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Song for this chapter- All I Want For Christmas Is You by Justin Bieber and Mariah Carey

Song for this chapter- All I Want For Christmas Is You by Justin Bieber and Mariah Carey

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"I want to thank you all for being here tonight."
My dad stands at the centre of the room, donned in a hideous Christmas sweater with a cup of eggnog in one hand and a mic in the other.

My idiot brothers had a makeshift sound system set up earlier.

"As you all know, it was been a steady tradition for the Grey household to host the Christmas Eve's Eve Party each year and we want to thank you all for gracing us with your presence.

"But there's someone here tonight that I want to thank specially. You all know him, you'd be crazy not to. Danté Carson."

Danté waves politely with a small smile on his face as everyone applauds and turns to face him.

His grip on my waist tightens gently as I lean into his warmth.

My dad continues,
"Now this young man is a gem to society and to the world of entertainment, but most importantly, he helped my baby girl to discover herself, to explore her full potential, for that I cannot be thankful enough. And despite the recent tragedy our family encountered, with the passing of our friend, my brother Jonas, we still have a lot to be grateful for.

"We have a renowned artiste in our midst tonight. And earlier on, he told me that he had a little Christmas gift for us all. Everybody, Danté Carson."

What the-
I look up at him, desperately hoping that I am not included in whatever he planned.
He just smiles, that heart-melting smile, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't look so scared, you're not performing with me."

"Phew! You scared me for a second there. "
I let out a breath.

"I'm performing for you."
He winks and then walks to the centre of the room taking the mic from dad.
Wait, what?

"Hey, everyone."
He greets, swinging his guitar around to hold it in front of him, while I'm still trying to give him not-so-covert hand signals that he should not do this. Oh God. Logan-Dante Carson will be the death of me.

"Tonight I'll be performing two songs. The first song is from an old movie. And it's for someone special here tonight. Here goes."

He fixes the mic on a stand and begins strumming the guitar. Then he looks up at me through the crowd.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh...
I see lights on the Christmas tree but
There is no light in me
It's the darkest day in history
Since you went away..."

He smiles and, once again, my heart melts instantly.
Is just an ordinary day without you
It's just another day that fades away
When you're not around..."

He maintains eye contact throughout the entire song.

As he rounds off the song, he walks up to me with everyone watching. Swinging the guitar back, an unusually nervous smile plays on his face.

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