Chapter 15

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You and JJ had been flirting back in forth and you honestly really liked it, she made you feel special and important. She convinced you to tell her what happened between you and Emily because she noticed how your behavior would change whenever Emily was around. After you explained to her what happened you made her promise you that she wouldn't say anything to anyone. You guys caught the unsub, she tried escaping from the back door but you guys were already one step ahead of her. Once you guys finished Hotch said that the jet was going to be ready to leave in an hour so you all went back to your hotel rooms to pack. JJ put on some music meanwhile you guys packed so that way you guys wouldn't get bored. She put on Look what you made do by Taylor Swift, Emily's room was next to yours so you decided to sing along with JJ because honestly some of the lyrics remind you of Emily. Emily had tried her best to have a conversation with you other than work-related but JJ would come and talk to you about something random.

Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times
You and I'Cause baby, now we got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look at what you've done
'Cause baby, now we got bad blood 

Now we got problems
And I don't think we can solve them
You made a really deep cut...

It had only been 2 weeks since the whole Emily thing but it still hurt you that she saw you as a mistake she made. You tried hard to forget about what she said but her words always came back to your mind whenever you tried falling asleep. One night you got drunk and JJ had to drag you out of the bar, she tried telling you to forget about Emily and that you should try moving on. Of course, you tried but you just couldn't get over Emily, you've loved for almost 3 years now. Both you and JJ walked to the elevator, " Hey so how about we go to a bar and have our girls night ?" " yeah sure, what do you have in mind ?", right when she was about to answer your question you hear Rossi talking to Morgan and Garcia about going out to celebrate. 

Garcia: Hey luvs, want to celebrate for finishing the case with us? 

You looked at JJ basically asking her " do you want to? " 

JJ: uhh.. yeah sure, why not. :)

Y/n: Don't worry Jen we'll hang out some other time, okay? 

Garcia: What's this now, you guys were going to have your own girls night with me and Emily?

Right after she said that Emily joined you guys and asked what happened because she heard her name. 

Garcia: y/n and JJ were going to have a girls' night without us, can you believe that ?! 

Emily: *chuckles* yes I can.

JJ: What's that supposed to mean? 

You knew she was starting to get upset, you could tell cause JJ always grips her shirt when she's mad, she does it to try to not show that she's upset. 

Emily: Nothing. 

JJ looked at you and you looked back at her and put your hand in hers, no one saw so you didn't mind that the rest of the team was there. Everyone went in their separate cars but your car had been in the shop since you guys left for the case so JJ was kind enough to give you rides until your car was ready. On the way there you and JJ talked about what you guys were going to drink, yk small talk. The next thing you know you feel something on your lower thigh, you look down and see that JJ has her hand on your thigh. You don't know whether to freak out in your mind or to just ignore, of course, you freak out, I mean who wouldn't freak out if a hot woman put their hand on your thigh. You try looking out the window and you know that you're getting close to the bar, all you had to do was turn left and then right and you were there but of course, there was a red light. As much as you tried to pretend that nothing was happening you couldn't because as it took the light to turn green, JJ moved her hand up your thigh. Oh my god, what's happening!!!!  You looked at the light and thank god it turned green because honestly, you didn't know what would have happened next. Once JJ parked the car you got out and waited for her to do the same, you didn't want to just leave her cause that would be rude. Garcia greeted you both and showed you guys to the booth the team was sitting at. Emily was already there and there happens to be a free seat next to her, you were going to sit next to Garcia on the other side but JJ had already sat there so you had no other choice but to sit next to Emily. Yes, you thought you were being childish for still being upset with Emily but she broke your heart, of course, you still loved her but you just couldn't talk to her just yet.

2 hours later...

At this time your pretty drunk, basically all of you were except for Emily and Rossi, they decided not to drink as much so that way they could make sure everyone made it home safe. Garica, JJ, and you decided to do karaoke so you guys went up and picked a song, well you picked the song, Garcia and JJ were arguing about who was going to be the main singer. You decided to put a Taylor Swift song cause why not, plus you knew JJ liked Taylor Swift so you chose one for her.

I guess you didn't care

And I guess I liked that

And when I fell hard

You took a step back

Without me

Without me

Without me

And he's long gone

When he's next to me

And I realize

The blame is on me

'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now

The three of you were singing and surprisingly you guys didn't mess up, you looked over at Emily she was taking a sip of her soda while she looked back at you. She knew you were singing the song towards her, you tried playing it "cool" and turned around to make it seem like you weren't looking at her. Once the song ended Rossi said it was time to go home, Emily and him made sure everyone that was a bit sober enough to drive was in their cars, those who weren't were going to get a ride from either him or Emily. JJ had sobered up a bit so she was able to drive but since she as still a bit tipsy her sober thoughts were coming out of her.

JJ: Y/n your so pretty I don't know how someone could break your heart.

Y/n: Awwwww Jayjeeeeee, that wass so sweeeeeet!

Emily came to check on the both of you to make sure nothing bad was happening because she could hear you talking from the other side of the parking lot.

JJ: Shhhh she's here😬

Y/n: 😬

Emily: umm am I missing something?

JJ: Nothing that concerns you, * gets in car * Bye!

Y/n: ooooo she's mad at you, wait I think I'm mad at you too but I can't remember why hehe


JJ: Y/n get in the car before she hurts you again.

Y/n: Gotta gooo, byyyeeee!!


Emily didn't know what to do after what she just heard, she still loved you she was just scared to admit it to herself. But what you didn't know was that her mom had come to visit her the morning before the case, let's just say it didn't end well. Emily's mother tried to get her to go on a date with a guy from Interpol and Emily tried telling her mother that she wasn't interested in men and that she had found someone that made her happy. Her mother told her some pretty hurt full things and that's when Emily decided that she had to make you think she didn't like you that way so she had to hurt you a bit. She hated seeing you sad but she hated seeing you and JJ flirting constantly. That night Emily cried herself to sleep, she missed being able to hold you and kiss you and tell you how much she loved you.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. xx

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