Chapter 38:- Elementary Three

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Samuel Oak was downright depressing. In fact, his depression was so severe that Delia felt severely affected just by standing next to him.

"Running stimulation 123," he said in a low voice.

"Um, Professor?" She interrupted, "it's stimulation number 23, it just feels like 123."

"Oh yeah," he rubbed his eyes while handling the controls of the robotic arms, "approaching the subject with an approximate velocity of 5m/s."

Her ears shot up, "Wait, Professor—!"

Before she could finish, a great deal of power shot out of the stelae enclosed behind a glass door. Luckily for the two of them, the glass sheet spared them from most of the explosion but it wasn't enough to keep them still on their feet.

The two of them found themselves hurling across the room. Delia fell on her back, narrowly sparing her head from the leg of the table behind her. Samuel, however, was the lucky one. The explosion send him hurling across the room but he safely fell on the sofa behind them.

"It's millimeter per second!" She screamed while getting up, "it's millimeter per second!"

"Yeah I'm... aware of that," he rubbed his back, "I... you're writing is really—"

"My writing?" She dramatically gasped back, "my writing is fine genius! We've done this twenty-three times you ought to be aware that the omega unown mistakes us for predators whenever we approach at a speed above millimeter per second! Where is your head!"

Samuel slipped his hands inside his pocket and looked at Delia with puppy-dog eyes and said, "I'm... not in the mood."

"Not in the mood?" She repeated for a hysterical effect, "get your head in the game, professor! We have to figure this puzzle out before your son, grandson and my son catch one of these!"

"Well... tell them how you did it then?"

She clenched her fist, "Every situation is different! When Spencer and I discovered the stelae, it was sleeping! We woke it up a few days ago! Come on man!"

Delia sat down on the sofa, shaking with disappointment.

Samuel wanted to comfort her but the last time he'd tried doing so, he was yelled at and made target practice for a game of darts but with a glass bottle and electronic items. 

Delia's eyes traveled to her wristwatch which read 4 in the morning, she rubbed her eyes before getting up. "I'm called to the control center, I'll meet you tonight."

Ailsa had called her at four am sharp, but she was probably going to be ten minutes late. It wasn't Delia's fault, at least not until she looked at the wider picture, her research was just so much more interesting.

The m-unowns were completely new to the world of the research, they'd surfaced after thousands of years. All she knew was that whatever power they harboured, wasn't heard or seen for the past thousand years. They were going in blind, it was enthralling.

Her eyes were met with darkness when she opened the door to the control center. The only visibility was due to the lights radiating out of the various gadgets and spy equipment.

Ailsa was leaning towards a screen, an ominous expression was spread on her face. As soon as Delia entered, her glance darted towards her.

"So nice of you to finally join me," she remarked sarcastically, "come, sit down." She was pointing towards the chair in front of her. "Now!"

Delia hurried towards her and quickly sat down, Ailsa immediately strapped a pair of headsets on her head.

"What the—" exclaimed Delia.

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