Chapter 75:- She's an Oak

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Ailsa had been Charlus's first stop.

She was in the Conference room as always, except this time, she wasn't leaning over a table reading the plans. She was lounged in her chair, pressing the heels of her palm against her eyes.

"You... BITCH!" Charlus slammed the doors of the room shut.

Ailsa was shaken awake, "What now?"

"You... you're a lying manipulative—"

"Bitch, I know, get to the point."

Charlus growled in anger, he buried his fist in the wall nearest to him in a fit of anger.

"You... what... what gave you the permission to... ruin my life?!"

Ailsa couldn't help but frown at her mess of a son, "Like what?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

The pain in his eyes seemed to scream the truth.

"Oh," Ailsa sat down, "you know?"

"Of course I know!" He screamed, "you... you kept my daughter away from me! What... type of monster does that?!"

"You left your son, do you really wanna compare?"

The brunet's throat was clogged with emotions and his eyes were watering down like a hose. He'd barely gathered enough courage to walk up to his bitch of a mother, he didn't have enough strength in him to step up to her.

"But she was my daughter!"

"And he was your son," Ailsa said, "with Bethany, your wife. Did you really wanna leave that all for a one night stand with a Van Black?"

His nostrils fumed in anger, "So you gave my daughter to... Mark? My nemesis?"

"No," she shook her head, "what happened with Mark was an accident, it... it wasn't planned."

"But... why the fuck didn't you tell me after Bethany died?!"

Ailsa stayed silent for quite some time.

"You left," she said, "stop feeling sorry for yourself for your past mistakes... make up for them."

When Dawn didn't arrive for another hour or so, they decided to call it a night.

"Why night?" Yawned the brunet, "it's already two in the morning."

By the time Ash came up with a witty remark, Gary had disappeared. The raven haired looked around for the brunet who'd suddenly vanished like a Gengar.

"What are you looking for?" Asked Serena with a smile.

A sigh escaped his lips as he swung his arm around her, "Never mind, let's go."

Gary had searched almost every floor on Hald Fest, but there was no sign of his father. So far, he'd run into his grandmother, a few doctors, surprisingly a Pokemon wing where he dropped in to see the smuggled Pokemon's they'd rescued.

They were doing very well.

He'd knocked on almost every door, in the accommodation wing, accepted a few curses from people who had been sleeping while he went through an entire verse of 'Gotta catch 'em all' on their doors.

In the end, just when he was about to give up, a memory popped in his head. Back when they were still in Chewa Island.

"The cliff," he ran towards the destination.

True to his assumption, Charlus was at the cliff. Sitting silently, drowning himself in the sorrow and regret, which was his life.

His fingers curled into a fist as he approached his father, his shoulders felt heavy with burden.

Lost in their PastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora