Chapter 58:- The Capture

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"It's all your fault," said Charlus.

"How is it my fault?" Ash cried, "I thought it was 'your seat, bitch'!"

"You were in the copilots seat!" He argued, "it was your job or put on the cloaking device!"

"You never told me to!"

Charlus groaned, "Its always your job, Re— I mean Ash!"

"Again, you told me to!"

Ash remembered all the times he'd wasted defending Charlus in front of Gary whenever he'd had a sip too many.

Wasted was the accurate word because Charlus Oak was as useless as a Magikarp on land or rather an appendix, a useless organ occupying space and sometimes inflaming itself to cause addition problems.

The jets at the chamber had a special cloaking device on them to help infiltrate into the enemy lines. The plan had come up with was simple yet elegant, at most, it was an hour job. But as soon as their jet had landed, there was a landing party awaiting for them.

There were now locked in a dungeon enclosed by narrow steels bars which despite Ash's best tries, refused to bulge.

"It's no use boy," Charlus said dreamily while lounging on the floor, his hands behind his head, "we'll never leave this place alive."

If there was anything he loathed more than the isle he was trapped in, it was Charlus fucking Oak.

Why was dad even friends with this nincompoop? He often found himself wondering.

Back at the academy, he had heard glorious remarks from the trainers, they kept fawning all over the great Charlus Oak's bravery and the victories he's won.

Those were nothing but hoaxes because the great Charlus Oak couldn't be the blithering idiot picking his teeth with what looked like a bone.

Ash wanted to throw up.

"At least I'm trying you twat!" He cursed when his useless advice became more useless. "You could at least lend a hand!"

"Why are you so eager?" He asked, "got someone at home?"

Ash immediately thought of Pikachu, Greninja, Charizard and all of his Pokemon. There was also Serena still waiting for a dance and his mom, his sweet innocent mom who was caught in all of this just like him and then there was Gary, his best friend who would spit on his grave if he died so soon.

"Of course I do," he said, "my Pokemon and my mom!"

Charlus laughed, "That's why you're so eager, once you put yourself into my shoes, you'll understand this..." he spread his arms, "this is the dream! Look at me, I have no one and I'm happy!"

"What about Gary?"


"Your son!"

"Oh yeah, he's terrific."

As time passed, Charlus kept on getting more useless.

Ash didn't think it was possible.

But then again, making the impossible possible was one of the things Charlus Oak was famous for.

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