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"Ellie Price, will you marry me?"

"Whhat gammm ggaaaa yeemmm" I stutter, not able to form words 

"Ellie? Are you okay?" Josh asks concern in his eyes, he gets up closes and closes the box. I tackle him in a hug I kiss him, tears streaming down my face

"Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes! Josh!" I say happily 

" You had me worried Ellie. Actually, no you didn't I knew that you would say yes. Now, let's get out of the snow I don't want my fiance to get cold!" Josh says jokingly I roll my eyes

" Come one goofball, let's go back to the group." I laugh 

"Ellie wait. You need your ring. God, did you forget about the ring?" Josh says seriously he opens the box and I gasp. 

"Josh it's beautiful" I gasp. The ring has a side stone setting which is beautiful rose gold. there are three small stones on each side, framing a larger pear-shaped diamond. He lifts the ring and shows me the inscription on the inside

"It says 12 years of true love, you know why? Because the first time I saw you, I knew it was you, I knew you were my true love" Josh says his voice filled with love. Josh smiles as he slides the ring on my finger. He pulls me into a hug and we kiss. We have made-out before but it has never been like this before, this kiss is more full of love, promise, anticipation, and overall true love, all the other times had been just a kiss that got a little deeper. 

"C'mon Josh," I say pulling away from the kiss after well quite a long time. "We gotta get back to the group their gonna wonder where we are. Knowing Hellen she would think that we had freaking sex in the snow. Actually, she's gonna say that once we get there. We better get back." Josh rolls his eyes.

"Josh let's take engagement photos! We can put them on our Instas so the sorta friends can find out." I say as I start to pull out my phone. We take some photos, and after I take the photos, I start to take off the ring. 

"Why the hell are you taking off your ring! We just made-out!" Josh exclaims 

"Hellen," I say, and I reach into my jacket and put my ring in the hidden zip-up pocket on the inside.

"Why are you even friends with her?" He asks as we walk back up the path back to the rock ridge.

"I, I- I don't know. Well we meet each other in freshman year, in college and we never really were friends, but Callie had a huge crush on Hellen, and so I set them up, and because I was such good friends with Callie, and I even set them us I felt; and still do. Feel like I have to be friends with her and suck it up." I say with a shrug. We almost got to the car, and I pause. 

"Look, Josh, I know that you are mad but I don't want drama. And OMG look. Wh-why why are Hellen and Callie making out?" I start kind and normal, and I finish frantic and confused. 

"I-I have no idea...wait." Josh pauses squinting. "It looks like like Hellen is wearing an engagement ring," Josh whispers. 

"Whhattt." I stammer. Callie sees me and pulls away and waves. She  laughs

"Ellie! Were engaged! I'm getting married! Can you believe it! Ahhhhh!" Callie shrieks. "I'm so excited!" 

Hellen looks up and smriks. 

"Yall were gone for a while. What were ya doing? Oh, wait you were doing it." She says with a smirk. I look at Josh and roll my eyes. You called it Josh mouths. We get in the car and the whole time home the only thing Hellen talks about is how A) Me and Josh totally hooked up, and B) All the gross things that she is gonna do to Callie when they get home. Even Callie looked slightly revolted. I try not to listen, and it's super easy because I'm making the engagement announcement post. I'm sitting in the front seat, and because of that I can do this as much as I please. Josh looks over at my post formating and smiles.

" I wish you were wearing the ring right now, instead of in the photos," he whispered super quietly. I look down at my phone and type: We're gonna be home soon, and I'm never taking it off.  He smiles and gets back to driving. A while later we are home. 

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now