Chapter 15:-What happened to Mark

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"Do I breath?!" Ash remarked sarcastically. "Of course I've heard of those sleazebags! The only thing they're interested in doing is stealing Pikachu."

The others agreed with him, "But what does team rocket has to do with the Orre?" Dawn asked curiously.

"Have you no sense at all?" Ailsa said. "The Orre is the Team rocket... a part of it atleast, they're a critical piece of a larger organisation much like ours called the Apocalypse."

Silence filled in the gaps, the most bedazzled of them was Ash. 'Known' wasn't the right word to describe his relationship with team rocket, after all, they came so frequently in his life that they became a part of it.

"Ohkay..." Gary said in a calm tone. "What?!"

Ailsa laughed again, and Gary could almost swear that he wished she had stayed dead. "Each region has its own villains, but the main arch of its power still remains to be the Apocalypse. When we destroyed the Apocalypse for the first time, they broke into groups and scattered all over the world, team Rocket, team Flare and all."

"That's impossible!" Serena argued. "Why would they hunt down Unowns? All they do is steal other people's Pokemon's! Fight flare instead, they tried to wipe half the world!"

"Do not underestimate rocket!" Said Delia in a surprisingly high voice. "You'll all regret it if you do."

Delia didn't mean to yell at Grace's daughter or maybe her future daughter in law. But she just couldn't control herself.

"They don't matter, Hale!" She remembered herself laughing at the same thing which Serena had said. "I didn't even hear of them until today, come on, let's not waste our time on those bimbos."

But they did matter, they mattered enough to kill the only guy she ever loved. Perhaps if she'd never said yes to James, Ash wouldn't have born and they could have defeated them when they knocked down their doorbell.

"Uh, Sorry," Delia apologized. "I didn't mean to yell."

Serena nodded, when Delia's said her real name, Serena was startled. She was named after Ash's mother, Arceus knows why Grace didn't tell her about her. Because she obviously was important enough to be named after.

It wasn't until a few minutes that Gary spoke up, "It's a nice story, granny, now tell me, why are we here again?"

Ailsa facepalmed herself, her grandson was sure as annoying as her son. "The Unowns are being hunted down and captured. The Orre's have resurfaced and joined forces so its time for us to make our move to."

Gary burst into a peal of laughter but after seeing that no one was doing so, she immediately stopped.

"Seriously?" He exclaimed. "You want us, a bunch of recognized people to do what? Fight? Ash is a fucking master and Serena there is a singer and performer, and Dawn," he stopped for a moment and made a fool of himself. "I'm sure Dawn does something important too, and I'm Gary fucking Oak! I won Indigo Plateau lifetime achievement award even when my life had just started! You're crazy Ailsa!"

This time, it was Joanne who defended her. "Your father won the Johto league at the age of ten and trust me he bragged a lot less than you."

"I would gladly love to argue with you lady," Gary said. "But I'm out of my mind!"

"So are we!" Ash yelled surprisingly. "Now for God's sake, keep your fucking mouth shut and let the lady finish!"

Gary sank back like a whiny little kid, Charlus and Grace and even Joanne stared at Ash. For a second there, they thought it was their leader, James sitting with them. Lady was what he used to call Ailsa whenever he was angry or sad.

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