Chapter 18:- The Fallen Crown

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Gary had just gotten out of the parlor when Serena came.

"Hey princess," Gary fake smiled. "Care to join us again?"

Serena groaned and went inside the living room, completely ignoring him. Gary shrugged to which Charlus smiled and tilted his head. "Give her some time," he said as he pulled Gary close and half hugged him. "Come on son, your grandma ain't known for patience."

Gary couldn't even explain how much being called 'son' meant to him. Although Samuel raised him with love and care, a boy still needed his father. Even if it was for a short period of time.

Grace stood up as soon as Serena came in, she was pretty impressed with Charlus's power of influencing because once Serena set her mind to something, changing her decision meant to torch the ocean. "Honey," Grace started, unsure of what she wanted to say.

Serena just shrugged, "It is fine." She said, "it's really fine." Grace sighed as she sat back on her ottoman.

Ailsa got up, "Are we fine now, Queen?" she mocked.

Serena cautiously nodded, Ailsa then smugged. "Settle down for the day, everyone. Planning is going to take a while."

"Uh, but why planning?" Joanne asked. "Why can't we use the Orange Island academy and the Johto base?"

Ailsa glared at Diane, "Orange Island academy was destroyed last time around when Raider manor was attacked and we change base every time. You would know this too if you weren't snogging Charlus in the middle of your sessions. I planned to use the Raider manor but apparently, people don't like to corporate."

Joanne and Charlus exchanged a good deal of embarrassment, and Delia smiled.

"Fortunately, The Xaviers of Unova have agreed to be the Academy hosts," she concluded.

Hearing the name Xavier, Delia and Charlus facepalmed themselves. "It wouldn't be Adrian Xavier, would it?" Charlus asked hoping the answer to be no.

"No," she answered. "Adrian died when the academy was attacked, he was in charge of it. His son has taken over the family name and has no objection joining the chamber to avenge his fallen father, unlike the likes of you."

Serena shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't fair, she was thinking. She wasn't being selfish, she was afraid. 

Fatally tired and afraid.

Delia breathed a sigh of relief, she had no shame in admitting that she was a little glad that Adrian was dead. If he, by any chance, were alive, he would've made the lives of Ash and Gary miserable because the guy who didn't hesitate to shoot James just because he stole his cookie, won't hesitate to dislocate Ash's shoulder.

"So like what do we have to do? Fight bad guys and stuff? Because we can use our Pokemon." Dawn asked innocently.

"If I wanted pokemon fights, I would've recruited champions," Ailsa said. "I need manpower and clearly I don't have enough because if I did, I wouldn't have called you all. As I said before, Unowns are being hunted down to wake the immortals, and we have to stop them."

"But if they're being hunted down," Ash started. "Why don't you go to Johto, I mean that's where they live don't they?"

Ailsa sighed deeply, "Their ancient site was destroyed twenty years ago, what remains in Johto isn't worth a dime. Unowns were summoned by their ancient relics. There are twenty-six different relics for twenty-six different Unowns, the ritual won't work unless they are complete."

Gary asked, "And where are they?"

Ailsa shook her head, "Unfortunately we don't know, we never did. During the past hundred years, both sides have worked elbow grease to find them. We thought they were in Orre but we were wrong. After Raider Manor fell, the chamber was dissolved along with the Apocalypse. We still have people searching for them, Mark was one of them."

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