Chapter 14

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A/N: Y'all I added a little drama in this chapter, I think that's what you would call it. Anyway, let me know what you think. xx I'm going to make JJ povs once that part of the story comes. 

You woke up to the sound of your alarm and stretched a bit before deciding to get up, Hotch said that you could cut your two weeks of a few days early if you wanted to, which of course you did.  You realized Emily was cuddled up on the side of you so you gently moved her hand off of you so that you can get up from the bed. You tried your best to be quiet but when you were walking to the bathroom you tripped Emily's shirt that you had thrown on the floor and you made the biggest loud noise you could ever make at that moment.  "Shit", you looked to see if Emily had woken up from the noise, please still be asleep, god who am I kidding, of course, she heard me fall.  You saw Emily waking up and once she saw you, you knew she was worried because of the noise you made from fall. You tried getting up and tried acting like it didn't hurt at least a little, but you could tell by the look on Emily's face she knew you got hurt.  You tried playing it off cool so you said, " Hey Emily :)", " Don't Emily me, I know your hurt so stop trying to lie to me. " " what do you mean ", " well for starters I heard you fall and two you never call me Eily unless you're upset with me or if you're lying, so can you just admit that you fell." " Fine, I fell but it was just a normal fall, yk where you just fall and then get up." 

Time Skip...

You and Emily both went to work in your own separate cars because that's what Emily insisted to do so that way the team wouldn't find out you guys slept together. You didn't think anything about it because you didn't want you and Emily to get in trouble. You stopped to get coffee for the team, you thought it would be nice to do. When you got to the Bau you were immediately welcomed by Penelope, " oh my god, you're back! ", " yes I am, I also got you some coffee." after you talked with Garcia a bit you walked through the glass doors and handed everyone a coffee as they welcomed you back. Emily was acting strange this whole time, you thought she probably just wasn't feeling well or something. You gave her, her coffee, " thanks y/l/n", this confused you cause she'd always call you by your first name or a nickname. Why is she acting weird?  Did I do something to upset her?  You ignored it and sat down at your desk and drank your coffee meanwhile you did paperwork.  You noticed flowers at your desk, did Emily put these here? You saw a small card and grabbed it to see what it said, it was from JJ, " I glad you're back, I really missed you. "Maybe we can hang out at my place yk kind of like a girls night but just the two of us. ;)" You thought it was a bit weird cause she visited you last week but you liked the idea of hanging out with JJ cause you guys never really hung out by yourselves.  

Two hours passed and you had finished your coffee so you went to the kitten to get another cup

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Two hours passed and you had finished your coffee so you went to the kitten to get another cup. As you walked in you saw Emily was there, " Hey Em ", she didn't say anything back which made you sad because she was being distant from you and you didn't know why. She grabbed her coffee and left before you could even ask why she was acting like that towards you. As you were walking back to your desk you saw JJ walking towards you and the team, you guys had a new case so you all went to the conference room. " Wheels up in 30 ", after Hotch said that you went to go grab your go bag, you talked to Derek meanwhile you guys waited for it to be time to aboard the jet. Derek talked about how he and Garcia went to the mall and how she had him have matching nails. 

Morgans nail's :

Penelope's nails:

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Penelope's nails:

You guys went in the jet and sat down, you sat down by yourself and waited for Emily

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You guys went in the jet and sat down, you sat down by yourself and waited for Emily. You wanted to talk to her cause you hardly did, it felt like she was ignoring you. You saw her walk into the jet and you looked at her and smiled, she ignored you and sat next to Reid and Morgan. That was mean, she didn't even smile back. JJ was the last one to get on the jet, she saw that you were sitting by yourself so she sat across from you, this made you happy. You guys talked about what you guys would do for your girls' night, you agreed to bring the snacks and drinks cause it was the least you could do, she was letting you stay at her house so that way if you guys got drunk you wouldn't have to drive home. After an hour you got up to go to the bathroom, you saw it was occupied so you decide to wait. Emily walked out and you thought it would be a good time to ask her why she was acting differently. " Hey, are you okay? ", " what do you mean? ", " well you've been ignoring me ever since we left my place, did I do something wrong?", " you didn't do anything wrong I just don't think we should act like we are together cause well we're not, we made a mistake by sleeping together so can you pretend it never happened." After she said that she went back to her seat and just left you there heartbroken, you didn't know why she was thinking like that when she was completely fine before you guys went to work. You felt yourself crying so you went into the bathroom and tried to whipped your tears away. After 4 minutes you controlled your tears and washed your hands before walking out. You were kind of used to hiding your emotions so it wasn't hard to do. You thought it was your fault that this was happening so you thought Emily had a good reason for being distant from you. JJ told you that you guys would be sharing a room together which you were glad to hear because you honestly didn't want to be alone with Emily. 30 minutes before the jet landed you had your eyes closed trying to get a bit more rest before you guys had to get off, you felt something brush against your leg. When you opened your eyes you saw JJ blush and turn around quickly, you did the same she did to you and brushed your leg on the side of hers but a bit higher, you saw her get really nervous and she tried hiding her smile but you saw it just in time before she put her hand over her mouth.  

okay sorry I almost forgot cause i kind of rushed this) Idea credit goes to @hawaiiskzhh, I'm adding some drama I'm still figuring out what is going to happen between y/n, Emily, and JJ.

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