Chapter 11:- The Man Whore Genes

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The only person more bedazzled than Charlus was Joanne. Seeing her old colleagues in the same room again was something she never wished for. Not in an eternity at least.

The simple truth, she wasn't overly fond of them.

"Catching up, Aren't we?" She said while advancing towards them.

Charlus looked as if he had a log stuck in his mouth. He didn't need lenses or anything to figure out that the woman standing in front of him was Joanne, his ex-girlfriend. He wasn't overly fond of her, probably because of the snoring, jealous bitch she was.

"Joanne?" Delia said as she got up, "you haven't aged a day!" She embraced her like a little sister.

Joanne did the same, not as a mere curtsy but because she actually liked Delia. She was the only one among the charbroiled runts who actually had a brain.

"Same goes for you," She said as she parted. "It's good to see you."

Delia motioned for her to sit with them. Joanne settled on the armchair opposite to Charlus and sat uncomfortably. "Hello, Joane," Grace said after Delia elbowed her in the gut.

"It's Joanne, just Joanne." She she smiled.

Grace fake-smiled with muttering: Whatever.

Delia then eyed Charlus, motioning for him to greet that blue-haired whor- woman.

Charlus didn't want to greet her, heck he didn't even want to see her but unfortunately, she sat right in front of him. Unlike James, he had an excellent vision. He couldn't just take out his specs to unsee her. Finally, Charlus said;

"So," he stated. "How's it going?"

Joanne looked startled as if someone was forcibly making her eat meat right after she said that she was a vegetarian. "Oh good," she said trying to keep a straight face. "I'm married-" she showed them her big diamond. "-And I have a daughter."

"Cool," Grace said. "I have a daughter too, she's down the hill."

"Mine is right across the hall." Joanne faked laughed again. "What about you, Charlus?"

He could swear that the way she said Charlus, it almost sounded like she was saying a curse word. "I have a son." He said.

"And your partner?" She asked reluctantly, "who could you marry? Grace?"

Before Grace could snap, Charlus quickly answered. "Bethany. Her name was Bethany, she was a nurse and she died of cancer."

Joanne wasn't much for sentimental, but she did feel sorry for him. Charlus looked haggard. He didn't look like the handsome playboy who managed to swipe her off her feet. He looked... heartsick. He still was fit and fine but his hair and the draining color of his face gave it away. Joanne then quickly changed the subject.

"What about you Grace?" She said, "Where is Mark?"

Before she could raise her fist, Delia stepped in. "They weren't married!" She quickly said. "Mark lef- I mean Grace left Mark ages ago."

Seeing herself be the dumper, a smile sparked on Grace's face. "That's right," she said proudly. "I left him."

Joanne smiled uncomfortably. She never like Grace, partly because during a brief period she dated Charlus, she found out that he liked Grace more than he liked her and partly because... Nah, that was it.

Grace, however, pretended as if she was completely oblivious to the fact that Charlus liked her.

I mean, Joanne thought. You know that a guy is bonkers for you when both of you yell and duel to the death, right?

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