Chapter 68:- I'm Sorry

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"Can I... join you?"

Gary looked back, Ash with him, only to find Charlus Oak standing behind them.

"I have company," Gary said, pointing towards Ash much to Charlus's disappointment.

"It's okay," Ash stood up, "I'll go."

"Well you can stay— and he's gone." A sigh escaped Gary's lips as Ash sprinted back to Alain's farm on the far side of the meadow.

"He's gone to talk with his girlfriend," said Charlus.

"Ash doesn't have a girlfriend," Gary scoffed, "I'm his best friend, he would've told me if he had one."

Charlus begged to differ but kept his quiet.

The brunet sat down next to his son with a grunt, his injuries were still not healed properly despite Aria and Alain's attempts. He had a feeling only the doctors at Hald Fest would be able to help him.

"Aria said she was in med school," Gary said after noticing his grunts, "before she entered the pageant tournaments."

"That's a relief," he smiled, "your aunt Delia also went to medical school."

"I know," Gary lied.

The two of them sat together in silence. Gary was in love with nature, he'd spend most of his life on his Grandfather's enormous ranch in Pallet town. Growing up with Pokemon and interacting with
they had been the greatest pleasure of his life.

Considering the recent turn of events, he figured that Chewa island was the closest he was going to be to the Oak ranch.

Charlus couldn't help but wander back to the conversation he had with his father back when they were in Hald fest. The scenery and the beauty had helped to mend their strained relationship.

A part of him wished to do the same with Gary because if there was anything his horrible experiences at Citadark had told him, it was that he wasn't invincible.

Charlus wanted to make peace with Gary before he died. It could be tomorrow or the day after that.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me," Charlus said.

"I didn't come—"

"I know," a sigh escaped his lips, "you didn't come for me, but still... thank you for saving my life. I... I owe you enough for a lifetime."

Gary couldn't help but scoff at his father's comment.

It's not a business deal, he thought, he's my father and I'm his son... he's not supposed to owe me anything.

He didn't dare voice his thoughts because Charlus did indeed owe him enough for a lifetime. It was Charlus's fault that Gary grew up without a dad, he should've been there for him at his graduation, his first Indigo league or Johto match, and his lifetime achievement award.

He was happy to see his grandpa, aunt Delia, and his best friend Ash but he still yearned for his father.

A kid needs a dad, after all.

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