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Song for this chapter- Ghost by Justin Bieber

I struggle to maintain my balance, cradling the box of chocolates and six Sidney Sheldon novels in one hand while trying to shut the bookshop door behind me with the other

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I struggle to maintain my balance, cradling the box of chocolates and six Sidney Sheldon novels in one hand while trying to shut the bookshop door behind me with the other.

I've literally spent my treasured Sunday evening driving around town in search of a bookshop that has Sidney Sheldon books. And trust me, there aren't many in Seattle.

I'm honestly thanking the heavens that my parents got me a car yesterday. According to them, it was supposed to be my birthday gift. But after watching my concert live two days ago, and considering my latest success in my music career, they figured that I would need it as soon as possible.

And they were right. The number of times Earl has asked to drive down to Range today is unreal. If he's not calling me to sign something, he's calling to introduce me to my brand new fashion designer or hair stylist, or giving me a call to congratulate me on my latest success which I mistake for an urgency call, only to drive down to Range and discover that it wasn't.

I eventually put my phone on silent mode to have some peace.

Clenching and unclenching my fists, I take a deep breath. Think happy thoughts, I chant to myself, taking a left turn.

The concert.

That night was legit the best night of my life. Apparently, the concert aired on several TV stations, so both my parents watched everything.

"Oh my baby girl, I'm so proud of you! My baby is a star."
My mom gushed, wrapping me in one of her infamous bear hugs when I returned home yesterday afternoon, while my dad stood to the side, probably too embarrassed to say anything.

He, however, came into my room later in the evening.
"So this is what you want to do?"
He said, more to himself than to me.

"I get it Dad, you don't like it. But even after last night, trust me, my home will always be here. With you guys. I'm never gonna give that up. And I'm not throwing my life away because this is what I want to do. I have never felt more at peace with my self than when I was up on that stage, Dad. It's what I want. It's what he would have wanted. So please, just let me have this."
I argued, already trying to brainstorm several more ways to convince my father that I wasn't wasting my life.

"No, I don't-- look, Kharise. All these years I have spent trying to stop you from being the best you can be when I could have supported you, and I'm sorry for that."
My jaw dropped at that once in a lifetime apology from my dad. The man never ever apologizes.

So, without further ado, I threw myself on him in a hug.
"Thanks, Dad. "

"Happy early birthday."
I heard him say and I leaned back, clearly confused as the day was in January, not November. He raised his hand and a bunch of keys were dangling off his ring finger.

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