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Becca grabs my hand and pulls me away and it has never come at a better time. Once we get far enough away I mutter to her to get into the back seat of the car.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Becca asks "It better be good, you were supposed to help chose what cookies we're gonna bring"

"Becca I want to marry Ellie. Are you okay with that?" I ask when I see her bring her hand to her mouth.

"Really? Seriously? Oh gosh, Josh. Why are you asking me to ask her?" She asks happy but confused.

"You've been her best friend since you were 8 years old. You have been with her during all the shit, the happy, the fucking stupid, and the hell that is life."

"Oh god. You are the best" She says hugging me around my neck "Okay well you gotta let me help you find a way to pro- oh gosh I know what you should do. When we go to the mountains you could do something. You gotta come up with the idea. I gave you inspo but you gotta come up with the idea."

"Becca!" I exclaim

"Look you gotta or it is not as original"

I guess she's right. Only I could know just the way to do it.

"Hey Becca, can you go get Ellie? I want to think of the perfect way. I think that it would be amazing to propose to her in the snow. Winter is her favorite, so I think that winter is the best."

"On it, and I also think winter is best. It's just so pretty and it's her favorite."

"Hey, why does Ellie love winter so much?" I ask

Becca hesitates.

"It ger story to tell" She finally says. " I'm gonna go get Ellie"

She walks off to get Ellie and I reach into my pocket and pull out a ring box, I open the box and smile. The ring is so Ellie. She's gonna love it.

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now