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I'm gonna do it. 3 years ago when I was 22, and stupid enough to get engaged it was Ellie who talked me out of it. Thank God. I was stupid to want to marry Avril. I know that she was hooking up with people on the sly and despite her trying to hide it was obvious. She was wearing an ass-ton of lingerie.  She got boob jobs. She never came home. You could clearly tell she was. She would never do anything with me, and she told me she was pregnant with my baby. We would barely have sex. She would obviously sneak out, I would see her in clubs. Yeah. The smart guy in me knew that she was lying. The nice guy in me knew (well thought) I had to marry her. SO in 3 months, we got engaged, planned a wedding, and almost ended up getting married. The night before our marriage we had a huge party, people were hooking up everywhere and it sucked. I was not drunk but Ellie was a bit. She was sad drunk and she was crying. I find her sobbing in a corner.

"E?" I ask. I dated her in high school for a while, and my pet name for her has always been E.

"N-oo-th-ing" She stutters, tears still running down her face. "It's nothing, Josh. Really" She wipes her face with her hand. 

I bend down so I am at eye level with Ellie. I look in her face. I know her enough to see when she is drunk. 

"Ellie, you need water. You are hella drunk." She sobs into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. I have seen her drunk, filled with desire, I have seen her as happy as can be. I have seen her pissed. I know that she needs me right now.

"Hey, Ellie come in here." I gesture to an empty room and open the door. Ellie stumbles, and I grab her hand and hold her as we walk into the room. She sits on the bed, and I sit on the small sofa by the bed. 

"So Ellie what's wrong?" I ask

"The ditch" Even though we are in our 20's (22) she won't say bitch. Or she is super drunk. 

For the next 3 hours I listen and (occasionally add-in) about Avril. She talks about how horrid she is how she is rude and much more. As she talks I could tell that she hated her. I knew about many of the things, but some of the stuff ( the worst stuff really) I had never heard. The next morning I  woke up and left a note saying what had happed that night. The next day was our wedding. She walked down the aisle in a disgusting dress, and I remembered all that Ellie had said. When I was told if anyone would reject, I did. A few months later I asked Ellie out. 

Ellie is beautiful. She has light brown hair, with hints of blonde. Her face is an oval shape, she has beautiful high cheekbones, blue-green-gray eyes, her lips god her lips are amazing. They are beautifully bow-shaped. When she was younger people would bully her. They said she was rude. When Ellie thinks her lips go into a straight line. When she was 12 she was hurt by a boy when he said that his younger sister was nicer, cuter and he liked her more because Ellie always looked angry. When she was 13 a different boy snapped her bra because she was trying to smile, to be liked more. She realized that if she had a resting bitch face no one would mess with her. Her motto became: Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once; I'll kill you twice.

Once she got to college she chilled out.  She still has that motto, but no bitch face. I have known her for so long, I have been waiting for this moment. Today I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask Ellie to marry me, that day 4 years ago I felt something, and that was love, true love. 

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now