Chapter 44:- The Mysterious Gentleman

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"We caught a gem!" Said the one named Peter, the insolent brat who'd found Ash and Serena, "look at their weapons, Chuck! They're not from around here."

"We don't have weapons," argued Serena, the recent blow to her nose was making it itch very much, "it's just normal devices invented by my friend."

"You think we're fools?"

"No, you lot are brilliant," mocked Calem, "as brilliant as the Pokemon you're harboring."

Peter smacked Calem hard across his face and stuffed his mouth with a dirty cloth. It was Peter who'd discovered Ash and Serena trying to smuggle the Pokémon. Serena had fought hard to navigate their way out after kicking him in the nuts.

They would've gotten away if it wasn't for the laser shield in the middle of the highway and the mentally beaten condition Ash was in. Peter and Chuck had captured the two of them after shooting a taser at them. Serena had blacked out and when she woke up, she found herself tied right next to Calem who kept assuring her help was going to come.

Ash wasn't with them.

"Not so snappy now, are we?" Mocked Peter, he grabbed a handful of Calem's hair and yanked his head to and fro.

"Untie him, you bastard." Serena said, "he'll show you how snappy he is."

Peter exchanged glances between the two of them. A chuckle escaped his lips as he went over towards him. He bent down, his face an inch away from hers. She tried to move her head backward to avoid smelling his foul stench but Peter quickly grabbed her chin.

"Two men, huh." He said in a dirty way, "you were kissing blondie earlier and now him too? Aren't you a pretty slut? Maybe you'll do me too."

Serena hit his nose with her head.

"You—" Peter stumbled back, his nose was bleeding, "I'll kill you!"

Serena laughed, "Kill me then."

Peter smacked her hard, the corner of her lip started to bleed. If she'd been on the receiver end a few months ago, Serena would've fainted at the thought. But Peter's slap was nothing compared to what she'd received at the academy.

The pain and the blood.

The thought sent shivers down her spine.

"I would gladly kill you," his fingers buried their way into her cheeks, "but unfortunately the boss wants something from you."

Serena frowned, why would a smuggler's boss want to meet with her? As far as she could tell, Peter and Chuck and their friends which the three of them had seriously wounded had nothing to do with the Apocalypse.

They were just smugglers.

Or were they?

"Why would your boss want to meet with me?" She asked. "I already told you, we were just passing by."

Peter smirked and took out a pole ball from his pocket, he tossed it between his hands, juggling it as if it were a rubber ball. "It's a poke ball," he said, "these aren't made in Orre or on any other region. This is high tech."

Serena gulped, "My boyfriend is a scientist."

Peter laughed, he looked around himself, pointing at the expensive tech which surrounded them. "We're smugglers," he said, "where do you think we got the money to built this?"

"Smuggling," Calem mumbled under his bondage.

Peter nodded, "Aye but it doesn't pay much," he sighed, "until we met a few people who wanted something from us... our skills."

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