Chapter One

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Hi Friends! This is my first time writing a story so I hope you like it :) This story takes place with 2015 One Direction. Riley is 20, two years younger than Niall(22)


Chapter 1

Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world? You dream about the possibilities as you sit in the back of history? The places you would go to? The people you could meet? Fast forward a few years and you actually get to see these breathtaking sights? That's my life. One minute I was the cute shy girl in the back of the classroom, then the next I'm spending my summer touring the world with my brother and his four best friends.

Who is my brother? He is no other than one of five boys in the world's biggest boy band called One Direction. Yup, my brother is Niall James Horan, and me? I'm his younger sister Riley. Riley Maura Horan. Just two years younger and living in the shadows, at least I like to think so. In reality when your brother is a part of the biggest boy band in the world nothing about your life is in the shadows. How did I get stuck touring with One Direction you may ask? Well, I'll start from the beginning.

I had just come home from being out with my boyfriend Josh and was heading upstairs when mum called me into the living room. "Riley don't go upstairs yet we want to talk to you." Talk to me? I froze with one foot on the first step. Oh great, that could be just about a thousand things. What did I do wrong? I turned and walked toward the living room. Did they find something in my room? Of course not, what even is there to find except a butt load of textbooks and pictures with my friends from this past term.

Thoughts raced through my head as I sat down on the couch, finally noticing my brother who, for starters, was home for once. 

"What's up?" I asked as I settled in still wondering why my brother was here. "How was your day?" Mum asked politely. 

I looked at her with disbelief. How was my day? Is this a test? What did I do? Why can't they just get on with it already? It's bad enough I don't even know what I did, let alone them bringing Ni into it. Dad cleared his throat and I realized I was still looking at her dumbfounded.

 "Uhhh fine? What's going on?" I said, still worried. 

"They want you to go with me" Niall finally spoke up. 

"Go with you where?" trying to put the pieces together. Honestly, why can't anyone in this family just come out and say things? Like it's not that hard to just- "on tour" Niall looked annoyed.

"Tour? Why would I go with Niall on tour?" I asked, ignoring him. 

"Well, we thought since your trip around the world was...uh... "canceled" you could go with Niall and tour the world this summer with him." Mum and dad were beaming or attempting to, as they tried to hide the fact that they just brought up a touchy topic. Niall just sat with his arms crossed.

We used to get on so well when we were younger. Suppose we still do but we have grown apart since he is never home anymore. "Oh. Well that's nice and all but Josh and I had plans this summer, and mum, you and I can finally do those things we talked about doing." I rambled on. 

It's not that I don't want to spend time with my brother and get back to being best mates, trust me I would love that. It's more of sharing a bus with five boys that do it for me, among other things. 

"Sorry hun your mum and I are going on our own little trip for the summer," Dad spoke up, putting an arm around mum's waist. They really are the cutest thing you have ever seen.

"Why can't I just stay here by myself?" It's not like I'm ten anymore. I swear they still see me that way just because I'm the youngest. 

"After what happened last time? I don't think so." One time! You leave your child alone once and your boyfriend MAKES you throw a party. One time and that's it. 

I sighed heavily "What about Greg?" I ask trying to find a way out of staying with five smelly, sweaty boys all summer in a cramped tour bus. I stayed on the bus with the boys when they first became a group, back when Ni and I used to be super close. Man, I miss those days. I used to tell him everything. We used to get mistaken for twins because you would never see one without the other, and we look so much alike. A lot has changed between us in those five years. It went from, 'Hey you're Riley, Niall's younger sister, right?' followed by a nice conversation. Now it's, 'Oh my god it's Niall's sister!', followed by lots of screaming, pictures, and questions on what it is like to have Niall Horan as a brother.

"Greg has a son to take care of." Mum pulled me out of my thoughts. "Besides this will be good for you and Niall to catch up. Just yesterday you told me how much you missed him." My eyes went wide "Mum!" I panicked. 

Of all the things she could have said in front of him it had to be that. "Really?" Niall was now looking at me with big eyes and a surprised look on his face. His eyebrows lifted as far to the top as they could go and pure shock set in with his mouth slightly parted. There was so much hope in his face. Did he miss me as much as I missed him? Was the anger all an act? Did he actually want me to go? A million more questions ran through my head as I stared at him. 

"Uh," I finally spoke, "Well, I mean...I wouldn't say missed...I mean that is, you haven't been around much and I miss uh..." I rambled on trying to avoid his eyes. I was about to give a real answer when dad chimed in.

"It's settled then. You will go on tour with Niall for the summer. Come along dear we still have much to pack for our grand vacation. As do you two." With that mum and dad walked out of the room. Tour? What will it be like? It's been five years since I last was on tour and almost a full year and a half since I saw the boys.

Niall still sat on the couch this time with a smile I had not seen in a long time across his lips. "What?" I asked, getting uncomfortable. 

"You miss me." He teased.

 "Shut up, you wish" I rolled my eyes and gave his shoulder a little push. I got up off the couch and went to my room but not before looking back at Niall one last time. He was still looking at me with a smile on his face. I gave a small smirk and walked into my room. Tour. I was still in disbelief. I hope that Shannon girl Lou has been training will be there so I can hopefully make a friend. What do I even pack for a summer-long trip with One Direction? Then a really scary thought set in. More importantly, what am I going to tell Josh?


Hope you liked chapter one! I know Niall's parents are not together but for this story they are :) What did we think? Things are just getting started. Why is Riley so scared of what Josh will think? Why has it been so long since she has seen the boys?

My brothers best mate (Liam fanfic ft. Louis and Larry)Where stories live. Discover now