Chapter 11

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A/N: let me know what you guys think of this chapter xx :) Italic words are your thoughts. I put emoji's when there's a phone call, the emoji's/nicknames are what each person has the other person on their phone (if that makes sense). Also, I'm sorry if my chapters are short. xx


You honestly didn't know what happened to you after you blacked out but you figured you'd be at the hospital because once you woke up, you could smell that hospital smell. You felt something heavy on your hand so you opened your eyes and saw that it was Emily. She didn't notice you were awake but you could tell she wasn't sleeping.

Y/N in a weak voice: Hey Em

Emily: Omg god you're awake! Y/n I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you.

Y/N: Emily this wasn't your fault, we both didn't see the unsub approach us until it was too late. So don't blame yourself for what happened to me, okay?

Emily: Okay, but I am going to try and make it up to you. :)

Emily was about to say something else but was interrupted by her phone ringing, I turned to look at it and saw that it was Garcia

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Emily was about to say something else but was interrupted by her phone ringing, I turned to look at it and saw that it was Garcia. Emily answered her phone and I could hear Garcia's voice even though she wasn't on speaker.

Brown-eyed beauty(Emily)❤️😚: Yes Garcia I'm with her as we speak, okay I'll put you on speaker so you can talk to her. *clicks speaker icon* Okay now she can hear you.

Garcia💻🌸: y/n are you, okay darling, I'm sorry I'm not there in person.

y/n😊❤️ : Yes I'm okay Penelope, and don't be sorry it's okay.

Garcia💻🌸: God I wish I could hug you right now, I was so worried.

y/n😊❤️: I wish I could hug you too, hopefully, they discharge me today or tomorrow cause I really don't like being at hospitals.

Garcia💻🌸: Yeah hopefully, but if you need anything once you're discharged let me know, okay?

y/n😊❤️: Okay I will.

Garcia💻🌸: Okay, I wish we could talk more but I have to take care of somethings that Hotch asked me to do. Goodbye my brown-eyed beauties, stay safe.

y/n and Emily: Goodbye Garcia.

The next day......

You were going to be discharged today, surprisingly. But someone would have to take care of you because you were going to be in a lot of pain and had to change your bandages for a week and a half. You still didn't know who you were going to ask because you didn't want to be a burden to anyone. After a while of building up some confidence, you asked Emily if she could and she agreed, you were honestly really happy because you're going to spend more time with Emily. JJ had been really close to you ever since you got to the hospital, she wouldn't ever want to leave unless you told her to, you just thought that she was trying to help but she had kissed your forehead each time she'd leave, this took you by surprise.

She was also ignoring Emily most of the time but you didn't know why. Anyways you were changing into a fresh pair of clothes which was a bit hard to do when it came to putting on underwear and pants. It hurt you to get changed but you still tried to do it as best as you could, the only thing you couldn't put on was a bra. It was hard for you to latch the back pieces together so you just decided to skip on wearing one. You were wearing an oversized hoodie so you weren't as insecure about the idea of people looking at your chest. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Emily waiting for you with both of your stuff, you walked out of the hospital and headed to your condo.

Once you got there, you tried helping Emily with her bags that she had brought since she was going to stay with you until you could go back to work. Emily wouldn't let you help her because she didn't want you to hurt the shoulder that was injured. You thought it was sweet of her for doing all this even though she didn't have to. You showed her to the spare room you had and let her unpack her belongings, you decided to make lunch for the both of you. Once you were done, you set up the table and took out some white wine cause you knew it was Emily's favorite type of wine to drink.

This is what you made:

You saw Emily coming towards the kitchen and she looked a bit confused when she saw you sitting at the dinner table instead of being on the couch watching tv, you know relaxing

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You saw Emily coming towards the kitchen and she looked a bit confused when she saw you sitting at the dinner table instead of being on the couch watching tv, you know relaxing. Maybe she hasn't noticed the food. You see her eyes go down to look at the two plates of food and the bottle of wine. She smiled for a bit but then she frowned. Oh god, she doesn't like it, I'm so dumb. She started talking before you could say anything.

Emily: *sigh* y/n you didn't have to make us lunch, you know the doctor said for you to take it easy.

Y/n: I know but I wanted to at least make us lunch, you know kind of a small thank you for driving me here and staying with me meanwhile my wounds get better.

I'm not going to only make her lunch to show how thankful I am for her taking care of me, I have other special things I'm going to plan out. Also, I'm doing such a good job at not being a nervous wrecking around Emily.

Emily: Thank you but next time I'm making food for us, I'm here to make sure you don't injure your wounds even more than they already are, so that means I'm in charge.

Y/n: O-okay.

Those last two words drove you crazy but you couldn't let Emily know that it did cause you didn't know how she'd react. You put your legs together and poured a glass of wine for you and Emily and started eating so that way you could distract yourself. Emily complimented you on your cooking skills which made you blush but luckily she didn't see. You both finished eating and you got up and grabbed your plate and then grabbed Emily's plate. As you were lifting it up she grabbed your wrist and said in a serious voice, I told you that I'm in charge, now put the plates down and go relax on the couch like a good girl meanwhile I clean the dishes.

All you could do was nod, you started to feel your underwear getting wet from Emily's words. You did as you were told and went to sit down on the couch and put on Suicide Squad while you tried to find a comfortable position to sit on the couch.

This woman is going to be the end of me...        

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