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Song for this chapter- Joker by Dax



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"Mhmm. Yeah. Okay. Now listen up amigo, my money better be delivered to me by tomorrow or Nelly may never see her birthday. ¿Si?"
I twirl my expensive golden pen between my fingers, reveling in the cries of anguish of the sorry fucker on the phone.

"Si entiendo! Entiendo! Por favor, no le hagas dano! Pagare, I'll get you your money! Por favor!"

For the record, Darrel did not leave the company to me when he died.

"Bueno. Music to my ears."
I hang up, leaning back on my leather throne. Not throne enough. Esta mierda deberia ser dorada. It should be made of fucking gold and diamonds for how hard I've worked my ass to be here.

You see in life, if you want something, you have to be ready to fuck life up to get it...

Or else you end up getting ass-fucked by life.

You see, Darrel Carson always told me to - you know- fuck off anytime I asked him for advice, help, money or anything for that matter. He never even listened to my fucking demos, so I guess it's safe to say I wasn't Darrel's favourite person.

Darrel Carson was my idol and I wanted to be like him in every way. I listened to all his music, I had his entire merch from nearly all his music videos, I was a crazy fan.

I guess that why they say never meet your heroes.

Even when I remixed his song, I wasn't doing it for the fame. I was just hoping he would notice my talent but...

He simply hated the fact that I grew popular on account of his own music. Other than that, I was the core definition of a loser. He said so himself.

All I really wanted his attention. And the only thing that managed to keep his attention was... himself.

So pardon me for doing the next sensible thing.

Well at least he noticed me.

But he made my life fucking difficult. He fucked with my pay, my music, everything.

I had to resort to other means to get money.

That's a story for another day.

But I wasn't going to let him off that easy.

You can't fuck with me and expect to not get fucked up. And worse, if you are- were someone I used to look up to.

It just ain't right.

So I fixed it .

And now everything's fine. Perfect, just the way I like it.

Todos es perfecto.

No apologies, none whatsoever.



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