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I wake up and look outside and OMG snow. Snow! Snow! We pull into the parking lot and get on all our snow gear (Somehow without not a whole lot of cursing). We walk around, play in the snow have this huge snowball fight, and make snowmen! On the way back to the car for some cookies and hot cocoa, Josh asks us a question

"So after hot cocoa do y'all want to go off on our separate ways? Like couples? Would that be cool?" Josh asks hesitantly. Becca smiles and kinda winks at him. What the heck? Oh well. 

"Yeah, I think that would be cool!" Hellen adds. "Did anyone bring whipped cream by any chance?" She asks

"Sorry, Hellen. I forgot. Plus it would have probably melted by now. It's been like 3 hours since we left." Becca says with a bit of a duh voice. 

"Hmmm well, that's fine. Let's have some cookies." Hellen says with a sigh. Josh pops open the trunk and Becca grabs the basket she made,  inside, there are 7 thermoses, a few bags of cookies, a bag of mini marshmallows, and some sandwiches.

"Yum!" I exclaim I love cookies, and the sandwiches look like the ones I love; wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes, olives, American cheese. Yum! We dig in and the food is gone in minutes! 

"Can we go now?" Hellen asks

We all agree and brake off into groups and start on our merry way

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now