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Song for this chapter- A Lot At Stake by Dax ft Snow Da Product

Song for this chapter- A Lot At Stake by Dax ft Snow Da Product

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"Nope. Not doing it. I will most definitely lose my job this time. And I love my job, Layla."
Layla gives me a knowing look, crossing and uncrossing her legs.
"More like the freedom that comes with it."

I scoff, rolling my eyes.
"Same thing, not the point."
I fold, or more like bundle my blue headband into a tight ball. I go to shove it in my backpack, but then think better of it and fire it at Layla's head. Thanks to my suckish aim, it flies weakly and land a few inches in front of her feet.

"I don't know whether to be mad at you or embarrassed for you."
She quips, shaking her head to further cement my agony. But that's not even the worst part.
She followed me all the way to Bakes and Brews after school and met with Linda, who began talking about how I "killed it" last week with my illegal rap mini concert.
And now, Layla wants me to do it again, this time during work, simply because I'm her best friend and there are almost no customers in.

And she wants me to do something original.

No fucking way.

"Please, Kharise."
She gives me what is supposed to be puppy dog eyes.

"Oh please, that shit don't work on me."
I try to slap away the embarrassing look from her face with my hand.
"I'll do your assignment for a week. "

"Enticing, but no-"
"A month plus projects."
I agree without even thinking twice. No way in the hell was I going to pass up an opportunity like that.

"But girl, I ain't got no energy to start cooking up something original-"
I begin racking my brain, before Layla swiftly interrupts me.
"Just do something else. Like Eminem."
She shrugs, pulling out a granola bar from her jeans pocket, and ripping it open with her teeth.

I raise a brow in question. She dislikes Eminem's raps so I'm quite surprised.

She notices and lets out a sigh.
"I know how much you love the guy. So just do one of his raps, I really don't care I just wanna hear you rap."
She bites into the bar.

"Okay well I gotta get back to work, so just chill till I'm done, okay?"
She shrugs, finishing off her granola bar in a second bite.

"No worries. I'll just flirt with Christian to pass the time."
She winks and walks into the kitchen. She won't stop yammering about how he's 'dreamy as fuck' and the fact that he can cook makes him a whole lot sexier.
Oh please.

I pick up the plated burgers and milkshake and head for table 5.
Today, a couple is seated on that table. From the looks of it they are probably on a date.
Ah, young love. Been there, done that, never doing it again.

I set the plates down in front of the laughing pair.
"Can I get you anything else?"
I ask as politely as possible.

"Nah, we're good. "
The guy looks up, displaying a radiant smile.
A strikingly familiar smile.

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