a dress but not white, he couldn't wanna throw the bride off her charts on the wedding day, Pikachu as the flower girl (or in their case, a Pokemon). A string quartet, which he didn't know what it was but seemed fancy enough to be a part of the wedding.

And most of all, seeing Serena in a white dress. He couldn't help but fantasize how she would look walking down the aisle. How the silk would look against her milky flesh. Of course, Gary would be there to make lewd jokes about the lot of them.

But it wouldn't matter, because it would be a perfect day.

"Ash," Serena shook him from his trance.

"Huh," his eyes focused down on the blonde, "oh yeah metaphorically."

Serena heaved a sigh of relief. "Way too soon?"

He didn't know whether it was a question or an answer. "Yeah yeah, way too soon."

"Good," she straightened his black clothing, "we haven't even had our first fight yet."

Ash laughed uncomfortably, thinking of the time they had blond and orange hair and the one where she hit him with his backpack. "I'm not sure I follow."

Serena sighed, "You're so dense... even now! I meant as a... couple."

Hearing her say the word 'couple' was the best thing he'd heard all week, maybe even in months. "I'm not dense!" He repeated, "for your information, I grew up."

Serena nodded along, "Sure, so you remember Miette?"

"Sure, the blue-haired girl in Kalos."

"Yeah, she had a crush on you."


Serena messed up his hair. "As I said, dense."

Ash sighed, he wanted to be with her forever. Unfortunately for him, he was leaving with Charlus to save Spencer Hale from the isle of Citadark, if he was there. Ailsa had warned him not to speak of it to anyone, but he'd told Serena the first chance he got.

He nervously looked at the alarm clock above the bed in Serena's room.

"You have to go?" She asked with a hint of sadness.

He nodded, "I promise I'll return alive."

"Bitch you still owe me a dance so you better!"

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