Chapter 16

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The next morning you woke up with the worst migraine ever, you sat up and looked around. This isn't my room, wait why am I not wearing any clothes!  You literally were in your bra and underwear, you got up and tried to look around to see if you were either abducted or if you were at a friends house. When you couldn't really find anything you walked to the door and opened it and walked to the kitchen where you saw JJ and Garica talking while drinking coffee. They didn't see you so they continued talking, you decided to just stay there and listen because you couldn't really think besides the fact that your head hurt a lot.

Garcia: Did you hear about Emily's new man candy?

JJ: What she's with a guy?! 

Garcia: Yup, apparently they met at a coffee shop earlier this morning and she's sure he's the one. 

Penelope and the rest of the team besides JJ didn't know that you and Emily had slept together meanwhile you weren't working. Hearing this made you both angry and sad, WOW ALREADY, UGH!!!! JJ honestly looked kind of happy that Emily found someone else but she tried hiding it as best as she could. 


Garcia told me that Emily had met a guy and I honestly was so glad because now I have a chance to help y/n get over her and fall in love with me. I don't know how Emily could let go of y/n, she's so hott and smart, I can keep going on and on but you get what I'm trying to say. What I want is for y/n to be happy and that could be with me, I mean we've been best friends since she joined the team, we've gotten really close. Noone from the team knows about y/n's past, she only told me because she trusts me and I trust her. Anyways as me and Penelope were finishing our coffee, I heard a slight sniffle coming from the hallway, when I turned my head I saw y/n trying to hold back in tears, oh god she heard us this whole time.  Garcia turned to see what I was looking at and before we could say anything y/n turned around and quickly went back to my room. " I'll go see if she's okay ", "okay Luv". When I got to the door to my bedroom it was locked, of course, I knew that it wasn't going to be easy to get y/n to open the door but I had to try I couldn't let my baby be alone. 

JJ: Y/n, sweetheart please open the door. 

Y/n: Jay please leave me alone.

JJ: Y/n you know I can't do that, you're hurting and I don't like seeing or knowing that you are. So can you please open the door before you do anything bad to yourself? 

The door opened and I could see that she was truly heartbroken, she had fallen hard for Emily, and for her to find out that she was with someone else made the situation between them even worse for her. I quickly hugged her and let her cry it out before asking her if she wanted to talk about it, y/n isn't the type of person to express their feelings through words or even showing them but she's been trying to open up to me, yk baby steps. She cried for about 10 minutes and then finally calmed down, she didn't move or say anything she just walked back to my bed and closed her eyes. I had no idea what she was doing but she just continued to put on American Horror Story, my guess is to cheer her up because it's one of her favorite comfort shows. Penelope walked in and said we had a case which I don't know if y/n wants to go because she would have to see Emily, she used to love getting ready for a new case she was always excited to do her job no matter what time it was. 

Garcia: Y/n, pumpkin are you okay? 

Y/n: Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking though * sad smile * 

Garcia left to go get ready, I turned to look at y/n and she asked what she was going to wear and I told her I could take her back to her place or she could borrow some of my clothes. She picked to wear mine which I was kind of excited for. She chose something that I've never really worn, I think I only wore it like 5 times, I mean it was in the back of my closet so I guess I just forgot about it. 

The outfit:

I let her borrow some of my makeup and perfume, I honestly was so amazed by how gorgeous she looked

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I let her borrow some of my makeup and perfume, I honestly was so amazed by how gorgeous she looked. She looked like a whole goddess, Emily just lost all of that, lucky me.  The drive to the Bau was quiet and I honestly didn't expect y/n to talk right now since she's upset. The best I could do was let her be and wait for her to come to me if she wanted to, I didn't want to force her to talk to me. We got into the elevator and I pushed the button and waited for us to get to the floor of the Bau, I felt y/n hold my hand which made me blush really hard. When I turned around to look at her she at my lips then back at my eyes, are we about to kiss? I smiled at her and she smiled back before crashing her lips against mine, it felt like fireworks were going off, her lips so soft. I kissed her back because that's what I've been waiting to do ever since last year, we continued to make out until we heard the thing from the elevator, y/n gave me another kiss a quick one though, before going to the conference room. I followed her and made sure that we sat next to each other, Rossi was on the other side of me which I was glad for because Emily sat 2 chairs away from him. Halfway through I stopped listening because all I could think about was y/n kissing me, I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed everyone getting up to leave the jet. 

A/N: Okay so I wrote this all at once, it just came to me as I was writing. Please let me know what you think about this chapter and about JJ's Pov. xx

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