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We get home to our house in San Diego, and we walk inside, I shut the door and glare at Ellie. 

"Put on your ring," I say annoyed. She smiles at me and reaches into her jacket and pulls out her ring, and puts it on. 

"When do you want me to post the pics?" She asks with a smile. 

"In like 20 minutes. Do you want to know why? Let's look at wedding color schemes." I say. Ellie looks shocked. 

"You want to look at wedding color schemes?!" She says confused. 

"Yeah! I want our wedding to be the best wedding ever!" I say, super happy. 

"Okay!" She runs into the guest room/office and returns with her Chromebook. She quickly logs in and flops down on the couch next to me. She Googles "Wedding Color Schemes" and we begin our hunt. 

"Oh! That one looks super pretty!" She says pointing to a theme called "Mascarade" it is basically blacks, burgundies, and dark greens. I shake my head. 

"It's to, dark. I feel like it should be brighter ya know?" I say as I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. She looks again, nods agreeing with me, and keeps clicking. She crinkles her nose at one called "Potters Clay". 

"Do you not like that one?" I ask. "I think it's kinda cool!" I continue 

"I mean it's okay. But not my favorite. The name is kinda strange." she states. 

"But it's pretty." I counter. 

"Gods of Olympus." Ellie gasps. It's always so cute when she does that. She never really told me why, other than a big Greek myth phase in 7th grade, and the habit stuck. 

"What is it, Ellie?" I ask

"That color scheme. Its, it's amazing." she points to a theme called "Dusty Rose". The groom has a gray tuxedo and has a dusty pink tie. The bride is wearing a ballgown style dress with long lacey leaves. The bridesmaids were wearing dusty pink dresses, with the same dress style but different tops. It is actually quite pretty. 

"I think it's really really pretty!" I say kissing the top of her head. "Let's save it, and let's go work  on diner." Ellie makes a Google Doc and saves the theme. She puts the computer down and gets up.

"Ohhh! Can we have Mac n' cheese!" Ellie asks.

"Sure. We have cheese, and macaroni, so yeah, let's have mac n' cheese!" 

An hour later we have mac n' cheese. We sit down at our table and dig in. About an hour later we are done with dinner, dessert, and a glass of wine. 

"Hey, Ellie? I need to get some work done, and-"

"Dang it! I gotta post the engagement photos!"  She grabs her phone and looks at me. 

"Is it cool to post them now?" she asks. 

"Of course," I say kissing the top of her head. "I'm going to start cleaning the kitchen." I continue. "You can post it, love." 

"No! We need to post it together," Ellie exclaims. I sigh, and we go down to the couch. 

"Are you ready?" I ask. She nods

"On three. One, two, three" We press the button and it's posted. 

"We did it" She whispers snuggling on my chest. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. 

"What do you want to watch?" I ask

"Anything you want," she says snuggling. 

I put on a movie and put my arms around Ellie. I kiss her head and whisper

"Be honest with me did you think that I would propose?" Ellie hesitates and lists her head

"I hoped you would but... I didn't know. I'm glad you did." with that she puts her head back on my chest and closes her eyes. I spend the next 30 minutes thinking about what she said. 

"Hey, Ellie?" I look down and see she is asleep. I smile and start to lift her head up, and set it down on the couch. I get up, and grab a blanket and wrap it around Ellie. 

"Goodnight Ellie. I love you so much. I don't know why you thought that I would not propose, but I have, and I will stay with you for the rest of my life." I say quietly, and kiss her on her head. 

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now