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Song for this chapter- Homicide by Logic ft Eminem


"What are you talking about?"I pick at the leather band of my watch, observant of Earl's reaction when I deliver the - you know- latest development

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"What are you talking about?"
I pick at the leather band of my watch, observant of Earl's reaction when I deliver the - you know- latest development.

"I am just saying that, the new rapper I found wants to stay anonymous."

Lying through my teeth seems to be my style at everything.

Earl tilts his head at me, a smirk forming on his face.
"Remember when I first arrived here in 2010?"

Oh God, I'm pretty sure I've heard this story a million times already.
He moves his seat back and stands up, walking around to my side of the table.

"I was a young, vibrant and handsome musician full of so many dreams and imaginations and so much talent that I was dying to share with the world. Your father, Darrel Carson spent his time trying to develop his empire, so how could he possibly notice a young scrawny hopeful kid like me?"
He goes on, shrugging for effect.

"I did the one thing that I knew would bring me to the limelight."
He walked back to his seat and sat down comfortably.
"I remixed one of his songs that had not been released yet that I was lucky to have access to. He got pissed, yeah, but I brought him more money than anyone had in years. So he kept me even though he resented me and what I did. My point is I did something shady, but it was for the greater good.

"Now, I can bet half this company's revenue on the fact that you did something shady too, for the greater good as well. See we are not very different from each other..."
He trailed off, leaning across his desk towards me, a knowing look in his eyes.
But I was determined not to say anything about Kharise.

I owe her that.

"Nah, I think we are very different-"

"Ah okay, well let's see. You wanna know what I think? I think, you found this girl. Raw talent, vibeful, something fresh and new and inspiring, and you were desperate, so you pulled a classic music industry card. You tricked her into writing that song with you and gave her zero credit. Now she hates and apparently you care enough about her..."
He leans back on his seat, his smirk growing.
"...to refuse to fully deliver your end of the bargain. True or yes?"

My jaw almost falls open at his accuracy. For him to be that close to the truth, he must have done more than just figure it out.
"Where did you whip up that impossibly accurate story from?"
I sigh, leaning back in the chair.

"Well, I may have been keeping tabs on you and your little project. What's her name, Charis?"

I roll my eyes at him. Of course he had to go full jerk mode on me.

"Yeah, I know. Life can be a frustrating bitch, amigo. Now listen, Danté, I'm not like your father so I don't plan on letting this slide. You could either bring me the talent, or face the consequences. And trust me, they will be terrible."
He concludes, his smirk dropping abruptly.

God I fucking hate this guy. How could such a douchebag inherit my dad's company?
He's not even related to my dad in anyway.

Of course my dad abandoned everything thing else in his life, including my mom and I, for this company and I hated him because of it for years.

But why would he risk leaving it in the name of someone who was not even close to him, much less related?

I sigh and get up, brushing the question out of my mind.

He returns to face the papers in front of him like he didn't just round off a conversation with me on murderous note.

I turn and leave the office.

Well fuck.


I lay back on my bed staring at the plain white ceiling.

Then Kharise starts wondering into my mind. Her annoyingly radiant half smile plaguing my thoughts. And those eyes...

I pull out my phone.

Kharise please, can we talk...:-D

I stare at the screen for about five minutes, imagining it light up with a snide remark from her.
At this point I don't care, I just need her to respond. I need to hear her voice. Or just catch a glimpse of that smile.

I give up, hand slacking as my phone drops on my chest.

My mind wanders back to that evening at the restaurant where she spilled milkshake on me. As annoyed as I was I would literally give anything to relive that moment right. The sensation I felt when I touched her, moving my fingers slowly against the soft skin of her arm, touching her face. It was like fire and electricity at once flowing up my fingers and coursing through my veins.

The flustered look she gave me made me want her more than I ever thought I could want someone. I chuckle to myself when I think of how mad she got when I took her fries.

Damn, I've got it bad.

Please :-D

Thoughts of the day we met in the rain rush into my mind.

How she was so frustrated over something as little as the weather...

How we ended up laughing over literally nothing and everything at the same time...

How her smile was enough to fuck up my mind...

I'm fucked.


It's not like I like her or anything.

It just seems to be an issue getting her out of my head.

The thoughts are so overwhelming that I feel vibration in my chest.

Literal vibration.


I glance down at my chest to find my phone vibrating on it.

Two messages.

From Kharise.

I hurry to open them.

Fuck you. Seriously. I fucking hate you and wish you would just disappear :-K

I let out a sigh of relief.
At least she's talking to me.

Well, texting.

Same thing.

I go on to read the next text.

After my shift tomorrow, you have two minutes to explain yourself. Goodluck trying to convince that your anything but a fucking liar:-K

And she is right.

All the luck in the world might not even be enough.


Hey loves...

Sorry for the short chapter.

I just returned from school and I'll be updating a lot during this period to make up for lost time and also as a special Christmas present to all of my readers for all your support.

So what do you think about the chapter?

Let me know in the comments.

Merry Christmas 🎄🎄

Stay beautiful and safe.

Dhaviewrites 🎅

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