Chapter 35:- Frat Boy Bitch

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Grace has sewed a tracker in all of Charlus's shoes while he was down at the basement talking with Ailsa. After she found his receiver lying in the snow, she felt a strange feeling of satisfaction.

She'd gotten to the factory in enough time to watch the two men try to murder each other, of course, Charlus was rusty now, but deadly enough for normal people.

She'd watched their fight with great interest and had intended to do so unless they picked their guns but after the two of them retreated down on the floor, her patience had run out.

She walked in, said some catchy line or two before offering them her hand.

"Hello nephew," she greeted Alain Van Black, "I see you've grown."

Alain wiped the blood off his lips. "Aunt," he said, "father asked about you."

She scoffed while offering Charlus a handkerchief, "He's not my brother, he disowned me remember?"

Alain spat blood. "It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. You're still a Van Black."

"I'm just a Van Black, nephew. And he is not my family."

"But I am?"

She narrowed her eyes in frustration. "Depends upon your answer when I ask what the fuck are you doing in Orre, Kalos wasn't enough for you to destroy?"

Alain didn't answer, he was too busy groaning from his fight with Charlus.

"I see you found out, your skills aren't rusty at all."

"Neither are my hands, tell me what the fuck are you doing in Joliet County."

Alain grinned his teeth, exchanging glances with the two of them. "It's sensitive information." He said, aiming towards Charlus.

She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Charlus stays."

"It's critical."

"He stays."

"It's... life or death."

"That's why he stays!" She barked as she took out her gun, "tell me because I won't hesitate to shoot and you know it." She cocked the gun.

Alain flared his nostrils in anger, "Fine," his hands reached towards the small of his back, "that's how it is then." His body erected as he took out his gun, aiming it towards her.

Charlus got in the middle, shielding her from her vile family. "What the hell, Alain?!" She screamed.

He laughed, "I was sitting peacefully in my home when I got the letter from my father, it didn't say much only one word, mole. Unfortunately he was late, my home was attacked and blown apart in... including my Charizard. Luckily, I got away. I went to Kalos and found him dead, all of the information I needed was safely tucked away with him. It didn't take me long enough to figure out what he meant.

"That's impossible," Charlus picked you his gun.

"That's what I thought too, a mole in the Chamber? It was far fetched but then I gave it some more thought and it wasn't far fetched anymore."

Sudden chills traveled down her spine.

""You're wrong Alain," Charlus said, "I know all these people, no one is capable of selling your family out."

"That's what I thought, it was my family which was sold out. And yet..." his eyes met Grace's, "it made me wonder... who else had my information and was also tied to the academy?"

Charlus was baffled, "Alain," he said calmly, "it wasn't Grace who gave you up."

Alain shot a bullet an inch away from Charlus's foot. "Who else?" He barked, his eyes overflowing with rage, "she warned my dad that she would sell him out if she had the chance! I don't like threats that come true, Grace."

"She didn't sell your fucking family!"

"She did it!" He cried out, "she blew my home, my charizard! You gave up the Chamber to the Apocalypse Grace! You're a murderer!"

His verbal fight went for quite some time, some shots were fired but no one was hurt. Grace wanted to interfere but words didn't come out of her mouth. She'd spent her whole life cursing her family, her mother, father and brother for emotionally abusing her all those years. But then her parents had died, her brother remained who'd disowned her rather quickly when she left home.

She'd spent years wishing death on him and the stupid house with red door. But now, he was dead. The house with the red door was gone.

When her senses came back, she couldn't take any more of their bickering.

Alain's face was blotched red from tears and rage, his finger wasn't steady over the trigger, he was idiot enough to pull it.

"Enough!" She screamed as she lunged towards him, missing the shot by a mere centimetre.

Grace tackled Alain to the ground. He had always been taller than her but she was the stronger one, within her grasp he was nothing but a toddler. She snatched the gun from his hand and threw it towards Charlus. Alain still struggled but Grace had him pinned down on the ground.

"You listen now, you frat boy bitch!" She grabbed a hold of his cheeks, "I did not sell out our family! There is a mole in the chamber and it isn't me!"

"You..." he struggled to speak, "you said that I was an embarrassment for teaming with the enemies... you threatened to kill me when you found out I knew Serena."

She let go of her hand, what Alain was saying was a bitter truth. He'd tried to seek her out after the battle of Kalos and she'd reacted in the most aberrant way possible. She'd shunned him away like her brother did to her when she came to seek protection. She'd acted petty and cruelly and she would never forgive herself for that incident.

Alain was a little boy, no more younger than she'd been when she had Serena and she'd disappointed him, called him words and threatened to kill him... she was no different than her family.

Her eyebrows softened at the sight of her nephew who was red and on the verge of breaking down. The same little nephew to whom she'd read bedtime stories, taught Ryhorn Racing and how to capture a Pokémon.

She'd let him down.

Grace couldn't help but break down, she released him from her grip and stood up. She was shaking with anger and resentment towards herself. She get dirty and petty.

"Come... here," she offered the boy her hand which he reluctantly took.

Alain straightened his clothes and started at the two of them with a murderous look. Grace tried to walk towards him but he flinched at the sight of her. Despite his inching away, she engulfed him into a big hung.

It took some time but Alain returned the favour.

"I'm so sorry," she murmured in his ears, "I'm so sorry Alain. I'm so sorry."

Deep down she knew, the damage was done. And no matter what she tried to say it could never be repaired.

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