Chapter 23

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A/n: okay I'm so here's the next chapter...I don't know if I like it or not, lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading, thank you all for reading and voting. Xx


1 week later...

At this point you had lost hope of getting saved by your team, you knew they were looking for you but it just felt too long. I don't know how much of this I can handle anymore. The unsub, who you now know as, Christy, comes bursting through the door. "Hey sweet angel, you friends found us. Took them long enough huh? Anyways I have to run, I just wanted one last kiss from my one true love." After the third day of being with her you learned to just give in and listen, that way it wouldn't be as bad.

After kissing her, she left taking out her gun and escaping brought the back door, that was a dumb move. You heard yelling and then someone came from the door of the basement you were at. It was dark so whoever it was couldn't see you and you couldn't see them either. They were searching everywhere until they found you, it was Derek. " Y/n, it's okay we're here now." He hugged me and for the first time of being in the dark, you felt safe. Derek has always been like a big brother to you, so you were glad he was there. He put his jacket around you when he noticed how cold you were, as you exited the house you kept your head down, not wanting to look at anyone.

You heated yelling coming from a distance, it was Christy, "She'll never forget me! I will always haunt her thoughts!". She laughed making you uncomfortable, you knew what she was talking about but the team didn't, they all just looked confused. No one was going to know what happened, you already felt disgusting so why make other people think that too. Will they think that? I don't think they will, they're like family, so they wouldn't, right? Derek took you to the medic to have you checked, there wasn't anything really bad on your body, just bruises and scratches. Where's Emily? "Uh, Derek, where's Emily?, " She had to stay at the Hotel, Hotch said she couldn't come since it was personal for her." You nodded.

Time skip...

The ride to the Hotel was quiet, you didn't mind. The team knew you would need some space after being abducted, so they didn't bother you with questions. JJ was sitting next to you, you weren't upset with her anymore. She wasn't either, she looked at you with worried/guilty expression. You put your hand on hers to let her know you were okay, you gave her a weak smile. It started raining, you smiled as you saw the drops of rain hitting the window, you always liked rain, it made you feel calm. As the car  took you seatbelt of quickly which everyone noticed, you just looked at them as you got out the car slowly.

You admired the rain for a few minutes, you didn't care that you were getting you clothes wet. JJ had to lead you to the hotel because you didn't move from where you were standing, you hadn't noticed that you were standing in the rain that long.  JJ took you to your hotel room, she was making sure you were alright, she even came inside. Before you could unlock the door, Emily opened it and hugged you like if it was like last time she was going to be able to.

Emily: Oh my god, y/n your okay? I'm so sorry I didn't go with you and made sure you were safe. I shouldn't have told you to go to store by yourself, I'm so sorry, please don't me mad at me.

Y/n: What, Emily I'm not mad at you. It wasn't your fault, okay? I'm okay, see, I'm here with you.

You wiped the tears that had fallen down on her cheeks, you didn't like seeing Emily cry. It made you want to cry with her. You hugged her so that she would stop crying, once she did you got up a told her you were going to shower. She didn't want to let go of you so you told her she could stay in the bathroom with you, she agreed at started the shower for you. You thanked JJ for walking you to your hotel room as she left. Emily called out for you, telling you that the water was now hot enough for you to go in.

Y/n: Um..Emily, can you turn around?

Emily: Yeah, of course.

Taking of your clothes as quickly as you can, you jumped in the shower and let Emily know that she could run around. Most of the shower you stood under the water, letting the hot water drip down your body, you quickly washed your body and hair making sure  you were clean before you got out. You had Emily turn around again, you didn't want her looking at you, there were bruises all of your stomach. Emily asked you if you were hungry and that she could get you something if you wanted, you told her no, you just wanted to sleep. "Can we cuddle? I'm really tired." " Whatever you, princess". You cringed at the word princess,you liked it when Emily called you that but you were still trying to block out memories from the past weak. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, hearing Emily's heart beat made it easier for you to fall asleep.

Emily's POV:

Y/n fell asleep not too long ago, she seemed to be really tired, she fell asleep quick. I was glad she came back safe, I don't know what I would do without her, I know that's cheesy but it's true. Hotch told me that he wanted her to go to therapy, it would help her with whatever she went through, he wouldn't tell me any details that the medics had discovered. No one else knew, I asked the rest of the team and they didn't know either. Is that bad? Hotch normally tells us at least one detail when something happens to someone on the team. Y/n started mumbling something in her dream, I couldn't understand what she was saying. She jumped up quickly while screaming, "y/n your okay, it's me Emily. Look at me, it's me. Your safe how, it was just a nightmare." She cried into my chest as I held her, she held onto me tight. Her breathing had slowed down, she fell back to sleep so I layer down slowly so that I didn't wake her.

There was a knock at the door, I didn't know what to do, y/n was sleeping on my chest. *bzz bzz* I looked at my phone to see a text from JJ, I told her that the door was open and for her to come in because I couldn't get up at the moment. " I heard screaming, is everything okay?" "Everything's okay, y/n had a nightmare but I managed to calm her down."

JJ: I wonder what happened to her, she didn't talk he whole way here. She only spoke when she was in the room with you.

Emily: I tried asking Hotch, but he said that he couldn't share that information to the team. She'll tell us when she's ready.

JJ: Yeah, we should just let her be for now.

Silence filled the room and not the good kind,  it was the awkward type of silence, we just looked at y/n as she slept. JJ ended up going back to her room, y/n didn't seem to have anymore nightmares. She slept the whole afternoon, I stayed next to her, admiring how peaceful she looked. Soon enough, I got hungry and ordered room service, I ordered something for y/n so when she woke up she had something to eat.


A/n: okay um I don't really like this chapter, it's not my best but I hope you liked it. Xx

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