Chapter 60:- Charlie Blue and Jamsie

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Charlus was back at the Raider Manor.

Except this time, he was standing right outside the Rolling Balcony and like last time, he wasn't alone.

James was wearing the same clothes the last time Charlus had seen him. The same rimless specs and red converse. He was standing all alone, looking down at the enchanting hill as if no time had passed.

Charlus wanted to tackle him into a bear hug, mess up his hair and leave fingerprints all over his clean glasses. He wanted to tease him relentlessly over his childish love for Delia and hear one of his God awful songs.

But he was afraid because the last time he'd tried to step forward, Charlus ended up waking up from his trance. He could stand there all year long just to look at James, alive and still from a dream.

"Charlie Blue," said James, "come on, I've been waiting for you."

Charlus's heart caught up in his mouth, of course he wanted to go but he was afraid to wake up.

"Don't be afraid," he said, "come on."

Even dead, he trusted James more than himself or anyone around him. His hand traveled to his chest, his heart was beating too loud for his own good.

He squeezed his eyes shut and took the step forward.

He stayed still for what seemed to be hours, if there was anything he was afraid more than stepping forward, it was opening his eyes.

"Charlie," there was a hint of whimsy in his voice, "you're still here."

He opened his eyes, Charlus was still at the Rolling Balcony and a step closer to him. His breath elevated manifold times, tears were running down his eyes so intensely that once came a moment where he couldn't even see James's face clearly.

Chalrus ran towards James.

A hearty laugh escaped from James's lips as he stumbled backwards from Charlus's engulf. He wrapped his arms tightly around his brothers shoulders, grasping at his black shirt as if he still couldn't believe the moment was real.

Charlus had imagined the moment a thousand times in the past twenty years. To have one last conversation with James, to mess up his hair for one last time and leave fingerprints all over his clean glasses.

James still smelled like an old song from a forgotten old movie or tape he used to live so much. He could swear the moment reminded him of a day back when James was still alive and Charlus was still young.

"That was a long hug," James laughed as he parted away, "my God, you missed me this much?"

Charlus playfully punched his shoulder, "Shut up, Jamsie."

James smiled as he looked forwards towards the roaring ocean of grass and rocks. A sad yet sweet smile was spread on his face. "It's been more than forty years..." he sighed, "This place still hasn't lost its charm."

Charlus nodded, it was true that the place hadn't lost its charm, it looked exactly like it had twenty years ago. He was with James the only thing missing was the Marijuana they grew behind Mrs. Raiders garden and the cigars they nicked from Mr. Raiders stash.

"How is everyone?" Asked James eagerly, "your mother, father... ah, Joanne! And maybe..." he sneezed the word Diane.

Charlus laughed, "Really? You wanna know how my mother and father are doing and not your son?"

"Oh! Yeah, my son," he said sarcastically, "how's Christopher?"

"Who's Christopher?"

"Um... My son?" James scoffed, "get a load of this guy!"

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