Chapter 12:- Charlene

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"Don't you dare talk about my son in that way!" Charlus warned.

"Oh yeah?" Joanne remarked sarcastically. "Try and stop me. Tell me, blue, what was Bethany like in bed? I'm sure she was better than a whore because apparently, that's all you cared about!"

This time, Charlus gasped. No one talked about Bethany, his love, in that way. No one. Charlus balled his fists in anger and yelled, "You wanted to know why I broke up with you? Because you were a fucking disappointment! If there was a choice between eternal damnation and spending Four miserable months again with you, I would've chosen the damnation!"

"You didn't, it was me who broke up after you cheated behind my back and slept with that restaurant holder!"

"In your dreams, honey." Charlus vexed. "I'm sure my son wouldn't even wander a mile close to your daughter who I'm sure is a jealous bitch like her mother!"

That was the moment that triggered her, Joanne slapped Charlus. No one could ever talked about her daughter that way. Everyone stopped what they doing and stared at them. Joanne was fuming with rage and Charlus was too stunned to react, which was unlike him because the guy had the best set of reflexes in the whole Kanto.

"How dare you!" Grace said as she walked towards them. "How dare you slap him, you mother-"

"He talked ill of her daughter," Delia said defensively as she stood next to Joanne.

"And she talked ill of his son!" She snapped, "what he said may even be true, maybe her daughter is the motherfu-"

Joanne raised her hand again but it was vigorously caught by Grace, "You wouldn't wanna get down that road." She warned.

Delia then grabbed Grace's hand, "Maybe someone should." She said.

Then Charlus grabbed Delia's hand, "It wouldn't be you." He said.

The air around them started to heat up as the four of them glared at each other. It wasn't until a laugh echoed the air that their attention drifted towards the sofa only to find an old lady sitting there, enjoying the scene they were creating. Seeing her, the four of them jumped back in horror with their fists raised, except for Grace who apparently decided to bring Deathany, her old dagger.

"Oh, do go on," Ailsa said in her funny kalosian accent. "That was quite a spectacle."

"How the hell did you even get in?" Delia asked, exasperated.

Ailsa laughed as she gracefully pushed back her silver hair. "Why through the front door, obviously. You've all changed."

"Oh shut up, you old hag." Grace sighed as she twirled her knife in between her fingers. "I'm not one who's changed." She said as she eyed Delia in a not-friendly manner.

"It's pleasant to meet you too, darling." She said as she got up. "Please, take a seat. And try not to kill each other." Ailsa smiled as she walked over towards the parlor.

Somehow, the three of them knew what she wanted them to do, Grace took out her phone and called Serena. "Come uphill now."  She said.

A moment after, Ailsa came back with a certain blue-haired girl with her. She looked young, maybe twenty. A smile flicked on Joanne's face as the young girl walked in. Charlus knew that she was her daughter, unlike her mother, she looked rather... innocent.

But, hey, looks can be deceiving.

"Honey," Joanne smiled as she spread her arms. "Come here."

The girl looked confused seeing unfamiliar faces around the room. She smiled a little and sat on the arm of the sofa where Joanne was sitting.

Ailsa smiled down at her and then sat next to Delia, she folded her stocking wrapped legs and sat as straight as a scale.

Grace got up, angrily grabbed an ottoman and dragged it near Charlus, giving Delia her killer looks.

"I met the lovely package in the Parlor," Ailsa said. "I reckon the other packages are coming too?"

Grace snickered beneath her breath. If there was anything she liked about the old hag was her cold humor, it was hurtful most of the time, but still funny as hell. Joanne and Delia subconsciously stared into anything they could latch their eyes on, Grace and Charlus had propped their elbows on their knees and were staring at the coffee table in front of them.

Dawn looked a little confused, first her mother secretly brought her to Kanto, second she brought her in a top-secret home and then made her wait in the parlor and then a sweet old lady appeared and chatted to pass time with her and then she met with a bunch of strangers, among with one seemed to be strangely similar. She kinda looked like Ash's mom, but what were the odds of her being in the same room as her?

"Get the hell out of my hair!" An irritated voice said as loud footsteps started to echo inside.

"Oh come on, Ashy boy." Another voice followed, "admit it, I'm away better to catch then you. Why don't you chase after me, Serena?"

"Honestly you two are giving me a headache!" A female voice said.

Suddenly there were a lot of grunts, Ouches and Wow's. After a few minutes, three boys... no two, the blonde one was a girl draped in the dirt. One of the boys had his arm around the other one's shoulder as if he was trying to strangle him. He had spiky brown hair and dark viridian eyes. The other one had dark raven hair and almond eyes. The third one had short blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes.

Two people stood up after seeing them enter. The first one being Dawn, stunned by the sudden appearance of Ash Ketchum, her travel partner, Serena, her regular customer and... she could swear the name of the brunette just slipped out of her mind.

"Ash Ketchum! Serena Yvonne!" She asked in a flabbergasted tone. "What the hell are you two doing here?"

"Uh," Ash replied equally stunned. "This is my house, so what are you doing here?"

She didn't have time to react, Dawn marched towards them. She tackled Ash in a bearhug and laughed. "I never thought of you meeting me here!" She said as she withdrew her hands.

Next, she hugged Serena, knocking Pikachu off her shoulder. Her old rival turned the slacker who now paid her in millions for her dresses. "You too," she said.

Serena just smiled sadly and greeted her. In the heat of the moment, Dawn was going to give Gary a hug but stopped in mid-air. "Um... you are?" She asked.

"Gary, Gary Oak." The brunet said, quite embarrassed. "We uh met in Sinnoh."

Dawn nodded while shaking his hand and then went back to sit with her mother who was eying Gary with great interest.

Almost as if she... loathed him.

The second person who stood up was surprising
Charlus. He was not stunned to see his flirty son enter (he did inherit his playboy genes) instead, he was surprised to see the blonde.

As stupid as it sounded, the blonde who just entered looked surprisingly like his mother. He knew for a fact that she was Grace's daughter, but still, she looked too much like his mother; almost a spitting image.

He always thought that he wouldn't be able to bear to look at Grace's child, thinking of how much it must've shared resemblance with Mark Jorum and his stupid perfect hair. But she didn't look anything like him. Except for the blonde hair. Charlus must've been gaping at her like a fool because she started to quiver. Those blue eyes looked as if they held a thousand seas.

If only she had honey blonde hair, Charlus wondered. She would've been a mini mom and Grace.

"Quit staring, man," Gary said.

Charlus closed his mouth and blinked his eyes. "Sorry," he apologized as he offered a shake to the blonde. "I'm Charlus, Charlus Oak."

The blonde smiled innocently as she said, "Serena Charlene Yvonne."

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