Chapter 67:- Alice never shuts up

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Alice sat next to Serena who was sitting right next to Ash, who in turn was sitting across from Gary, Aria, and Alain.

Meanwhile, Charlus felt uncomfortable sitting at the head of the table. He was wearing one of Alain's shirts over his bandaged chest which was ridiculously too black for his taste.

"I... um, I want to say that I'm very thankful for to have risked your life to rescue me—" Charlus said.

"We came to save Ash—" Alain kicked Gary beneath the table before he could finish the sentence.

Charlus frowned, "Even though you were late and if you'd arrived a few seconds late I would've been dismem—"

Aria coughed, eying Alice and Charlus subtlety.

"—remembered, I would've been dismemrembered, I mean forgotten by the islanders. So... thank you for saving my fu—"

Aria coughed again.

"-fuducking life," he childproofed his words, "and thanks to Alain's wife— I want to say pinky?"

"Aria," Alain corrected him.

"Sure, Aria, thank you for tending to my injuries and for providing us with shelter for a day—"

"Five days," Alain said.

"What?!" Charlus screamed, "I was asleep for five fucking days?!"

This time, it was Alain who interrupted him. "Will you mind your ducking language?!"

Aria elbowed her husband.

"I'm sorry," said Gary, "you meant fucking, right?"

The parents exhaled in exasperation.

"Sorry," apologized Gary.

The table fell silent for long, it was little Alice who broke the silence.

"We don't say language like, fucking, bitch, shit or damn in this house," she put a mouthful of cereal in her mouth, "they think I'm a child. But I'm four."

"Alice!" Aria fumed, "where did you learn those words?!"

The little girl shrugged, "You should put a children's lock on the television."

Aria exchanged a threatening glance with Alain, who mumbled the word sorry.

"Anyways..." Charlus said, "as I was about to ask, where is Spencer and the unown?"

No one answered the brunet, they tried their best to avoid his glance. Alain was the only one with guts enough to meet his gaze.

"He was... sold."

"What?!" Charlus screamed once again, "what do you mean sold?! Like a prostitute?"

"Language!" Aria cried, "we have a baby at the table for Arceus's sake!"

The brunet apologized once again. "What do you mean, Alain?"

It took him a few minutes to digest the information Alain told him. Apparently, in the heat of the moment, they had ruined his poor mother's plan to buy them like vegetables. When they'd broken into the premise, Spencer and the unown had been at another location, once the news reached their ears, they were immediately sold off to another company, the Apocalypse.

Silence befell the table, Charlus felt bad for Spencer but he couldn't help but wonder if the unown wasn't on Citadark, did it mean that it was James he'd seen? Or was it some crazy induced hallucinations?

But it had felt so real, the softness of James's hair and how punchable his arm was.

"What's a prostitute, Miss Van Black?" Alice asked Serena.

The blonde was taken aback, "I'm not a Van Black, sweetie, and besides..." she took one look at Alain, "you can call me Auntie Serena."

Alice frowned, she pondered on the topic for a few minutes but later shook her head. "Nah, auntie seems too personal, and... you're my father's cousin so why aren't you a Van Black?" She stroked her chin like a little woman, "is it perhaps you're married?"

Serena was too baffled to answer, it was her hesitation that prompted Alice to ask her next question.

"Is it that gentleman?" She pointed towards Gary.

Ash choked on his soup, he spewed some of it on his best friend which in turn made Gary drop his spring roll midair.

"No!" Serena screamed, "Arceus no! No... no, no, no, no," She took a look at Gary, "No!"

The brunet couldn't help but feel a little hurt,  he wiped his face with the tablecloth much to Aria's reluctance, and said, "Jeez thanks, that's too many no's."

"Oh," hummed Alice, "then maybe the grandpa with fake hair color?"

Ash spewed his soup on Gary's face once again, chunks of berries landed on his eyebrow and hair, "That's it... I'm all done for today."

"Grandpa?!" Charlus screamed, "Arceus, Alain, does your daughter ever shut up?!"

Alain opened his mouth to object, unfortunately, he didn't do anything but shake his head.

Alice opened her mouth once again but before work could fall out of her mouth, Serena quickly spoke up, "I'm not married to anyone!" She emphasized the last word, "and certainly not to a man old enough to be my father!"

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