Chapter 29:- The Talk

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Everything hurt and he wanted to die.

His chest felt like it was on fire, literally fire because it was burning. He wanted to say that it was worse than a breakup but no woman had ever burned his heart this much. His head felt like it was trampled on by his hoard of Tauros and he had no feeling in his limbs which was even worse.

What if he was paralyzed?

At least he'd be able to leave the Chamber of Xovier if he looked at the plus side.

When his eyes opened, he could tell that it was nightfall, which was an obvious statement considering that the corner most wall of his room had been replaced by a gigantic looking glass. Even though his eyesight was a little weak, he could still make out that they were on an island or the beach house in Hoenn he'd stayed one summer with his then-girlfriend Misty before things went stale between them and they went through a horrible break up.

Pleasant memories... he sighed.

His chest was covered in bandages and his arm in a cast. A grunt escaped his lips as he tried to get up but his effort was useless and his chest still burned.

"Lay back," said a soothing voice, "you're still injured."

His eyesight was still blurry, he couldn't make out the face of the woman in front of him. The only thing he could see was a mop of brown hair.

"Mom?" He said.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she brought her face closer to his face. "It's me," said Serena, "I had to dye my hair."

Ash felt a tinge of redness crawl towards his cheeks. He sighed and merely smiled. "My... eyes are..."

"I know," she puffed his pillows, her aroma quickly took over the smell of blood and bandages that surrounded him, "it's just temporary. The doctors did a wonderful job, a few of your bones were broken but it'll only take a few days to repair."

She sat down right next to him on a chair, the same pleasant smile on her face.

"Just... days?" His throat was scratchy.

She nodded, "They have such advance technologies..." she sighed as she looked down at her old diary, a pen was engrossed in between one of the pages.

"Where is... Gary?"

"He's okay," she continued to smile, "Dawn is with him."

He raised his eyebrows.

"I know," she chuckled, "but it's not a secret crush, I think she just wants to rub her accomplishment in his face."

Ash chuckled despite the stiffness in his facial muscles, "Sounds like her,"

For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes. It wasn't much but to Ash, it meant the world. Being apart from Serena for so long made him forget how alive it felt whenever she was around. Even if she was yelling or throwing things.

Serena carried liveliness which could automatically raise a person's hope and make them feel good about themselves. Sometimes Ash wondered whether she was aware of the effect she had on people when she wasn't mad (sometimes even when she was).

Ash knew he could easily spend an eternity staring at her cerulean ocean and still long to see more. And her smile... it alone was capable of bringing light to a desolate town devoid of hopes and dreams.

"Serena I..." Ash said, "I..."

He wanted to apologize for everything he'd done to her, he wanted to set everything straight once again. The only thing which was more tiring than his injured was the burden of carrying their little spat on his shoulders.

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