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I know my friend. I know that Becca is hiding something from me. I ignore her and let her take my hand and drag me to the car, whole time she is blabbing on and on about, well I don't know. Cookies maybe?

"Ellie? Earth to Ellie. Ellie are you even listening to me!" Becca exclaims. 

"Hmm? Oh! Becca! Sorry my mind was Sur la lune'" Seeing the confusion on her face I add 

"My mind was on the moon, in outer space. Like not on earth." I roll my eyes " I was thinking."

"Ahhhh. Elle you know I like forgot french." She says with a sigh

I know she forgot her french but I know she knows the phrase ¨Sur la Lune¨. Something is up. 

"Come on Elle, let's go." Becca says interpreting my thoughts "Take a guess where we are going!" She says somehow happy even though she said my idea of a triple date was and I quote; "So stupid. What the hell are we gonna even do? It's gonna be 6 people Elle." 

Yeah, something is up. I sigh. 

" I don't know the beach?" I say with zero enthusiasm. 

"Nope! Also who the hell goes to the beach in winter. A week before Christmas." She says seriously. " You're gonna love it. We are going tooooooo the mountains! And not just any mountain, no we are going to the snowy mountains!" She exclaims. I start jumping around in a circle giddy. I love snow and winter. It is the best! I grab her arm and start pulling her to the car. 

"Come on. Let's go!" I yell I turn the corner and see Josh hid whatever he is holding, and quickly puts it in his pocket. I run up to him and give him a hug

" What are you hiding Josh? Come on tell me!" I look at him and make my best sad face. "Fine. If you're not gonna tell me, get in the car."

"Dang. That's like the rudest thing I have ever heard Ellie say.¨ Leo says with a laugh. Hellen grins.

"Come on guy let's go! We're going to the mountains. It's gonna take forever to get there. Come on!" Becca says excitedly. She loves the mountains and snow almost as much as I do. Leo smiles, and they go into the car. Callie and Helen get in the car leaving only me and Josh outside, and by the looks of it we're gonna have the front seat.

"Looks like we have shotgun," Josh says. Something is still bugging him. I can tell.

"You're driving," I say with a smile "Let's go it takes a while to get there" and with that, we get in the car and start our way to the mountains. 

A Winter Love Story- Book One in the Ellie & Josh SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now