Chapter 65:- A Place

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Charlus felt like he was in a movie, a boring movie he couldn't bother watching without forwarding every damn second.

That's how life was to him in the past few days, or maybe hours, he didn't know how long he'd been stuck in the bad movie.

The movie rushed for most of its timeline but stopped every now and then for a second or two to catch him up on what was going on.

It rushed faster than light speed at the start, all he felt was excruciating pain. The pain stopped when the movie paused and Charlus found himself face to face with a set of cerulean blue eyes and the darkest hair he'd ever seen.

"Charlus!" The figure said, worried.

His thought was Grace, but the voice was masculine.

"He's not dead is he?" The second voice didn't sound worried.

In front of flashed a head full of lush brown hair and a pair of dark viridian eyes.

"Come on old man," said the second man, "don't die on me, dad."

The movie rushed forwards once again, Charlus felt the pain once again. A terrible pain in his chest which had a certain warmth to it, his mouth dribbling wet with warm blood. The surface beneath him was rocking and him, with it.

When it stopped, oh did he see everything.

"Take over!" Said a feminine voice, "Gary! Let me do it!"

The one named Gary seemed to be reluctant but agreed. The female rushed to his side, a mop of dirty blonde came in his view along with a head full of jet black with the most honest pair of cinnamon eyes he'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

"James..." it was the first word he'd said.

The blonde exchanged worried glances with James. Her soft hands were placed under his head, he had a feeling she was the bridge holding him together, preventing him from hurling himself over the cliff called death.

"It's alright, Charlie Blue," James sounded hesitated, "you're going to be alright."

But Charlie Blue knew he wasn't going to be alright when his body started to shake and his vision started to disappear into the darkness.

"How long?!" Screamed James.

"We won't reach in time!" Cried the female.

"There isn't much fuel!" Said the brunet, "Alain, what do we do?!"

The man hesitated for a moment before saying, "I know a place."

When Charlus opened his eyes, he found himself under an unfamiliar territory. The roof above was dark wooden or just dark brown, his eyesight was still weak and his brain felt funny, Charlus had no idea what was going on.

The excruciating pain had minimised to a bearable level, the one Charlus was used to handle. He stirred in his very soft bed, the cotton sheets and the warm woollen blanket kept him so warm he wished to die, just so he could die that comfortable.

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